Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Holiday Lane - Wish I Lived There!

Who wouldn't want to make the Holiday Lane pillow so generously provided by Jill at Jillily Studio?  So of course I had to sign up for this blog hop.  :)  Just in case you've forgotten here's a picture of Jill's Holiday Lane.

As much as I loved hers I knew I wanted to use fabrics I already had - I'm trying hard to do that (and if my friends tell you different don't you listen!) - so I started pulling boxes out of the stash closet.  Then I saw it....a huge bin of wools.  Maybe two bins.  Maybe two bins and half another.  Can we say addicted?  So I dumped the whole thing, or two, or two and a half.  Whatever.  And reorganized the whole thing, because I'm a bit OCD that way.  And after sorting and fusing and cutting and stitching, this is what I came up with:

I looked at the pattern.  I looked at Jill's pillow.  I looked at my pillow.  I loved that flange.  I really loved that flange.  But since most everything I make is more on the simple side and I was really stretching myself to add buttons to this...yes, I know but I'm  not exactly a sequin and glitter kind of gal...I decided just to bind mine.  A plain old-fashioned binding.

The next task was to stuff it.  I might have gotten a bit too much stuffing in it and even though I sat on it (don't you say a word!) it didn't flatten much.

When you have a fat pillow it's hard to get a picture of the top and bottom at the same time.

My topiarys wanted to lean, and I could hear my mother's voice saying, "Stand up straight girls!"  And my snowman was a bit shy and tried to hide down on the bottom.  But after taking pictures by the fireplace, in the loveseat, in my sewing chair, outside on the glider and the lounge and the cushion box, with and without reflectors I got a few of the details that you might want to see.

 I added the Star because the birth of Jesus is the reason we celebrate this holiday at all!  And I had to have Santa and a couple of reindeer because my grandchildren would ask where they were.  :)  And look at that smoke...doesn't it look real?  It's a bit of cotton out of a medicine bottle glued lightly.  The star was bought in the craft section of my local fabric store and hand stitched on....I added the rays with a metallic gold thread.

I added the bird because, after hearing my mother's voice scolding the topiarys, I just had to add a reminder of her - she loved birds, any kind, but she loved redbirds most of all.  I know you think those bits of thread were overlooked....but I'm pretty sure that redbird needs them for her nest.  :)

 I stitched red glass beads onto the trees for decorations.  Did you know that glass beads roll off your lap if you try to put them there?  And they also roll off the ottoman, the arm of my sewing chair, and the pillow top.  I'm sure you can picture me crawling around on my hands and knees trying to recover them.  :)   The "lights" on the eaves of the houses are also glass beads, a sort of cylindrical shape.  They roll too.

This little door need a bit of color so I added a holly button.  The doorknobs are a satin stitch using a gold thread.

There's that shy snowman!

Here's a little better view of the gold "lights" on the eaves and of the candy cane widow decoration.

And in a variety of settings the final product!

                                          But my favorite place is in my sewing chair...

Thanks so much to Madame Samm for the dream of these blog hops and Jill for the wonderful pattern, but most of all thanks to Pauline who, even while she was sick with the flu, put it all together and managed it for us.

And for those of you who are still reading this looooong post, I have a giveaway for you.  How about a charm pack of Blitzen...that's fitting, isn't it?  :)
Blitzen 5 inch charm pack Moda Fabric- basicgrey

Just leave a comment for a chance at the drawing, and if you're a follower leave a second comment telling me so.  Sorry, no international shipping on this one.  I think that would probably cost more than I paid for the charm pack!

And now, or after you comment, go visit the rest of the hoppers!  Here's the schedule:

Tuesday November 27


  1. Marlene, you did a fabulous job with this! It's absolutely darling! I love the addition of Santa and his reindeer -- too cute!! :)

  2. I love the bling you added to your cute pillow!

  3. I absolutely love your interpatation of the pillow!! it is so adorable.

  4. Lovely details! The beading adds the perfect touch! The pillow just begs to be made in wools, doesn't it? It's beautiful.

  5. Your pillow is fantastic and I love all the additions! Thank you for sharing and the great giveaway. jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net

  6. Oooh I love your pillow - I especially like the smoke coming out of the chimney - might have to add a piece of cotton wool to mine now too! and yes I am with you with the seed beads - dread to think how many are lurking under my settee!

  7. Really cute pillow, thanks for sharing and the chance to win!

  8. lovely job, looks great!
    Happy Christmas.

  9. I love your pillow and all the embellishments you added. I have enjoyed seeing the different interpretations of the original pillow. There are so many possibilities to make it your own.

  10. I would love the chance to win the charm pack. Also, your pillow is really cute. I love the little "extras" that you added.


  11. Hello, again, Marlene, I am here to tell you that I am also a follower of your blog.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. I'm a follower, thanks for the giveaway.

  14. You put a lot of pizzazz into your pillow, well done.

  15. I love your choice of colors and your embellishments are great. Thanks for sharing

  16. I am a new follower Thanks for the give away

  17. Beautiful pillow - it looks wonderful in wool and I love all the embellishments that you've added...especially Santa and his sleigh :D

  18. Love your fabrics choice and the embellishments are super cute.Great job!

  19. Well I love it even without the flange. The embellishments are darling. Great job.

  20. I just love your pillow, all the little details really add to it! I love working with wool.

  21. Darling pillow! I love the softness of the wool fabrics and the star to represent our Lord!

  22. I love your pillow! I bet it makes top 3!!

  23. I love it -- love all the embellishments, LOVE the binding, just love it all! :)

  24. Your pillow ist wonderful! I love your fabric choice and your buttons. I love your story too. Yes, redbird needs the thread ;-)
    Greetings from Germany, Marita

  25. Love your pillow, of course, but even more I love your description of the "perils of marlene {instead of pauline"}, particularly circa the beads. (have been there, done that) I just love your blog and wish you had more posts!

  26. This is hands down my fav so far..I love it done with your wools you selected...I love reds, I love the piping, I love the photos...and I guess you could say I would follow you anywhere...lol

  27. Love your pillow. Really enjoying this blog hop & how each person has taken the pattern in so many different directions. Thanks for the giveaway.

  28. I'm a follower. Thanks for sharing & the chance to win.

  29. I'm a happy follower :)

  30. I love your pillow and how you added your own touches to it! Santa and is reindeer made my day! So cute!!!

  31. So sweet! Love all your additions! Very pretty!

  32. Look forward to read more as a follower!

  33. I am one of your stalker/followers!

  34. I love it! You did a fabulous job on your pillow

  35. Love the pillow! That came out so cute!

  36. I love the pillow. The colours are great. Thanks for having a give away.

  37. I am a follower and have been since I started in June. I really like the picture at the top of your blog. It is mysterious. Beautiful.

  38. I'm blog hopping and viewing all the pillows! I love your embellishments!! Especially the star - the real reason! and I too love red birds! What is a winter scene without one!! I've been eyeing "Blitzen" for a while - so thanks for the chance to win!!

  39. I'm also now a follower! Can't wait to see more of your lovely creations!!


  40. I love your pillow.It looks great done in wools.AWesome.

  41. Oh I just love the colors that you chose for your pillow...very chirstmassy..thanks for sharing and happy holidays..

  42. This is my very favorite pillow. The embellishments are charming and so beautiful done.

  43. I am a happy follower of your blog.

  44. Adorable pillow! All the little extras add so much. Love Santa flying over your town!

  45. Very beautifully done! I love the embellishments!

  46. So sweet! I just love those lights in the eves and the tiny snowman!

  47. Love it. All those special touches are fantastic!

  48. That is so sweet Marleen. I love all your extra little bits. Happy Holidays!

  49. Beautiful pillow and great post! Love all your embellishments! Thanks for sharing!

  50. Your pillow is adorable! I love all of the special touches made even more special with your explanations! ~Jeanne

  51. I am a follower - I only follow super neat blogs! ~Jeanne

  52. Adorable! I love the Santa and Reindeer, the bird, and everything else! I know your grandchildren will love it!

  53. I really love the richness and look of the wool on this - your embellishments are perfect. Thank you for sharing your beautiful work. Judy C

  54. So your pillow was picked on Mdm Samm's blog. It would have been my pick too. I love the embellishments and the way you finished it too. Well done!

  55. Ha, Marlene! I certainly don't need any Blitzen, but I LOVE the pillow, and am smiling at how you hunted for the best light for catching the sweet little details. It is just gorgeous. I know you'll enjoy it thoroughly!

  56. Love it. I really like the black background, and beading on the trees. Good idea. Thanks. Vivian

  57. Oh my Marlene, you captured Christmas with so much fun and frolick! I absolutely love everything about your pillow!!

  58. Of course I'm a follower :)
    Thank you for the chance!

  59. Very cute pillow, I love your shy snowman.

  60. I just love your pillow. Your embillishments were perfect for it. And it looks like you found a great spot to show it off.

  61. Yes, I am a follower, and thank you for the chance to win. I just hope that I am lucky.

  62. I like yours better than the original.....[Am I allowed to say that?] I love all your little details, especially the lights hanging from the eaves. This would have taken me months----and you just whipped it up??

  63. very cute, clever idea with the cotton for smoke.

  64. Wow! Great job, love all the details and the cute buttons and beads. Thanks for sharing.

  65. I am a happy follower. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  66. Your long post was a joy to read this morning and gave me a little laugh about you sitting on the pillow (oh, sorry, I wasn't supposed to say anything.) Your pillow is just beautiful with all those embellishments. Thanks for sharing and making my morning just a little brighter. :O)

  67. It is just darling and I love how you added all the wonderful details. The lights are such a great idea and, yes, I do know how those little beads go everywere after doing the kid's Christmas stockings.

  68. Love your pillow! Especially the star (too true), and all of that beadwork - amazing! :)

  69. I'm a follower! Thanks for the chance.

  70. This pillow certainly deserves to be in the top thre! What a beautiful work of art1

  71. What a beautiful pillow...This has been a fun hop to follow. And thanks for the chance to win..

  72. I'm a new follower!
    hulseybg at gmail dot com

  73. Here I is!!! your pillow is wonderful on so many levels! one...using your stash...two the embellishments...three including both the reason for the season and Santa. love it!

  74. I love your pillow! Oh, and may I tell you that all those little beads wWILL roll like crazy any where you lay them daown!!! LOL! They look wonderful on your pillow! The smoke caught my eye first thing and I wondered what you did to make it look so real. Now I know it was the cotton from a medicine bottle that you had to use arfter rolling all around picking up beads!! So funny when people add little bits like this to their stories! We all do things like this just not everyone tells!
    hulseybg at gmail dot com

  75. I love the wavy trees and all of your embellishments! Great job!

  76. The details in your pillow are fantastic! I love it - thanks for sharing!

  77. Great pillow. I like that you added the binding, the beads, and the buttons are a wonderful touch. Thanks for sharing.

  78. Love your star and reindeer! Thanks for sharing!

  79. Love all the details of your pillow and I laughed at your description of the red beads escaping!

    Can't win the giveaway but had to comment!

  80. I love all of your beading and extra touches. This was a fun pattern to work with.

  81. I really love all of your beautiful embellishments. You have spent a lot of time on this pillow, and it really shows. What a great, great job!

  82. I am a follower. Aren't these blog hops so much fun?

  83. I'm a new blogger and just retired in September. I'm so excited to find your blog, a person in my age group and with my beliefs. I will be following you maybe it will help me figure out this retirement thing.

  84. Just started working with wool and I love it. Happy to see a pillow made with wool.

  85. I love that you used beads for the 'lights' on your trees. It turned out beautifully!


  86. Love the pillow...and especially the story of the rolling beads.....made me....LOL the part about sitting on the pillow was funny also....

  87. I am a follower.....for a while now....

  88. Its Gorgeous like everything you touch !!!

  89. Congratulations on your pillow. It is wonderful.

  90. NOW you're talking my language...WOOL!! LOVE this pillow!!! Gorgeous! Makes me want to break out the wool and needle and thread!! And a Give Away to boot!! Thanks for the chance to win some Blitzen!

  91. Great pillow!! LOVE the sleigh and reindeer!!

    1. Love your embellishments. My favorite is the fluffy smoke fromt the chimmney.

  92. It's just 'sew' much fun to see how everyone adds their own personal touch to the pillow design. I think I like the good ole fashing binding around the pillow. You should have had me sit on it I bet I could of squashed it real good. LOL

  93. Yes, I am a follower and appreciate a chance to win.

  94. Hi!!! So pretty!!! I love all the extra details you put into it!!! Love the presentation too!!! Thanks for the fun!!!

  95. I really enjoy your pillow! I've loved looking at everyone's variations on the same pattern. :)

  96. Gasp! Stunning.....love the wools!

  97. Oh yeah....I've been following you for some time (could you feel someone behind you?) hahaha

  98. Love your pillow! And also the stories behind the embellishments you chose.

  99. Love those embellishments - the perfect touch to a lovely pillow.

  100. Wow, what a great pillow! It is really pretty and I love all the "extras" you added!

  101. I love your wool pillow, Marlene. I especially like the little bird you added as a token of love and remembrance for mom. All of your embellishments, including the beads, the buttons, and your decorative stitching add even more charm to your delightful little village.

  102. Best thing about hops is finding new bloggers to inspire my creative juices. Love all the little extra trimmings on the pillow, so cute.

  103. I really loved your pillow. So great the way you put so much into it! Thanks for sharing.

  104. Rosemary B here: I have been following for a long time now :-)

  105. Rosemary B here:
    I adore your pillow.
    I know those 2 1/2 boxes of wools were just those little teensy boxes, so don't feel so bad. hahaha
    I love the binding, it really outlines it nicely
    Thank you for sharing your marvelous pillow

  106. I love the pillow you made. All the little bling details make it awesome.

  107. I am a follower. I really enjoy reading your blog.

  108. I think your pillow is pretty awesome!
    lisamcgriff@hotmail dot com





  111. I really like the details you added. The red beads on the trees reminds me of the red beads my mom sewed on our Christmas stockings. They are very old and she couldn't find beads back then, so she found some small pearl like beads and painted them with fingernail polish!

  112. I can't remember if I commented earlier in the day or not. I love the binding on your pillow...is it a piping? The colors mimic the primitive look you love so well. Of course I'm a follower. Your nice Giveaway is generous!!
    Gmama Jane

  113. Love the details you added to your pillow. I especially love the red bird story - it reminds me of my grandmother. Thanks for the chance to win.

  114. I loved santa's sleigh and the reindeer and all the little details you included on your Lane ... and those wools look soft and cuddly, too.

  115. I love all the little extras you added on your pillow~it's just the right touches!!

    I would love to be included in your giveaway!


  116. Your little personalized details are very cute, Santa and the reindeers really "perk up" the pillow design. From California, thanks for sharing.

  117. Oh my goodness!! I love all the detail!! Great Job!!!

  118. I just love the wonderful embellishments, so very clever. They add so much to the pillow! Well done,

  119. Very pretty pillow with all of the extra embellishments. The red binding is perfect.

  120. I really like that you just bound the edge of the pillow and doing it in red was just the right touch. Great embellishments - I do so love the beads.

  121. Marlene I want to live on Holiday Lane too or in Mdm Samm's backyard. I luv, luv, luv your pillow. I have some wool on my pillow too. Its wonderful to work with and can't wait to work wool into another project. The embellishments are perfect and with sentimental meaning. Awesome job Marlene, congratulations on being one of the daily top choices. Thank you for sharing your time and inspiration with us today. Happy stitching, Pauline

  122. Wonderful, wonderful pillow and you remembered Jesus. I like the golden star and your cute Santa with his reindeer.

  123. I am a Follower. Thanks for the sweet Giveaway!

  124. Ok first I want to ask why you didn't share a picture of that huge dumped pile of wool? LOL

    Your pillow is just wonderful. I love all your little details. And just a suggestion....next time, for those little balls to keep them from having to be retrieved off the floor, put them in a small container on your lap instead of directly on your lap.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  125. I've been a follower for a while now.

  126. Oh what fun! I love your "phat" pillow and all it's embellishments! Thank you for sharing it with us.

  127. I have been your follower for awhile now! I love visiting your blog. Have a great day and thanks for the chance to win!

  128. Beautiful pillow, your embellishments are perfect!

  129. Wool makes this pillow so warm & cozy! Your embellishments are fabulous. Thank you for sharing.

  130. I think yours is my favorite yet. Great job.

  131. I love the pillow done in wool. Your beading looks great!

  132. You did a wonderful job, it is gorgeous!

  133. I really like how your red binding makes the houses pop. Isn't it so much fun to see everyone's interpretations :)
