Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I Want To Get To Know You!

(Google Images)

Oh my goodness ya'll, I'm up to 592 followers!  It's going to be 600 before I know it and when that happens I'm going to have a giveaway.  I'll explore my sewing room and see what I can come up with that's wonderful.  :)  Meanwhile, many of you are following but either you don't comment or you don't comment very often.  It's like having friends in your neighborhood that you haven't really gotten acquainted with yet.  Don't worry, I'm not telling you that you have to comment - sometimes I don't comment on blogs I read either.  There's really not enough time for that!  But I would like to get to know you and I bet some of my other followers would too.  So let's do this.  Let's have a Welcome To The Neighborhood Party!  If you would like for me to visit, and for others who follow me to visit, then please comment on this post leaving me your first name (if you want to use it) or a nickname or whatever, along with your blog address.  Depending on how many we get I'll post those names and addresses for several days so you won't have to comb through my comments - maybe I'll post a half dozen a day or so.  Let's visit each other over these next few weeks as the holiday festivities wind down and life gets back to normal.  Whatever normal is.  :)  I want to get to know you!

And if you happen to be reading this but aren't a follower and want to join in, then please do so - just click on my follow button, add a comment on this post with your name and blog address, and I'll add you to the guest list!


1 FlourishingPalms said...

What a great idea, Marlene! Though you and I already know each other and I always love hearing from you, it would be great to have some readers stop over for a tour of my place. Thanks for suggesting this!

Linda H.

2 Carol said...

Well how fun is that! What a clever girl you are! LOVE it!

3 gpc said...

I love visiting AND visitors! I just wish we could all do it in person. :)
Shedding the Wolf -

4 Angie said...

I visit often but don't leave a comment every time.
I'm Angie at

5 FabricFascination said...

What fun Marlene!

I hope that you and your family are having a wonderful holiday season.

Visiting from:

6 Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

I follow and usually leave a comment; but this is a great idea Marlene. I am Marjorie of Marjorie's Busy Corner

7 Denise :) said...

Look at you at almost 600 followers! I try and touch base regularly -- I so enjoy your posts! I know you must be enjoying your Christmas break from work! :)

8 tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Eu sigo gfc,e nem sempre comento.Eu não tenho blog,só conta google,mas mesmo assim recebo respostas via E-mail,cerca de 20 por dia,as blogueiras são muito talentosas e carinhosas comigo. TODOS me chamam de tia carminha entã
Beijos do BRASIL

9 sharnymcclarny said...

Greetings ~ I'm number 593!! My blog address is: Come on over and visit me when you get a chance. Sharon

10 Joyce said...

What a nice idea for us new bloggers. My blog is : I Love Wool

11 ✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

What a fun idea! Congrats on 600 to be! My blog is

12 Anna said...

Count me in! I have you on my blog roll so I can check in regularly!

13 Teresa F. said...

What a great idea!I love to visit blogs but I don'tn have many visitors. Visit me, I'm Teresa and you can find my at

14 Michelle said...

What a wonderful idea. I have a blog, but few bloggers...I have not posted many blog posts but hope to improve that this year. Won't you be my neighbor?

Thank you and Happy New Year.

15 snowlady said...

Hi everyone I am snowlady. Come on over to my blog and visit for awhile.
Hope to see you soon.

16 Paula said...

#594. I not usually a commenter. I visit often and enjoy your blog. I am a fairly new blogger (1yr).
I am from Wisconsin and we are snowbirds. Currently in Texas.

17 sunny said...

I've been a bad blogger and a bad neighbor the past couple of months. Too much happening in real life! Stop over to see me, and I'll do better.

18 Quilting Babcia said...

Hi Marlene - what a great idea and a way for many of us newer bloggers to get to know a few more with similar interests. I've only been blogging since May, and don't post more than a few times a month, but love reading other quilters' blogs and do comment occasionally but not on every post. I'm Pat at

19 Lizzy said...

Thanks for the invite. I definately want to be included. I'm Lizzy I want to make my blog more special this coming year. I will be focusing on stitching and other crafts. Looking forward to meeting some new friends.

20 Helen said...

Hi! I'm Helen, my blog name is Time for Mimi.

I'm Mimi (grandma) to 6 beautiful grandchildren and my blog includes my quilting and a good bit of personal information.

Come and visit...

21 Gail said...

Sounds like fun to me!

Gail At The Farm Familiar Spirit

22 Terry said...

I follow by email, if that counts for anything! LOL

23 Sowing Stitches said...

I've just started blogging as in just this month. I've so much to learn...the reading of blogs no's the little tricks of creating a blog that I will be working on in the coming weeks. I've been following your blog via email.

24 Friendship Crossing said...

Hi, I haven't commented on here in awhile, so please count me in. What a sweet idea! Congrats on your almost 600!

Tanya -

25 Lisa C said...

Hi! I'm a new follower. I saw where you won something and your blog title looked fun so here I am. A new quilter (18 months) in Dallas, TX. No blog.

26 Ray and Jeanne said...

Hi! I'm Jeanne from Loving Retirement! Address:
I love life and am willing to share that love with anyone who stops by. ~Jeanne

27 nanny said...

Good Idea. Are you snowed in and thinking of great blog ideas. I've been MIA for a couple of months and ready to get back to all my friends.

Nanny from

Wow that blizzard sure hit hard and fast, uh?

28 Anita Rowe Stafford said...

Congratulations on your climbing number of followers, Marlene!
Anita Stafford

Anonymous said...

I've been a follower for quite sometime...looking forward to knowing you better.

30 tink's mom said...

this is a great idea. I've been a follower for awhile. I check out all of your postings and time permitting I leave comments.

This is Selina of

31 Teresa Quilts said...

Great idea! I have a bad habit of reading blogs that come into my email and never commenting. I have a blog at My name is Teresa. Love reading blogs and learning as much as I can.

32 Patty said...

I follow by email, but am not a blogger. I am a reader of a LOT of blogs. I am Patty but email is Y'all keep doing what ya do, and I will read and occasionally comment.

33 sandra said...

I am not a blogger but I follow you Marlene and a lot of other people and I have made a few friends who don't mind doing the email thing. My name is Sandra and I live up in Canada and I am a grammie to two little boys. My e-mail is davidson, I do comment sometimes on your blog. Many blessing for the New Year Sandra

34 Needled Mom said...

That's a terrific idea. Isn't it a shame that we cannot comment on each post we read?

35 Sheila said...

Hello Marlene, I am not a blogger, but love to follow your blog and many others. My name is Sheila, I'm recently retired, I live in the Finger Lakes area of Western New York. I am kind of new to quilting and have learned so much from everyones blogs. Hope everyone have a great New Years :)

36 Teri said...

I don't have a blog either.....but follow a few blogs and I do enjoy yours very name is Teri and I live in Twain Harte, is a tiny mountain town in the North East part of California....I have been retired for a year and enjoy being able to sew anytime I want......I think your idea is a fine will be fun to read about everyone....thanks.....

37 Linda said...

Hi, I thought I was a follower, because I am a regular "follower", but I wasn't and now I am, :-) I don't have a blog, but do enjoy checking in with you and others.

38 Lea and her Mustangs said...

Hi Marlene - you know me, Lea from Lea and her Mustangs. A lot about horses, a lot about grandkids and my new "habit" Promise Stitching quilting. I am about half done with my very first quilt. Enjoy hearing from you.

39 Grammasheri said...

I don't often comment but I do read all of your posts. This is a great idea, Marlene. Shake us out of our routine and get us talkin'! I am Gramma Sheri (or just Sheri) from I'm a native Arizonan; hubby & I moved back here a few years ago to be near our moms. I work at the local quilt shop and have WAY too many UFOs!

40 mary mahoo said...

Hi Marlene. What a great idea! I'm Mary from

41 Ronda Walker said...

Hi Marlene, I agree, this is a great idea. I've been blogging since Sept and have enjoyed meeting new "neighbors" from all over the world.


42 Brenda said...

I do not get to visit everyone I follow as much as I would like t. I enjoy your blog when I get over this way! Brenda

43 Ginger Quilter said...

This is a wonderful idea! I don't get as much quilting done in the last years since Arthur Itis has moved in on my hands so I post more about my darling grandchildren and their projects. Please come to visit my blog at:

Ginger Quilter

44 Sewn With Grace said...

I'm so bad at leaving comments but I do stop by and I am a follower. This is a great idea. My blogging goal for 2013 is to leave more comments. Blessings to you this Christmas!

45 Paula M said...

Hi, Marlene. My name is Paula and I live in Northern Michigan. We have a friend in common -- Sandy H. She told me about your blog several months ago and I follow you via E-Mail. I don't have a blog, but enjoy yours very much. I must tell you that I feel like a slacker after reading your blog. I'm very impressed with the number of quilt projects you complete! Thanks for allowing me to "lurk".

46 Michele said...

You are up to 596 so maybe before 2012 is done, you'll reach your goal. This is a great idea. I too don't always have time to leave comments on every single blog that I read but am trying harder to do it much more often.


47 Margaret said...

Hi Marlene! My name is Margaret and I live in Northern Michigan. I don't have a blog but I read yours by e-mail everyday. I don't always comment but I really enjoy reading about your projects and life in general. Thanks for sharing and I hope to comment more often. I am retired and spend most of my days sewing and reading blogs.

48 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Ya know GF I am a follower! I love seeing all the beauitful things you make.

49 Brenda said...

I don't have a blog but I do visit and sit a spell with several bloggers. I go by the nickname "abbigail" and live in western KY.

50 Kristi said...

I think I'll have Mr. Roger's song in my head all day now, but that's OK. Of course, I'll be your neighbor!

On my blog, I like to share recipes, projects, photos, thoughts, memories, and faith, in a spirit of thanksgiving. Any friend of Marlene's is a friend of mine; I welcome new visitors!

Kristi, from

51 Catherine said...

I`m already a Follower and I love visiting your blog! I think this will be fun for everyone.

52 JudyCinNC said...

I have great expectations for 2013 for all os us - and your idea is right along my thinking. After ten months of kidney disease sickness and treatment and the last two weeks with a broken arm, I am soooo ready to get back to blogging and visiting and most of all sewing and creating. I will be working on my blog and hopefully a new hop after the first of the year. I am going to try anyhow. Judy C sends best wishes.

53 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Follower, friend and oh so happy to meet other fun folk. :)

54 carolyn said...

Hi I'm Carolyn at

I've gotten way behind at posting. But, hope to remidy that sooooon....

Love your blog and have followed for awhile now. Always enjoy your posts

Hope you get electicity back sooooon.

55 Gmama Jane said...

Leave it to you to come up with such a Wonderful and Creative idea, Marlene!!! You know I'm a Faithful Follower and try to comment on each post but have missed a few lately during the Holidays. I truly love my blogging and my blogging friends. I treasure your words of wisdom sprinkled in with your quilting/sewing projects. I can understand why you are a Counselor among the many hats you wear. I just adore YOU and hope that one day in the near future we can meet in person as we have talked about so many times. I'm anxious to join in the fun, meet your neighbors, and will promote the idea on my blog next week. I discovered a Blog Hop hosted by Hayley at Mrs. Pickles Garden which is about sharing quilting tips. Several quilters we already know like Linda from Buzzing and Bumbling so I know it will be a great hop. It begins on Monday. Here is the Link:
Gmama Jane at Grandmamas Stories

56 Carol Swift said...

You're so close to 600 followers...whoohoo! I love this idea of getting to know our neighbors. I don't always comment, but I try to as often as I can. I follow you(of course) from my little blog world at I'm Carol or sometimes Just Carol.

57 Adrienne said...

Hey, I'm in the neighborhood, too! Love your blog and love to 'talk' to you, as we do at times. It's fun to meet the rest of you in the neighborhood. Wouldn't it fun if we really could all get together and meet in person?
~Adrienne~ (With A Grateful Heart)

58 Janet said...

I comment occasionally but here I am signing up for getting to know you. Congrats on all your followers!

59 Marge said...

Long time follower here. I love your work. You create beautiful things! I have fallen off the blogging wagon since joining Facebook, but plan to try harder in 2013!

Marge at

60 Lesley said...

Hi! I'm Lesley,aka The Cuddle Quilter, a follower and you and others can visit me at
Thank you!

61 Rosa said...

Wow,600 followers,that`s great!!I`m one of your happy followers.I`m Rosa from Spain and post at:


62 sew.darn.quilt said...

I'm also a follower and I see you're closing in on 600 ;D

Hi I'm Carolyn, a.k.a. Sew.Darn.Quilt
You can pop in for a visit here

I look forward to chatting over the fence with you :D

63 carla said...

Hi!!! Almost 600!!! Yaa!! That is exciting!!! I hope to get there some day!!! I love checking in but sometimes I don't comment!! I love getting to know people!!! Check out my blog here

64 9patchnurse said...

Great idea! There's always room for new Quilty friends.

65 Barb N said...

Howdy, neighbor! Come on over to

66 Sharon Dawn said...

I would love to meet your neighbors! Sharon at dexterdays-sdk (@) blogspot (dot) com

67 Sallie said...

Thanks, neighbor! Welcome to my neighborhood!

68 Susan said...

I am excited to meet some new neighbors! Welcome,wish you could all stop by for tea or coffee.

69 Martha said...

Love visiting with you and I would love to visit many of the others. So consider me in! So many talented and wonderful people in the neighborhood!!

70 Jan said...

Great idea, y'all come visit me!


71 Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

I love this idea!!!

Amy, a quilting sheep

72 Mary said...

What a neat idea! I wish I had happened on your blog and this post earlier.

73 Scrapbook-ChickADoodle said...

I like this idea. (I would love people to "follow me by email" as I don't post every day).

74 Debbie said...

OK, found the post. Great idea to brighten the new year. I will join in.

75 Dorian said...

Hello Dear Marlene. You know me, and we visit each other often. I think this is a great thing you are doing! I am always looking for new blogs and friends. Please add me to your list, as I like new visitors and friends too :)

76 Auntie Em said...

Hello Marlene! This is a fun idea. I'm known on my blog as "Auntie Em", but the "Em" is really "Marlene". When my nieces and nephews were young, they had trouble saying "Auntie Marlene", so I became "Auntie M".

I would welcome new neighbors, and am looking forward to getting to know new blogs.

77 Cecilie said...

I am Cecilie, and are a follower. I visit your blog evry time you write something new! I live in Norway and writes in norwgian, but have a little summary in english. I also have a translation brutton. I would really enjoy forrign visitors.
My blog: bergfruaslapper.blogspot com.

78 Cecilie said...

I am Cecilie and am a follower. I visit your blog evry time you writes something new. I am from Norway and writes in norwegian, but try to write a summary in english at the end of a blogpost. I also have a translation brutton.
My blog:

Anonymous said...

What a super-fantastic great idea! If there's still room I'd love to have visitors. I love this idea, a fun way to meet others. My blog:

80 Phyllis said...

Hi Marlene,

Happy New Year. This is a great idea and I've already begun to visit some of the "new to me" blogs on the list.

Please add me. I'd love to have some visitors and make new friends. :)

81 Phyllis said...

Hi Marlene - happy new year!

I love this idea and would like to meet new bloggers and maybe have a few new visitors myself. Thanks for organizing this.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Fabulous idea! I have enjoyed your blog for a while and became a follower when I first came across it. Thank you! Pamela @ SewMollieSue dot com

83 Missie of Traditional Primitives said...

Is it too late to be added? What a nice hop idea!