Saturday, December 29, 2012

Let There Be Light!

We got electricity about 7:00 tonight - just shy of a full four days!  I'm so thankful to the men and women who worked untold hours in the cold and sleet and rain to restore power for us.  

I need to take a little blog break for a few days to get things back in order at my house but when I return after the New Year I'll be posting all the "Neighbors" we're going to be visiting.  I was thrilled at everyone who wants to participate and get to know each other.  It will be like an old fashioned block party.  :)  See you in a few days!


  1. Enjoy the new year's weekend in the light, and take your time getting back. We know how difficult it is without power for extended periods - all the usual chores go by the wayside, but somehow we make it through even while the laundry and dust pile up, lol! Have a safe and peaceful New Year!

  2. I think your post was a good reminder to us all of the things we take for granted ... until we no longer have them. Once we realize that so much of the world still does without, we can truly count our blessings. Warmest wishes for the coming year.

  3. Looking forward to the visits to the neighborhood! Happy New Year!

    Blessings to you in 2013

  4. That is wonderful news! ENJOY the Light!

  5. Happy New Year and enjoy the light!

  6. Yeah for electricity! Enjoy your break and we'll see you when you get back.

  7. Ah....lights and power. A wonderful thing, so glad you can get back to normal.

  8. ah, lights. We don't know how wonderful they are until we don't have them any more. Your lamp reminds me of one my parents had when I was a child. Very good memories. Have a happy new year!

  9. The light is on I can see you much better, mt dear blessed neighbourx

  10. How nice for you!! We are at the beginning for a snow storm here this morning. I am expecting to lose power sometime during this. And I had plans to take the tree down; then sew!!! lol. Fingers are crossed that the lights will stay on. Anxiously waiting for you to come back.

  11. Yay for electricity! See you soon. :O)

  12. Yippee for LIGHT!!
    Happy New Year...

  13. So happy that the power was restored for you. Four days is a looooong time!

  14. Happy New Year and enjoy the Light!!

  15. Woo hoo! Party! ;)
    So glad you have power back. Yes indeed, all those folks that work so hard in terrible conditions are such a blessing.

  16. Yay for electricity! That makes bringing in the new year a lot more comfortable! :)

  17. So glad you have power back. I cannot think what we would do for four days without power. Our kitchen is all electric. I guess we would have to pull out the BBQ!
