Tuesday, May 14, 2013


At the school where I work there's a long standing tradition that seniors have a "Prank Day."  One year teachers arrived at school to find a full classroom set up on the roof of the gym.  (It had a flat roof.).  This year my office was the target.

Toilet paper and plastic wrap....."the best $12 investment I ever made" according to one of them.  Hmmmm, I think she might have been in the Principal's office enough times to get really familiar with the layout.  :)


  1. I'm sorry. I hope you made them clean it up???????

  2. I'm with Mrs. Goodneedle. You must really be loved, or they would have picked someone else to pick on. They just gave you a wonderful memory!

  3. That is so fun! I so remember my days teaching in high school and the crazy things the seniors would come up with at this time of the year...LOVE it! They really do love you!

  4. I agree, that's quite a compliment for a "temp". Not surprised you endeared yourself to them so quickly. They'll miss you!

  5. So nice to hear of the "harmless" pranks! I agree - they must really love you! Have a wonderful 'end of the year'! ~Jeanne

  6. It is a rather clean and innocent prank compared to what goes on in a lot of high schools. I love the plastic wrapped chair.

  7. Hi, it's been a while. See you are having fun with the kids..

  8. Funny kids! A wrapping of love for you!

  9. That sounds way more fun and exciting than sitting around home doing stitchery, or poking along at the sewing machine... doesn't it?

  10. I still remember prank day from when I was in high school, what a fun day. One of our teachers was foolish enough to ride his bike, he had fun retrieving it. But as I remember we only pranked the staff we liked.

  11. This is wonderful that you allow this freedom.

    We did it and got into trouble.
