Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Tammy Bag vs. A Small Bathroom

I have a small bathroom.  Not a tiny bathroom like I know some of you have to deal with, but a small one that has very little counter space and only two tiny, narrow drawers.  It has a cabinet under the sink, and a wide "medicine cabinet" behind the mirrors and a cabinet over the toilet.  It's a working bathroom....meaning it's often cluttered with the everyday stuff that we women think we can't live without.  It's critical to me that I be able to clear those counters quickly if company drops by.  But just clearing it is easy since I could throw it all under the sink willy nilly...I need to be able to clear it and then retrieve it easily when company is gone!  Typically my counter space looks like this:

The Tammy bag has set me free!  Well, not really, but it sure has helped a lot.  First I made this one for all my makeup and lotions:

All of this fits easily into this!

Then I thought...I should make another for all the other stuff, like deodorant and toothpaste and contacts so that I have the perfect travel bag.  So here's what I did:  (no pockets on this one because it's just for travel)

Actually this is all three of the bags I made to go together.  The small one holds a travel size contact solution, a contact case, and eye drops.  The other two hold all this:

I used a laminate fabric for the interior of each one:

So if anything happens to spill I can just wipe it up!

Now when company comes my counter looks like this:

The big basket with my mouthwash in it sits right on top of the towels under the sink, and the Tammy Bag sits on top of the washcloths.  The other Tammy Bag with deodorant, etc. in it, sits on top of the hand towels...and I have clean and neat counters!

I'm giving away a little bag today - not a Tammy Bag, but a trash bag for your car.  There's a button on the tab that, when shut into your glove compartment, will keep the bag hanging securely. (I'll be adding a few little things to sweeten the bag.)  It's the perfect size for straw wrappers when you get that Diet Vanilla Coke from Sonic.  What, I'm the only one who likes those?  :)  I'll draw from all those who comment on this post.

Thanks so much to Madame Samm for coordinating this blog sure you go visit the other bloggers today.  You're going to be glad you did!

June 13th ( thursday)


Marlene (you are here)







Linda J 




  1. You did a wonderful job with your Tammy bag & OOOOh I could use that trash bag - I have 4 children & I am constantly picking up wrappers from the floor !!!! Thank you for the chance to tidy up :)

  2. What wonderful little bags. We have a large bathroom with two sinks and my counter is still cluttered.Bob has started (notice I said started) doing some remodeling in there so its a mess anyway. Bless you.

  3. Pretty and functional too! Win-win. Perfect idea, lining them with vinyl. And Diet Vanilla Coke at Sonic? I'll have to try that. I usually get Diet Limeades. Very nice little litter bag!

  4. I love the fabrics you chose and the idea! I know, this bag is just wonderful, can be used everywhere!

  5. I love the frozen mixed berries at Mac D's! I love your bags they are are very useful! You trashbag would look nice in with it!

  6. Great idea and they look lovely!

  7. Wow! Good idea and a great set! :D

  8. Great bags - and I love the idea of lining with laminate to make them waterproof!
    Thank you for sharing!

  9. I loved the way you find use for the Tammy bags,
    and your give away looks cute. Thanks for the possibility. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I love your bags...and btw, your bathroom is my bathroom, almost identical except yours is neater!!!!

  11. Your trio of bags is just wonderful. What's this talk of diet vanilla coke?! Vanilla is my absolute favorite flavor. Guess where I'll be going tomorrow!

  12. Your bags are too pretty to use...very decorative, and apparently very useful too! Great work, and thanks for the chance!

  13. What a nice fabric you used for your Tammy bag.

  14. Very creative use of the Tammy "project" bag, my, the difference in your bathroom, enjoy your recoverd space! Thanks for sharing!

  15. The hop is great, but this is the post that convinced me!!

  16. Just love your bags and they can get us organized in so many ways. Kuddos to you for using them to get your personal stuff organized. Very pretty and boy could I use your bag for the car...thanks for joining in and sharing.

  17. Your bags are all fabulous! Love the fabrics you used too!

    And I SO need that bag for the vehicle! When we travel we are very mesy!

  18. I love the way you made a whole set. I love the Tammy bag and am kicking myself that I didn't join the Hop! -- guess I'm going to have to buy the pattern and get to work!

  19. Those bags certainly got you organized in your bathroom! How clever is that and they look great too. Thanks for the giveaway.

  20. Oh I just love your Tammy did a fantastic job on them.

  21. Wow... fits just about everything but the sink! Amazing!!! lol

  22. Your Tammy bags are just beautiful!

  23. Wow, perfect use for your awesome Tammy bag

  24. Rosemary B here
    I love the fabric. Wow what a great idea!
    It is perfect to organize all of the sink things.
    Your bags turned out adorable!

  25. What a great way to use those cute bags...nice! Love the matching set and the fabric. Sweet!

  26. Your bags looks great- and what a useful way to put them to work! Clever.

  27. Cute bags and so functional too - can't beat that. I sure would love to win you trash bag for the car, but if I don't then I will just have to make me one. Did you have a pattern or did you just wing it?

  28. Tammy's are perfect for makeup, and I really like the fabric you used Marlene !

  29. Great bags Marlene and I love that wild lining too!

  30. You are now sew adorably organized and accessorized, Marlene! ... :) Pat

  31. what a smart idea! very cute and I love how you put your initial on one of the bags.

  32. What a great solution to the storage problem! I needed this for the trip I just returned from! Your bags are so pretty, too!

  33. Love your bags, what a great idea. Thanks for the chance to win.

  34. Your bags are just great! I just shove things under the counter when I get a surprise visit....not nearly as lovely as your solution! Thanks for the sharing and the generous giveaway!

  35. lovely bags and nice giveaway very practical for traveling thanks

  36. you placed so much more than i could ever imagine.. a make up bag with your perfect...

  37. Wow, Marlene---you sure know how to pack a bag---or two or three. Your before picture looks a good bit mine, come to think of it! Hair do-dads mostly.

    Love the colors you chose to go in your room and the monogram is a nice addition too!

  38. oops, where are my manners? THX for the opportunity for your giveaway. Should I not be so fortunate to call it my own, is there a tutorial or website for making our own bag?

  39. What a great idea for a trash bag for the car. I really need one!

  40. Those are wonderful bags. I love the idea of the laminate on the inside too. They hold so much!

    The car trash bag is brilliant. I think I need to make one for my car.

  41. Great bags! What a wonderful way to organize your counter. I also have small bathroom, so this would really work. The laminate is a great idea to help keep it clean. Love your trash bag, also. Thanks!

  42. Wow!! I knew the Tammy was big but I didn't think it was that BIG!! You've packed a lot of stuff in there :)
    Thank you for the chance.

  43. First of all I love your version of the Tammy Bag, I didn't realize how big it was till I saw all your stuff in it! Second, I NEED that trash bag thingie!!! LOVE IT!

  44. Wonderful tammy bags and i love how everything fits in and the bathroom looks so neat. i think i need to make myself some of those and maybe one for each of my kids for when they visit. Their stuff is everywhere.

  45. What a great idea to organize your bathroom stuff in it! I thought about it, but then thought I'd need more than one. You must have read my mind! You made three lovely bags!

  46. wow, there's a lot in your Tammy them and I will probably have to try that laminate sometime, it looks like a good practical way to pack :)

  47. wow, there's a lot in your Tammy them and I will probably have to try that laminate sometime, it looks like a good practical way to pack :)

  48. Great idea to use your Tammy bags in your bathroom. No matter how hard I try, my counter is always cluttered. This sounds like a great solution.

  49. wow, there's a lot in your Tammy them and I will probably have to try that laminate sometime, it looks like a good practical way to pack :)

  50. wow, there's a lot in your Tammy them and I will probably have to try that laminate sometime, it looks like a good practical way to pack :)

  51. Love your very roomy Tammy bags. Thanks for sharing and for the great giveaway. Hope I win!

  52. Wonderful idea with the Tammy bags. Love the car bag as well. thanks so much for sharing.

  53. Love this project!!! Things like this make me wish I could sew!!!!

  54. Love the BAG!I hope I am chosen.Stella

  55. What a great idea to use the Tammy bags for the dreaded bathroom clutter! Thank you for sharing.

  56. I could use a few dozen of those Tammy bags to declutter my bathroom....I sure could use the trash bag, looks so much better than the plastic bags we have hanging in our vehicles.
    thelady at

  57. All three of your bags are great. The monogram is cute too.

  58. Great bags! And just a plain Diet Coke for me, Thanks for the giveaway.

  59. All your bags are great especially the trash bag, what a great idea!!
    (smjohns63 at yahoo dot com)

  60. You were a very busy girl! They all turned out wonderfully!

  61. Marlene I'm thinking your bathroom needs a couple of glass shelves so you could display your bags instead of putting them in a closet. They are too cute to hide.

  62. Love your bags, what a great idea, but you shouldn't hide them. Leave them on the sink and let people see them. Thanks for sharing your ideas with us. I really like the trash bag. I just might make one if I don't win.

  63. Marlene-I know this sound crazy but I am jealous at your generous counter as house we are moving to while ours is being renovated has a smaller counter than that! So I guess I will need multiple bags! Even that trash bag might be helpful in the bathroom under the sink but on the inside! Is there a pattern/tutorial for that? Thanks for sharing.

  64. Sonic, omg, now your making me really homesick, when I was in College they used to have a deal where you could buy1 and get one free "Happy Hour" oh my friends and I always got the cherry limeade's, yummy! Lovely Tammy bags, and a great story!

  65. Great idea! what a neat way to keep the clutter at bay!

  66. You have been very busy making all the wonderful bags. Thanks for sharing

  67. Love your fabric choice. These bags are terrific.So pretty and practical too.
    Thanks for sharing and the chance to win.

  68. Love your fabric choice. These bags are terrific.So pretty and practical too.
    Thanks for sharing and the chance to win.

  69. Love your little bag. Good use for it also. I love the little car bag. What a good idea. Thanks for having a give away.

  70. Love your idea for all your make up and travel things. They sure can clutter up a bathroom! Love the laminate fabric. Thanks!

  71. Great blogpost, funny to read. Your bags are great and very useful, how could we ever live without ☺
    Thanks for sharing and the chance to win, A trash bag for the car, very clever!
    Liebe Grüße

  72. Love it! I think I may have to make one for my daughter because her bathroom is the guest bathroom and it does get a bit cluttered.

  73. Love it! I think I may have to make one for my daughter because her bathroom is the guest bathroom and it does get a bit cluttered.

  74. It's amazing how much these bags can hold! Yours look great!

  75. What a great idea for your bathroom clutter. I never would have thought of using a cute little bag!

  76. Cute bag. Congrats for a great finish.

  77. Lovely little bag. Thanks for sharing.

  78. You sure did get a lot of stuff packed into the bags. Cute bags and I would leave at least one of them out on the counter all the time. Share your creativity with everyone who sees them.

  79. Pattern and handle source requested please. Love these bags and would love the win the car bag.

  80. Nice work Marlene! I Love your bags!

  81. Hiya Marlene!!! What wonderful little bags, and I love your fabric choice. Thanks for having the giveaway. Blessed be, hugs!!! Pam

    pamspretties57 at gmail dot com

  82. What a great way to tidy up the bathroom! And no straw wrappers here, just a car full of expired Joanns coupons!

  83. Love your "Solution" for quick hiding!! The Bags are all super!!

  84. What a clever idea, and so useful. I love what you created. Well done.

  85. I never thought about a bag for the bathroom. My daughter has a very small bathroom. This would make a perfect gift for her. Thanks for the idea.

  86. I love your idea about the tammy bag in the bathroom to hold all our stuff! You did a good job!

  87. excellent idea, I have a small bathroom counter so I will have to give a try. I love the fabric you chose very sophsticated looking .

  88. Thanks for sharing your very clever idea for the clutter we all seem to have on the bathroom counter.

  89. Those bags are too cute. Love the idea of the laminate for the lining...makes them very versatile. Wish we had Sonic here in the SF bay area...that drink sounds just up my alley!

  90. Cute bags goodness you've inspired me to make some sense of "my" bathroom counter...I think I might need 3 or 4 bags...LOL. Great job!

  91. What a difference three bags make! Your counters look great with all that cuteness on them. Lovely uses for your bag and so clever of you to use the laminated fabric on the inside. Thank you for sharing. Jane

  92. Cute little bags! I like all three sizes. Great idea to use the laminated fabric on the inside as I always spill something or other when my bag is new.

    Thanks for showing us your cool bags. I like your car bag also!

  93. Great job! That is a good idea for your bathroom, and then for travel. Love your fabrics.

  94. your tammy bag turned out great! LOVE your trash bag. I would love to win!!! do you have a pattern or a tut!! I love it.

  95. Super fantabulous job ! I love them! I also love the garbage bag (that's gar. Bage with a french accent) :-) never thot of putting one by the glove box. If I don't win- I hope I do win- but if I don't I hope you'll share a tutorial with us!

    1. In the rare times I get to sonic (over 45 minutes away) its strawberry vanilla dr.pepper for me! Yum yum! Gotta stop at sonic on the way in and starbucks on the way out :-)

  96. Very cute. Love your different uses. Very few have used laminate fabric, but it really adds to the options for what you can use this bag for.

  97. Your Tammy bags turned out beautiful and what a good idea for using them. The trash bag is great also

  98. You have proven that the Tammy bag can hold a lot of stuff. Love all the other bags you made.

  99. Oh us all up with not only stitching, but cleaning house at the same time!! LOL! Fabulous idea. I just found an iron on vinyl again, so I can make a laminate on any of my fabrics... gotta run, new project to start, and it's all you fault!

  100. Love those Tammy Bags! Thanks for sharing with us. Great idea for the bag for the car! Thanks for the
    chance to win!


  101. Great idea! Laminate for the inside was the way to go, too. I gather up and 'hide' stuff in my sewing room (like you do in the bathroom) whenever I have guests that use that room as a bedroom. Afraid a Tammy bag would have to be the size of a car to help me out!! lol

  102. I am a little behind in my visits. I love your bag, that is such a great idea! Better not show my daughters they will all want one!

  103. I really like your bag and your giveaway! Looks very useful! I go to Sonic though to buy Banana Shakes Yum!

  104. Hi Marlene...luv your soft yellow with the black and white fabrics. The monogram is a great idea...sEw clever. I will be checking out the tutorial for the trash bag for the car. Thanks for participating and inspiring us with your creativity, you always inspire me!! Happy stitching, Pauline
