Friday, June 21, 2013

The Winner....

This litter bag for the car is going to Teresa at Sitchin' Friends.  Congratulations to Teresa - I love mine and I think she'll like this too.  I've e-mailed Teresa for her mail information and will have it off to her this week.


  1. Good morning and thank you so much! I am so very pleased to receive this from you. I have been following your blog for quite a few years now and to have something in hand that you made will be a treat!

  2. Congratulations to the winner! Love that color.

  3. Hope Theresa enjoys her prize. Marlene, I have a dumb sounding question but being new at quilting and things of that nature and not on a great many blogs of such, more horsey things, what is a blog hop. How do you participate ect.
