Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Black Tie Boogie - Day One

Ya'll know how I love Blog Hops and this is one I couldn't have resisted if I tried!  I love roosters, my sister loves chickens of all kinds and I had a cousin, now deceased, who collected roosters.  A couple of years ago I made this quilt which hangs in my dining room most of the time:

My day isn't until the 25th but I know you will want to visit all the participating blogs so you don't miss a thing.  Here's the schedule for today:

November 19

Be sure you comment on all their blogs - it's just the nice thing to do - and also on the sponsoring blogs:
Sew We Quilt   (Madame Samm)
In addition to being nice you also will get the opportunity to win prizes!  And who wouldn't want to win a great prize?  And then crow about it?  :)


  1. Man, I love this sweet quilt!! You really have something to crow about here!!

  2. My #4 daughter needs a quilt like that. Both she and her husband were born in the year of the cock and they raise hens for the eggs.

  3. Very nice piece Marlene..I love the colors you used.

  4. Your rooster quilt is wonderful Marlene. Red is one of my favorite colors. I`ll be watching for your upcoming project. The changes in your header are very nice.

  5. ahhh nice and welcoming over here..l love this quilt you know that…and it suits you perfectly...

  6. Your quilt is perfect for my own home so it's any wonder I love it!

  7. Oh my goodness...it's a good thing I don't know the way to your house or that gorgeous quilt would be gone !!!
