Sunday, January 5, 2014

Birds in the Blizzard

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Brrr! They are brave souls.

  2. I love the bird cage.. did you buy it online? its to freckin cold for this Texas girl.... I would feel trapped..

  3. We are keeping special watch and care of our birds this winter.

  4. Bet they're glad to have a food haven in the storm!! :)

  5. The weather there even makes the news here. I'll bet those birds are happy to know where to find a snack in that weather!

  6. That`s a beautiful picture. It brightens my day.

    My husband died at home Friday morning. I`m glad we made that happen. This is so hard. I know God will get us (my son and I) through this sadness. You were so supportive when I took this on. Thank you.

  7. Marlene, you are such a gracious lady. Your card was perfect in every way. I smiled as I read it and my heart felt cared for. That is a great gift to be able to impart to someone. Knowing you took the time & effort meant everything. As long as you keep your power, enjoy a few good snow days! We only got a skiff but the cold is below 0 Windchills as is yours I'm certain. Make snow cream for me
    Blessings & Hugs

  8. Looks like they are fairing well. Hope you are able to warm up a bit.

  9. Oh my, it looks so cold. I guess I shouldn't mention that it was 81 here the other day and about that today. Why don't you come for a warm visit to So. Cal? You could stay at our Staffy Spa. It may not be 4 star but it's free and friendly.
    I've been trying to find your blog for some time and bloglovin kept telling me it didn't exist. I finally went back and found your last comment to me and clicked on it and got to you that way. It turns out I was putting in "stitchingbythelake" instead of "stitchin". Now that I see my error I'm hoping I can find you in bloglovin.

    I've read your new year post. I wish you the very best.... and happy 50th coming up. Hugs, Lura
