Tuesday, February 11, 2014

No Matter How Old They Are....

My son is nearly 40.  Yes, son, I'm saying that right here for everyone to read.  Nearly 40.  Last week he and six other football coaches stayed with me for three nights while attending a coaching clinic in town.  And no, I don't have room for six big football coaches so this little house was wall to wall bedsm but they were totally wonderful and had tons of fun staying together.  Kind of like an adult sleepover.  :)  Of course, it's not like a women sleepover where we would have slept two to a bed - each of them had to have his own bed because Heaven forbid they might touch briefly, accidentally somehow.  Men!

Anyway, Friday night it started snowing.  We were supposed to get a dusting and it turned into over 4" in places.  I knew he was inside a large hotel in meetings and wouldn't see outside so I started texting him about how bad it was, how there were 10 car pileups between him and me, on and on....  When he finally got home he said it was awful driving in so I yelled at him - "I told you to come home!"  His answer?  "You never told me to come home Mama.  You just told me how bad it was so I thought you meant to be careful".  Yes, I said he's nearly 40.


  1. Awww....loved your post. My little boy is 32 and I can totally relate!

  2. Well, my youngest is past 40 and he tells me what to do!

  3. 40 on the outside, 2 1/2 on the inside, Boys !

  4. Been there, done that....I always worry so much for my grown children...so glad he did make it home safely!

  5. SMH don't know weather to say kids, or men! Lol sometimes they are one in the same!

  6. LOL! Now if you had told him to come home, do you really think he would have?! So glad he made it safely and without incident. ~Jeanne

  7. Ahahahaa!!! This post made me laugh!! Good story! :)

  8. You would think he would learn what you MEANT after 40 years!!! LOL

  9. Hahaha! My son and daughter are similar to their parents in that subtlety is lost on my son, but being overly direct with my daughter puts her off. I'm glad you wrote this because I could stand to be a little more intentional about approaching them differently. :-)

  10. Boys will be boys Mom!!! My son is 35 now and he still does stuff that makes my hair curl!!! Glad he was safe :)

  11. I sure can understand this! Mine is 47 and this sounds so familiar. Thank Heaven they were safe!
