Friday, February 28, 2014

Ready for Friday

Not only am I ready for the weekend to be here, I'm especially ready for Spring.  We've got another cold front coming in, which plays havoc with my arthritis.  And it's so crazy that the northern part of the state is supposed to be 19 when the southern part is 70 - and Arkansas isn't that big!

I cannot remember if I showed you this little quilt or not so lucky you - you get to see it again if I did.  :)  This is the February Kathy Schmitz BOM...

I also finished this springtime one - I think it's May.

Next week the Think Ruffles Blog Hop will begin and I'm betting this one will have some amazing projects.  I'll post the schedule for you Monday day will not be until the 13th.

And lucky me - I won a fat quarter bundle on the Moda Blog Hop that just ended - can't wait to get this prize in late March/early April when the fabric is available!

I'm working part time this spring so I'm not sewing quite as much but I've finished a couple of things for the Ruffle blog hop.  I'm also going to Physical Therapy three times a week so my sciatic issues are better but the inactivity of the last two months has manifested itself in a few added pounds.'s back to Weight Watchers on Monday for me.  Anyone want to join me?  I have a double incentive, or maybe even triple....a wonderful trip in July, a grandson's wedding in August, a high school reunion in October.  Any tips for maintaining your enthusiasm over the long term?  Maybe I should stitch a big banner with those three things on it and hang it in my kitchen!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!


  1. I don't remember seeing this - but how lovely and the Spring one is so cute. I saw you won over at Moda - congratulations lucky duck. Hope you feel better with the PT. I'm hoping to walk some pounds away once the weather gets better and I am ready to do some outside walking.

  2. I hear ya...ready for some warmer weather! I'm working on those Stitcheries also!

  3. Very cute and I agree. Glad your back is feeling better.

  4. Love these little quilts! Nice to hear that the physiotherapy is working well. As for how to keep weight off, no idea! But if you find the secret, please share it!

  5. Those little quilts are adorable and big congrats on your win! New fabric is always fun to play with.

  6. I have been seriously thinking about WW as well ... not sure if I want to do the actual meetings or do it on-line ... which are you planning to do? They have a "new" program (think they sometimes just change their programs around to get new followers) but I DO know that WW works for me ... I have had success in the past but need to learn to MAINTAIN once I reach that success! Linda

  7. I love your stitcheries! So cute. I'm glad to hear your back is making progress. I've been thinking of WW, too, but I've been told with all the stress of my dear mother's care this is not the time to focus on losing weight. I'm not sure there will ever be a 'good' time so I'm thinking I just might get back on track.

  8. Your stitching is so lovely. The PT that often really eats a big chunk of time in your life right now, but I am glad to know you are feeling better.

  9. What lovely work Marlene!! This Arkansas weather has made a lot of us sick. My doctor told me that the constant change in temps and humidity is really bad for us.

    As for WW, I too am on it, and have been since before the first of the year. Aside from my clothes being too tight, and my labs not good, I will be working part time this summer at a water park and want to feel like I look nice in my summer clothes. The one thing that has helped me stay on track is....when I get off track, I don't fret or beat myself up, I just get back on and keep at it. I am very slow to lose weight having a very low metabolism and being short and squatty, but I'm doing my best to not get discouraged even when my loss is only a pound or two. You stick with it girl!!

  10. Beautiful work and congrats on your win :)

  11. oh, your little quilts are cute. I didn't get my Feb. done but I am working on the bunny one for April. I don't think I will get March done either.
    Oh, you did win. Thought I saw you had. Congrats!

  12. Your little quilt is darling! I hope you have a gentler spring. Stay warm and well!

  13. Aaaah! I love your little stand quilts -- both February and Spring are just darling!! Inch by inch, my friend ... just one day at a time! :)

  14. Sounds like you have plenty of inspiration to keep at the WW program and shed those unwanted pounds! I've been enjoying the way my clothes fit now that I've dropped a few pounds, and that keeps me motivated :) Love your little stitcheries!!!! The heart is so adorable :)

  15. Wonderful little quilts Marlene! I hope Arkansas warms up soon.
