Friday, March 7, 2014

I Have A Friend

I have a friend who loves to embroider (Hi Sandy!) but she doesn't really sew so sometimes she embroiders for me and then I do the finishing.  What a great deal.  :)  Recently she did this embroidery:

It was one of those really big cotton tea towels and all I had to do was to trim it up and stitch the hem.  Isn't it gorgeous?

Are you following the Ruffles Blog Hop?  Here's the rest of the schedule:

March 7th

March 10th
March 11th

March 12th 

March 13th

March 14th


  1. Great finish to a lovely piece of work!

  2. Oh! What a sweet little towel!! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love the stuffed chair! A perfect place to cozy up on a Sunday afternoon.

  5. That's a great friend! It is so cute.

  6. That is so so sweet!! Makes me miss my Dad sitting in his chair after Church......relaxing one day a week...Thanks, and yes, the ruffle hop is the kind you want to make an old fashioned SOCK HOP out of and dance!!.....hugs!!

  7. Your tea towel is darling. It is nice to have a friend that shares.

  8. Do you know or can you find out where the pattern is from? I love it, it's so perfect.
    Vicki R

  9. That is darling! I'd love to see the rest of the set. I've been peeking in at the ruffles. Can't wait to see more.

  10. If I remember right isn't that one of the patterns from a blog hop? Love the chair, and your friend does lovely work. Great to have someone that you can trade off with.
