Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Almost to the End

As some of you know I've been working on some Kathy Schmidt BOM small quilts.  I'm getting almost to the end - finished two more last week!

I call this one Liberty - obviously it's the July quilt.  I love hanging these on my Ackfeld hanger beside my fireplace but I thought I'd show you how it looks in a couple of other places.  Who knew palm fronds would stick you when you tried to lay something on them?

Thank goodness this bench didn't mangle my hands when I borrowed it for a viewing!  :)

March winds - you gotta' love them!  Or not sometimes.  :)

I tried to add a little wind look in my machine quilting on this one.

And now I'm down to one - only one more to finish.  That makes me sad!  I've loved these pieces and especially the combination of one small fused piece with the embroidery.

What am I working on now?

I had a charm pack I wanted to use in a table topper - love these scrappy flying geese!  But it's not quite as big as I need so I plan to add some borders.  The problem is.....what kind of borders.  Any suggestions?


  1. Lovely minis! Maybe a green (I see some green in those charms) and then a gold/rust and finish off with the green as binding.

  2. I love your little stitchery minis. They are beautiful.

    How about an autumn colors stripe fabric?

  3. Very cute! I love your windy quilting... it really makes the block stand out!

  4. Your BOM blocks are super sweet. I love the way the stripe border on the July block reminds me of fireworks moving out in all directions and, of course, your windy machine quilting on the March block.

  5. I walk by your side, encouraged by what you are getting done...someday my Kathy Schmitz's will be in my completed pile :)

  6. These mini are spectacular and it`s hard to choose one fav!

  7. Loverly! I especially like the March winds!

  8. I love projects where the end is in sight from the time you begin. Scrappy table toppers are wonderful too. Make the border scrappy too ... maybe a different border on each side?

  9. The way your quilted your BOM's adds a really special touch! I love that March Winds. Won't they be fun to pull out all year!

  10. I was looking at Kathy Schmitz's website yesterday and dreaming about the stitcheries she has available. I can't have everything I want. I very much like the Sweet Land of Liberty one.

  11. Love, love, love the little Liberty! Of course it's americana themed and that's my favorite!

  12. You quilted the wind ! Pretty awesome !

  13. ohhhhh lovely lovely stitches..I LOVE EVERYThING You stitch

  14. Ooh, all that stitching. Super beautiful! Those little quilts highlight it perfectly!

  15. I do love your stitching!! I would take a couple of the colors in those flying geese and choose a solid fabric to make the 2 borders. Any print would be to busy and take away form the beautiful flying geese, don't you think? The purple and gold stand out to me but use colors that match your decor. Let us know what you choose,

  16. I love the combination of embroidery and quilting. Your projects are wonderful.

  17. I love the combination of embroidery and quilting. Your projects are wonderful.

  18. How sweet to be sad that you are finished a project. It shows you really loved it!

  19. Cute stitcheries and love your quilting. Do you do applique'? A little thin border then a round with applique vines, leaves and yoyo flowers I think would be cute.

  20. I love that you name your quilts! Your stitching is delightful. Next projects are so exciting!

  21. Oh my gosh, the little stitcheries and GREAT and LOVE that triangle topper. Too cute!

  22. Those are adorable. Kathy is an incredible designer.

  23. Those stitcheries are striking. They are lovely.
