Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving - An Action Verb

Tomorrow is the day in America set aside to be thankful for family and friends, for food and home.  But Thanksgiving is not just a's also an action verb.  Giving thanks should be as natural as breathing to us but sometimes we take our blessings for granted.

Let's give thanks for our military personnel who leave their homes to serve us.  Let's be thankful for missionaries and their families who leave their homes to serve God.  Let's be thankful for one another...let's put hate out of our hearts for good and replace it with love for each person, no matter their color, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual preference, financial status, no matter.

And let's take it a step further than just giving thanks.  Let's show thanks, in little ways as well as big ones.  Let's write a thank you on a post-it note and stick it to our coworker's desk, the mirror in the bathroom at work for the person who keeps it clean for us, in the mailbox for our postal workers, in our child's lunchbox for being someone so special, anywhere and everywhere.  Let's make love viral.


  1. I'm thankful for you, Marlene! I know it is a verb for you every day. It's so obvious! <3 Thank you for shining your light here to so many! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Marlene

  3. I am giving thanks every day for my blogging friends. What a wonderful community of inspiration and support, sharing and caring ... and as close as my fingertips. Thank YOU, Marlene!

  4. Being Thankful every day is a gift we can give to others as well as ourselves. Thank you Marlene for Sharing the Joy. Thanksgiving Blessings...

  5. Thanksgiving blessings to you. Your post was a good reminder. Thanks.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend. I hope you have a wonderful day with those who are dear to your heart.

  7. So very true Marlene....Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  8. Yes, yes, yes! Happy, happy Thanksgiving to you! Nancy

  9. Hope your day was a great one. Thanks for your post and witness. More Christians should be as bold.
    Be safe and Blessings

  10. we need to come together not at just this time of year but all year round to remind people they really do matter Marlene wink.

  11. Well said! Reading your blog is always such a blessing.

  12. Indeed, amen! That was beautifully put, Marlene!!! :)

  13. What a lovely post. I have been bitten by the same bug it seems, just the perfect message for this time of year. I have designed a whole quilt around your cute little mouse... and I hope to keep a bit of this Christmas spirit all next year as I stitch it up. Thanks for such a lovely post Marlene.
