Tuesday, January 20, 2015

It's Morning On The Lake

This was the view this morning out my bedroom window.  Seeing this as I sit and do some Bible study is such a joy.  Only God could create such beautiful colors.

I spent 5 days last week helping my daughter and son-in-law clean out his parents house.  Both of them have passed away in the last year; they left behind a huge house - huge - filled with lots of interesting things.  They both had hobbies that took a lot of space.  His father loved model trains and had a big room filled with tracks and trains.  His mother was a crafter and did pretty much everything.  She loved ceramics and had 4 kilns.  She had tons of molds and both finished and unfinished pieces.  She collected dolls and made dolls.  She did needlepoint and counted cross stitch and knitted.  I didn't know her but I think she must also have enjoyed yard sales and auctions.  We found this Japanes made toy sewing machine (WWII era) with a price tag of $8 on it.  It's pretty dirty but the hand crank still moves.

I cleaned it up a bit today ( this is a before picture) and did a little research on it.  I didn't find much but I'm going to take it to the shop later this week to have a belt put on and see if I can figure out how to thread it and what kind of needle to use.

We also found a few interesting magazines - at least interesting to stitchers.

I couldn't find much information on this magazine either.  It's called The Designer and is dated January 1900.  It shows patterns inside and has other articles of interest to ladies - horticulture for instance.  We also found a Butterick pattern book from 1925.

I've gained some new to me counted cross stitch books along with some more embroidery thread.  Since I found a going-out-of-business sale last year I now have about 3/4 of all the DMC threads and multiples of many.

One of the things I learned from helping out with the closing of this home is that I need to do some more serious downsizing!  I don't want my children to be left wondering what might be worthy of keeping and what can be given away.  My advice to you and to me as well is label, label, label.  If it belonged to great-grandma Mary - put a label on it.  We know to do that with quilts but do it with everything else - dishes, jewelry, photos.  Your children will bless you for it!


  1. A beautiful start to your day. Good advise about downsizing and labeling family treasures. Just like labeling our quilts.

  2. As I sit day after day sorting things from the past ... no space to put them ... and wondering what to send to whom, your message not only rings a bell, but loud horns and whistles. My husband's take is "we should find some place to store it and leave it for the kids to sort out". There is NO WAY I want to wish this on any of my kids!

  3. Such good advice. After clearing out my mother's house I learned that I really didn't know much about her or her travels and memorabilia. Such a shame to lose the legacy of treasures. Blessings dear...

  4. That is true, but unfortunately there will still be some that see no value in anything you own and will throw it in a dumpster. Those are great finds though.

  5. such treasures and the lake is breathtaking ..yesterday i presume...a machine called Romance...how enchanting

  6. What a beautiful sunrise! How fun to go thru all that stuff though. My son would be in happy to go thru that train stuff for you ;) LOL

  7. Such good advice. What an adventure to help with the home cleaning out. Last year we started giving family things to the children so they can enjoy while we are alive. Looking for what kind of labels to use for the rest. Judy C in NC

  8. Oh, how well I understand the advice you offer here; you are so right, I feel the need to clean out a closet and/or a drawer right away. The waste basket and recycling bin need to become my best friend. Every little bit helps, right?

    The sunrise is most inspirational.

  9. God did give you a perfect view to begin your day! Thanks for sharing. We keep downsizing also. After cleaning out both of our parents' homes within the last 3 years, we know our children will appreciate us more even if they didn't realize it. ~Jeanne

  10. That view is truly a blessing! I hear ya on the downsizing the problem...I love it all, lol

  11. The view is stunning!

    I can only imagine how interesting it must be to go through things that once belonged to someone with the same hobbies you share.

  12. What a treasure the toy machine is ! You know I'm already somewhat in that mind set at 57. Ray and I had 4 households to decide what to do with in the last 8 years. My mother is living, but in a retirement home and her household was broke up and house sold in the last few years. You want to keep everything, but you don't want to keep but a few things ! You know what I'm talking about.

  13. Great post Maureen. Beautiful sunrise.

  14. What a glorious picture and such a wonderful way to start the day. Sounds like you were very busy helping with the house...I agree we should all spend time labelling and also downsizing...maybe I'll start tomorrow!

  15. Beautiful picture of the lake! It looks like you found some pretty interesting treasures. :)

  16. That machine is adorable and I agree that passing treasures on before you go is a great thing. This lesson was learned through my own gram many years ago.

  17. Since moving into this home and having to clean it out..well...I came on the same conclusion. Love the machine.

  18. Oh UGH!! That's what I've been saying the last 2 1/2 yrs. since DH passed away! Having to downsize from 3600 sf to under 2000 and cull and clear out, I've said I don't want my kids to have to go through all the STUFF!! Still have a LOT more to get rid of (including using up the monster stash!).

  19. No better way to start the day.
    I too am trying to not put my daughters through what we had to sort through of my dads. It is hard to know what to do with it all. Good luck.

  20. I've come to that same conclusion after helping my SIL with the same task. Gorgeous sight first thing in the morning!

  21. I am dealing with the same issues cleaning my mother's house out. Fottunatley we found buyers who agreed to us taking what we want and they will take care of the rest. It was an amazing gift from God as resources in the area were not available to even give things away. It sure has made me think about getting everything sorted through in my house.

  22. gorgeous sunrise.
    I haven't already gotten rid of a lot of stuff mostly because when I do downsize I don't want to have to move it. But good advice about labeling things.
