Wednesday, January 7, 2015

January 1 - Day 3

Oh.  My.  Goodness.  It's a great feeling to have things tidied up but I'm wearing myself out.  :)  I'm thinking of posting this sign in a few areas - think my husband would notice?

This morning while my sheets were being laundered I cleaned off the shelves above the washer and dryer.  My laundry "room" is a closet in my kitchen so there are a few things on the shelves that aren't strictly laundry but are more for convenience - batteries, the apple corder and mandolin slicer...things like that.  When  I finished that I decided to scrub the fronts of some of my kitchen cabinets (the ones we open the most that get the dirtiest) with a paste made of one part oil and two parts baking soda.  It takes some elbow grease but it gets those grimy places nice and clean.  I put together two chicken and spaghetti casseroles at the same time - one for dinner and one for the freezer.  I had boiled a whole chicken yesterday so I used the breasts for the casseroles and will use the rest in a chicken pot pie tomorrow.  We will get at least four meals, maybe five from the two casseroles and three meals from the pot pie.  That's a bargain for one chicken!

Then I tackled the medicine closet(s) in the hall - that was what was next on my list.  I have one very tiny, very narrow closet where most of my first aid type things are kept.  I had to enlist my husband's help, again, but of course that meant we had to clean out the shelf under his bathroom sink at the same time.  I love it when that happens.  :)

I use plastic bins which makes things so much easier to find.  I rearranged a little, changed some labels and threw away outdated stuff.  I also have one shelf in another closet that's more for medicine and vitamins.

More plastic bins, more labels, and the most often used vitamins left out on the shelf.  This way I can tell at a glance which of those I need to stock up on.

And now my reward...a cup of herb tea and a little stitching before we go to church.  I switched from a 6" round hoop to the qsnap hoop and I'm really liking it.  You can still see the lines of the round hoop but those will iron out when I'm finished.

This is Summer (if you want the pattern check out Sew We Quilt - all the information is there).  I changed the red to a rich pink on the swimsuit and umbrella to go with a fabric I've chosen for my Tammy Bag.  Isn't it going to be beautiful?  I think so!

Is anybody keeping up with my cleaning frenzy by doing your own?  I'd sure love some company.  :)


  1. I have been trying to tidy up but found the sewing machine calling too strongly to me today, ha! I have almost the same amount stitched on my "summer" cross stitch...I really like your pink suit!

  2. I admire your tenacity and your talent.

  3. Wow, I can't even imagine "cleaning" and "frenzy" being used about me, lol. You are slowly inspiring me, though. Today I made a list of things to start on . . .

  4. Don't wear yourself out for stitching with all the cleaning you are doing!! The stitching looks great.

  5. I am definitely cheering you on and I did spend a bit of time straightening my studio. As for cleaning and organizing my home...not so much. I must admit I am spending time enjoying each new day of this first week in this new year. More tea and stitching and some rest for you my friend...
    P.S. Love the Tammy bag stitching!

  6. I think I need that sign, but then again, I doubt it would do a lot of good. There is an umbrella stand right inside the door so why hang the umbrella on the doorknob? The dog's leash, the doggybag, the keys, the shoe horn, all have hooks in that area too. You can put everything away by standing just inside the door without taking even one step, so why are these things spread all over the house where it takes half an hour to find them? Go figure.

  7. The snap frame looks like it will dent the fabric like the round hoops, I always hated those fabric dents in my pretty picture. Kudos to you for getting your home organized ! I catch that bug from time to time.

  8. You have been very productive! Isn't it amazing how those cubbies tend to accumulate so many hidden treasures?
    I'm going to have to research food've peeked my interest. I've done just a little, but would like to expand my experience. Thank you for sharing your information.
    I like the Q-snap frame for stitching too.

  9. You have been very productive! Isn't it amazing how those cubbies tend to accumulate so many hidden treasures?
    I'm going to have to research food've peeked my interest. I've done just a little, but would like to expand my experience. Thank you for sharing your information.
    I like the Q-snap frame for stitching too.

  10. I have a few places I'd like to hang that sign myself! Cute little cross stitch you're working!!! :)

  11. I need that sign, too! I've started cleaning up different areas, but I'd rather be doing other things. I use a lot of plastic containers to sort much more tidy! Nice stitching going on there!

  12. Hehehe. You sure are a label lover and that isn't a bad thing. :)
