Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Cleaning Blinds And Other Nonsense

We've had a bit of ice and a dab of snow and in Arkansas that means life comes to a halt.  We don't have the equipment to clean off the streets so other than a little sand and salt sprinkled here and there we simply sit and wait for the sun to come back out and the temperatures to go back up, which generally happens in an hour..or a day.  I've done a little stitching, most of which I can't show yet but here are a couple of cross stitch pieces I've completed and will soon make into something or use in some way...not sure what way yet.

You've seen this little Santa before on Madame Samm's blog, Sew We Stitch.  I know you don't recognize him because hers is gorgeous with a capital G.  I just couldn't get that beard right.  But since I didn't have a pattern and was simply stitching him from a photo I'm pretty pleased.  I added a few red beads in the holly leaves hoping your eye would go there instead of the beard.  I guess they might be a bit small to do that.  :)

I absolutely love this one.  It's so beautiful.  Really.  Right now, of course, it's like a newborn baby, all wrinkled and looking a little traumatized.  But when it's pressed and freshened up you're going to love it too.  I'd love to find a wooden box this would fit on the top of so I could keep all my scissors in it.  Hmmmm, wonder where I might find one of those.

My violets are happy in this cold weather.

Last week when my friend Connie was here she cleaned the blinds on one of my three windows in my bedroom.  She hates cleaning blinds so you know she's a good friend.  :)

Today I cleaned the other two, opened the windows and cleaned out the sills, then cleaned the glass on the inside.  I was wishing it wasn't so cold so I could do the outside.  Do you think I might be rushing spring?  Oh, and yes we really did have more snow than that but we waited an hour and most of it melted.  Tomorrow we might get some more.  They say "might" a lot here.


  1. Your little Santa is adorable!


    You might try the link above for a box for your scissors. They have quite a few selections.

    Happy "almost" spring!

  2. I love your scissors cross stitch! And your violet is beautiful...mine are blooming now too! :0)

  3. I love the Santa, and the scissor cross stitch. A friend that does windows is a friend to keep...

  4. I love African violets; they remind me of my grandma. I wrote a blog post about that: http://www.thankfulme.net/2013/05/friday-family-history-of-grandma-and.html

    Since that time, my violets have continued to bloom regularly, and are blooming now, too!

  5. Nice to have clean blinds and windows too... and I so miss my past homes where African Violets thrived and bloomed all the year long. Guess I need to be happy with my cacti. Such great little projects.

  6. che viola meravigliosa e hai una vista bellissima dalle finestre

  7. Complimenti, per tutti i lavori che o visto sul tuo blog, sono tutti bellissimi, le viole sono stupende!

  8. I think he looks good he just needs maybe a few more stitches...and your scissors .they are wonderful....lovely lovely

  9. I love both of your embroideries. The scissors are especially wonderful. Please show us if you find a box. Sounds like a splendid idea.

  10. Your stitchings are beautiful. I LOVE those scissors.

    There is nothing as lovely as clean windows and blinds.

  11. The cold weather seems to have energized you. Look at all that you've been working on. And to do the blinds.....that's a biggy!

  12. I love your Santa.I haveloved it since I first saw it. Your scissors sampler is coming along great. It is going to be so neat. Spring has got to be coming soon. I am so ready.

  13. Cute stitches! Your flowers are beautiful with their springy blooms. We are waiting for "maybe" snow as well. Folks here will be a little more excited than those in your area! Stay warm ;)

  14. Your cross stitch is beautiful, especially the Santa!

  15. Love those scissors :) I agree, it would look beautiful on a notions box!

  16. The little santa is gorgeous.I agree, those scissors would be fabulous on the top of the wooden box!!

    That flowers are calling spring.

  17. Your scissor stitching is lovely and the little santa really cute!

    I think I would list blind cleaning as a least favourite job too!

  18. I like quilts and cross stitch pieces that have the alphabet on them.

  19. Such pretty sttiching--love the scissors sampler! And your violets are lovely--I finally gave up on three that I had had for about 20 years... They just weren't flowering and looked sickly so I decided to say farewell and purchase some new ones :)

  20. how nice of Connie. they are tedious to clean.
