Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Where Does The Time Go?

I've lost time.  It happens to me frequently.  Today is Tuesday but I look up and suddenly it's Saturday.  How does that happen?

When I worked I longed to be retired because I pictured it as such a restful time...full of days where I lounged around reading a good book, eating chocolate.  I don't know about you but it doesn't happen at my house!  I've been busy the last week or so but I'm not sure exactly what I've done.  I finished another pillow - are you getting sick of these yet?

I think this might be my favorite - the antlers and sash are a deep brown narrow wale corduroy.  I confess I saw a similar pillow at a local department store one day and refused to pay the steep price tag for it.  I came home, searched Google Images and found similar antlers, and made my own pattern.  It works beautifully in our "boys bedroom."

Several weeks ago I finished a cross stitch piece from Just CrossStitch magazine - a cup with an herb in it.  There was a series of four and I planned to do all four and hang them in my kitchen.  Until I remembered I have no spare walls in my kitchen.  So I made this one into a cover for my box of essential oils.  I love the way it turned out!

Both of these were UFOs and in my ongoing effort to get some of that empire state building size stack a little smaller I also prepped this kit,

and got this one out to prep next.

I think my favorite thing I've stitched this week wasn't a UFO at all.  I bought this kit last week at The Shepherd's Needle in Little Rock and couldn't wait to make it.  It is a Shepherd's Bush design and is the perfect size for holding a couple of pens, a kleenex or two and even some note cards with my Bible and journal beside my chair.

It would also be a good size for scissors, needles and thimble so I think I'll consider making some for gifts - I love making zipper bags and they stitch up quickly.

I made a big pot of soup this week too - one of the best I've made in a long time.  I love homemade vegetable soup that starts with a beef roast as the base.  I cooked mine in the electric pressure cooker for an hour and a half with a jar of home canned tomatoes and a can of beef broth.  It was falling apart when I added the onions, celery and carrots and let it simmer for a while.

When those vegetable were done I added some potatoes, corn, okra and black eyed peas left from New Year's.  Yes, it was a huge pot but I shared some with one of our daughters and her family so we've only a tiny bowl left now.

I also made some cinnamon raising bread that was so wonderful - I use a sourdough starter and it's fast, easy, and delicious.  Isn't this loaf pretty?

The bowl it's in was my grandmother's.  I carried it in my lap on the plane home from California after she died.  Here's the finished product....

It was scrumptious!  I only make bread about every 10 days because I have no will power when hot bread comes out of the oven.  I'm on Weight Watchers and while I can have this it's more points than I want to indulge in very often.  We keep one loaf and I give the other two away.

Anybody else lost time lately?


  1. great projects....ohhh and raisin bread...mmmmm can smell it from here...I put some pea soup on this morning...it is cold enough to consider it a perfect soup day..
    before we know it it will be spring...so these days are perfect days for stitchings....look forward to updates...

  2. Awesome projects you are working on. I too have several bowls and dishes from my grandmother that I cherish. The bread and soup look delicious... wonderful comfort foods!

  3. As it is beautiful and delicious!

  4. Your box cover is great! The Easter Petites are darling.
    I made a loaf of Challah yesterday.

  5. I, too, am always losing time. Maybe it's a retired thing!?! Love the antler pillow. I can almost smell your vegetable soup - sounds wonderful. It is 3 degrees here this AM. ~Jeanne

  6. Lost time? Well... it may seem that way to you, but from where I stand you have found quite a bit of it finishing all of these tasks! I love the box, that turned out fabulous...as did the pillow, and the yummy food. Mmmmm, enjoy it Marlene, looks delish!

  7. you blog post was one to fill the soul! Can I copy your idea for the pillow...my DH would love that!!! I love what you did with the cross stitch...I also am running out of room. Thank you for the great pick up to start the day!!!

  8. Love what you've been finishing, working on and baking. I'd say your lounging days of retirement are just a dream. You have way to much energy and projects to create than to just be having your feet up. Me too!

  9. I love that pillow -- I have friends who have antlers all over their walls and this would be perfect! Love the box top, too -- never would have thought to do that. :)

  10. Busy busy, I'm still in the organizing mode, will start backing a quilt today though. Looking forward to that. I love the herb storage lid, beautiful work. The petites are precious,and the bread looks delicious. Haven't had cinnamon raisin bread for a while and with this snow it will be awhile longer.
    Take care in this weather

  11. Love all your stitchery projects, but the box cover - oh my!! Homemade soup and bread - yummo!!

  12. I lose time and many other things. I think the lost things may be a gift...I get my exercise while looking for them.

    Wonderful works of art.

  13. How wonderful such a gorgeous colorful post . Great I find your little embroidered bag , I like those bags very much. The one can use just always . And your soup and especially the breads tempt me , it looks delicious.
    Greetings from very far away

  14. Love the antler pillow! Both the soup and the raisin bread look great.

  15. Il cuscino è favoloso, mi piace tantissimo e anche i tuoi ricami. La zuppa deve essere buonissima

  16. Beautiful, creative and the soup and bread look delicious! :)

  17. What a colorful Post, I love your Cup full of "Dill", a nice Pattern, and your Bread - Mmmmh - can I have one? It looks so delicius.
    Greetings Martina

  18. So delicius fragrance in your kitchen!!Lovely works especially pillow!Also for me time fly so fast!!Big kiss

  19. You're always doing the most interesting things, Marlene! I laughed aloud to read that like you, I thought retirement would bring leisure time. Retirement just means more time for exercising, and participating in other things like Bible studies... noticed I wrote that as plural! :-) It's great to see how you plan to work on UFOs. I vow to do that this year, and use my stash, as my 2016 word is "lighten." Hence, that's also why, as much as I adore bread, and especially fresh-from-the-oven-bread, I don't bake. Trying to "lighten" the load I'm carrying personally!

  20. Love the pillow.. such a striking design. And all those little project finishes are so nice. I think I see where the time goes, even if you don't. Making those beautiful things is not a rush job!

    My mouth is watering for that soup and bread! Looks so good for a cold day.

  21. Oh Marlene, you have been so very busy. No wonder that your time flew!
    Your stitchings are amazing. The one you mounted on the cover of your box is my favorite. I saw the charts in the magazin when it was in the shops, but I did not buy it. Now I regret it ...

    I really hope you will have an enjoyable and restful next week!


  22. I'm with you on the retirement thing. Busy, but with what? I guess that is retirement. Like your wool appliqué and stitching!

  23. What a great post, Marlene--filled with all of my favorite things! Stitching, soup, homemade bread--oh, my!! I really love how you covered that box... What type of box did you use and how did you apply the fabric to the sides of the box? It REALLY looks great!

    Hope your retirement slows down a bit. I am still working part-time and actually think I'm more productive because of it :)

  24. I never know what day it is!!! :-)
    Great pillow…that would be perfect in my house here in VT.
    I LOVE your covered box and that cup of herbs is darling. The design is perfect for that box!

    Stitching, baking, cooking… It al looks so good. You certainly are multi talented.

    Have a nice weekend.

  25. Beautiful cross-stitching! The soup and homemade bread look so yummy. Thank you for sharing ... :) Pat

  26. I lose time also. You do get a lot done. Love all your kits. I think you are a fast embroiderer. I have an embroidery machine and don't get as much done as you, lol... I think it is because it takes time to get all the stuff out and set up. I love the cup embroidery, the soup looks wonderful, and that bread is to die for. All of it looks great. I love little bags also. Hugs, LJ

  27. Your bread looks great! I couldn't have those two extra loaves in the house either. Have a good day!
