Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Who Says Retirement is Boring?

Certainly not me!  I have no idea how I worked as long as I did because there's far too much to do at home!  If I've not visited your blog I apologize - I try to get in a few reads every few days but I've not been very successful.  I'm saving them though so when I have an hour to sit I can go back and catch up on everyone.  :)

I've finished a few of my cross stitch pieces and can't wait to show you.  First up is this piece that is part of a collection....I showed you the large pinkeep by Scattered Seed Samplers a couple of posts ago.  This drum is done in the same colors and complements it beautifully.  I couldn't stuff mine quite as tight as she did but I love it just the same.  And take a look at the back of it - so beautiful!

This is the second piece from the Virtues collection that I stitched....can't wait to do the rest of these.

I don't remember what this pattern is called but I do remember that I only stitched the center part of it.  I wanted something that shouted spring and I wanted to do a quick stitch so this worked perfectly for that.  And yes the azaleas above and the Carolina Jasmine in this are in my yard.  Love them!

And this was a quick one I did for St. Patrick's Day.

Switching now to wool - isn't this the sweetest little church?  I put it on the lid of a basket.

I've also done some canning - needed to restock my pantry.  Ten pounds of potatoes -

Seven quarts of pinto beans -

And 7 quarts of chicken soup -

My BFF gave me some old glass jugs she found when she was cleaning out her dad's auto shop.  He had stored oil and other yucky stuff in them.  They are beautiful leaded glass and I have  no idea what I'll do with them but just couldn't see them go to the trash bin.  Here's a before/after picture of what they look like.

Got any thoughts about how to use them?

And lastly, I got to babysit with one of my granddogs for a few days.  Her name is Ellie, and when we made our frequent trips outside she made a friend, named Bingo.  This is Bingo coming to invite Ellie out to play.  I told him no, she's not old enough to see men friends.  :)

Hope you're having a beautiful week!


  1. Well you have certainly been keeping busy. I especially love the pinkeep drum.

  2. Great! Very much your creative works and the preserved jars were pleasant. Fine!!! Yes, you had many interesting cases, well done!:-)

  3. Cross stitching I can do.

    I love the name pin keep! Fantastic work.

  4. What pretty stitching and finishing! Bet you'll find a very special way to use those jugs.

  5. Your stitching is beautiful.

    The canning is always such a rewarding feeling. You will appreciate it more later now that the hard work is done.

    Let's see.....I think my grandfather used to make dandelion wine in jugs like that!!!!

  6. What super projects you have stitched and finished! I always enjoy seeing what you have been up to through your pictures. Way to go!

  7. You've been super busy. It's always a pleasure to see your finished pieces!

  8. Oh my, so much stitching and finishing and canning. I'm sure you haven't had a single boring day since you retired.

  9. Your cross stitching is gorgeous and I love the inventive finishing, and shapes! That little wool church is so cute! You look to be using your time very wisely!!

  10. You have been busy doing lots of 'good' things! I love your cross stitch; my eyes and patience don't do so well with cross stitch these days. The little church is adorable and I love the idea of making it into a basket cover. I recently quit my job and am LOVING being home. And I agree that there is SO much to do; amazing how we ever found time to work!

  11. У вас очень красивая вышивка и очень вкусная еда! Браво!!!

  12. I remember how good canned potatoes are. I lost my recipe when we lost the house. I tried a couple off pinterest, did not like them. Just replaced my pressure last year. We grew yukon golds and some sort of reds. The did not do well enough to try and can. We got several dinners out of them though. I think we started them too late.
    Stitching is beautiful and the church basket is my favorite.
    I'm really taking to the wool and semi-primitive look. I have been collecting wool clothing for a little over 2 years, closets are full. One of my monthly goals will be to cut the fabric into foldable sizes. I'm still trying out how to store it.
    As for as retirement, I think I accomplished more while I was woking. Gotta find my self discipline I guess.
    Enjoy yourself,

  13. You seem very busy indeed !!! For me it is the same ! I wonder every day since I was retired how I could work full time, bringing up my four children, taking care of my husband and the house and finding a few minutes to embroider ....
    Very beautiful works of embroidery! I just love them!

  14. Beautiful your cross stitch!

  15. It's so good to hear from you again. You are right - I wonder how I managed to get everything done when I was working. Love your stitching. The pin keeps and the little church are wonderful! You've been busy canning but our canning season doesn't start for awhile yet. The old jugs are wonderful. I recently saw several of them for sale in a local thrift store but they must have known how popular they are right now - they were w-a-y too expensive for me! You can put lovely branches in them, long-stemmed flours and all sorts of things. I bet you could find them on Pinterest and get more ideas than you can imagine!

  16. You have finished so many pretty cross stitch pieces. That photo of the dogs was adorable!

  17. It is so nice to read from you and listen to the you're okay . You were very diligent . Particularly , of course , I like the embroidery , exactly to my taste . Wonderful!
    Greetings from afar

  18. ohhh look at all these goodies, for all the have been so busy and productive...wish we were closer, imagine retirement is your cup of T lol

  19. So many beautiful things you've made! That's lovely!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  20. You did so many beautiful work, all the nice Stitching, and the Cooking - wow.
    Greetings Martina

  21. Beautiful stitching and finishing. You certainly have been busy.

  22. Yes, you are busy in retirement! Look at all the CCS you're getting done! You're filling all those minutes, for sure. Neat that you've been canning. So is the produce you're using coming from the grocery? I can't imagine you're getting a potato crop already… are you? I'm sure it helps reduce cooking to have all that stuff prepped. Good work!

  23. You are amazing with your cross stitching...beautiful! Retirement seems to be good for you!

  24. I agree, I love being retired! I, too, find myself constantly busy . . . but you are far more productive! :)

  25. Compliments for all you do...cross at home...your lovely dogs...have happy days happy retired days!!Love

  26. I've always heard people say that they are busier in retirement than when they worked! But, yours is a fun busy, Marlene :) Your finishes are just wonderful--love each and every one :)

  27. You look like you are having way too much fun!! It seems to agree with you! Thanks for sharing your projects, Sharon

  28. sure have been busy! Love ALL of the needlework and your finishing is super. The canning looks yummy. Yes, we sure manage to keep busy in our retirement. How did we EVER work??

  29. I'm glad you're able to sneak in some stitching time in between your other activities. We're not retired yet, but we're empty nesters and friends with young children tell me often that it must be nice to have so much free time. I just laugh. I think each season brings it's own type of busy.
    Here's to more stitching time! Your projects are charming. I especially love the little church.

  30. I love, love, love the cross stitch pieces; you have done such a lovely job on each and every one. I am inspired! Your canning efforts will be so appreciated later when you reach for a jar, well done! Your granddog is quite popular! ;)

  31. Love the stitched pieces, Marlene! Beautiful, simply beautiful.

  32. Beautiful embroidery! Gorgeous works!
