Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Gardner I Am Not!

When we moved into this house 5 years ago there were 3 climbing rose bushes on the fence. I've never watered them, sprayed them, or otherwise taken care of them. I know, shame on me. But in my defense I'm allergic to most everything outside, including the mold that grows on the growing things. Bet you didn't know mold grew on trees and shrubs and plants, did you? Anyway, the poor roses end up with black spots on their leaves before the season is over and always look kind of "spindly" and neglected, advertising to everyone who passes by that the home dweller is a neglectful parent of plants. However, this year God did all the work for me! He watered and watered and watered and in between waterings he put the sun to work. The result was lots and lots of roses for me! Isn't God good! I have one pink rose bush and two red rose bushes and all these roses came from them this morning. I don't ordinarily cut so many but the nasty weatherman says we are getting high winds and hail again this afternoon. Arkansas has had about six weeks of high winds and hail and tornados and thunder and lightening and pounding rain. We would like a break from that, please. Confession time: several years ago my children bought me a gorgeous white rose bush for Mother's Day. I killed it. I have no idea how I killed it - I even tried to take care of this one. Sigh.

Back to quilting...I have a new picture to show you. I went fabric shopping yesterday. It was a perfect day. I had a 25% off coupon at my fabric quilt shop - Pinwheel Fabrics in Bryant, Arkansas. I had picked a pattern for my niece's wedding quilt and had in my head exactly what fabrics I wanted and, wonder of wonders, I found them! I can't show you those fabrics now because she might be reading this but I will show you a great red polka dot I found. Since I love redwork I'm always looking for red and white fabrics to pair with whatever my current project is. Don't you just love polka dots?

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad. You're not the only neglectful gardener! I start out with good intentions, but then fizzle out. Your roses are gorgeous. I can't bring flowers in the house, because the wee hairy beasties tend to eat them. Not particularly good for either the flowers or the cats!
    I love that red polka dot! And it's great that you found just the fabrics you wanted. How often do we get that lucky??
