Monday, May 19, 2008

It's A Mystery To Me!

Several months ago my guild started a mystery quilt. I've never done a mystery quilt so I thought, what the heck, this could be fun. I'm always open to trying new things. The first month we made 32 nine patches out of dark and/or medium fabrics. I'm thinking, oh man this is easy!

Second month, same 32 nine patches except in light fabrics. Piece o' cake! This might even be boring. After all, we only meet once a month so I've got lots of time to do each step.

Step 3. Uh, Oh. I'm like the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland....I'm late, I'm late. I need 14 of the light strips, 14 of the triangles, and 4 of the pyramids. Perhaps I spoke a little too soon about this being easy and boring. Thanks to the Quiltmania Retreat, though, they are done...finished before the guild meeting. Go, me!

If you look to your right you will see Step 4. If it looks like a jumbled mess, you're right! If you think quilt guld meets tonight, you're right! If you think I'm going to be finished before it's time to leave, you're wrong! Life got in the way..... this should be 64 "alternate" nine patches - top row of lights, bottom row of dark/mediums, middle row of one half square triangle (dark/light) and one dark and another half square triangel (dark/light). Please note that all of the rows are completed. I just haven't gotten the rows together.
Tonight is the night they are supposed to tell us how to put these blocks together. One of the women who is leading this mystery commented to me the other day, "I can't believe you haven't figured out yet what this is!" I'm the one who has zero imagination and can't even draw a stick figure. Figure out what it is - I leave that up to you. Any guesses? To be continued.......


  1. I'll be interested to see how it turns out.
    You mentioned how you love blue willow. I first got some in 1978We had just bought a summer cottage and I decided to go with a blue theme. Now 30 years later I still have blue willow as our everyday china and still love it!
    I am off to my quilting bee tonight. One of our members is moving so we are having a little party for her.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  2. YOUR mystery just might be THE project for me -- funny how something so simple as your pile of fabrics can end up turning on MY mind!

    Don't we have fun!

  3. Hi! Thanks for stoppin' by! I've done a lot of cross-stitch, but quilting, well, you have my complete admiration!
