Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Quilt Mania

The first week in April every year my quilt guild has a retreat called QuiltMania. On Monday forty or fifty of us go to a nearby 4H center where we set up machines, cutting tables, ironing boards and all the necessary tools and sew, sew, sew until Thursday. It is so fun! This year I worked on the mystery quilt we're doing in a guild workshop and also made this top. Don't you love the colors! It's king sized and sort of a rail fence pattern with floral blocks between the rail fence blocks. It's such a spring time quilt - it just looks like sunshine to me. The background floral is a wonderful yellow with red and green rose in it and the rail fence picks up those colors. If you haven't gone to a retreat like that you really should. I get so inspired when I see the quilts that everyone is making; I come home wanting to make them all.

When I got home I used some of the fabric I bought from our vendor who was there to make this purse. The coral background of the floral exactly matches an outfit I have for church. What luck!

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I always love to meet fellow quilters. Aren't quilt retreats so much fun? ALl the girls in my quilt bee go away for the weekend every fgall and we have aball sewing from morning to night. I look forward to seeing some more of your quilts.
    I am the same age as you and I miss my mom too. She's been gone 4 years next month.
    Rhondi xo
