Monday, October 27, 2008

Lost and Found?

Now I admit to not being the best housekeeper in the world. Or the best grandmother. But if you found this under the edge of a chair when you finally got around to moving furniture to vacuum what would you think? A gift from a grandchild? And no, I have no pets who might have brought it to me. Just grandchildren. He's not "fresh" if you know what I mean. He's dried. Skeletonized. (Is that a word?) He's been there a while. There is always the option that he snuck in and couldn't get back out. But I prefer to think a grandchild brought him in and then forgot about him to thinking he could have opened the door and walked in when I wasn't looking. Wouldn't you?


  1. Hmmm - I found several of those a couple of weeks ago when I was cleaning out the basement stairwell that comes in from the garage. I think they hop down the steps and then can't hop high enough to get back out. Yes, they are icky, but at least they don't smell when they reach tht point (smile).

  2. I'll bet it was a grand-son. After raising three boys and finding all sorts of things in their dirty clothes, such as a dead mouse, it had to be a boy!

  3. That's what my 3YO granddaughter calls a handsome prince!

  4. I'd MOVE out immediately. I am deathly afraid of frogs!!!

  5. Ewwwwww....*jumping around and flapping* It's a spooky Halloween surprise for sure!

  6. Yep!..I would stick to your thoughts on this one too...
    I once found a big centerpede under my lounge room rug, he had crawled under and perhaps got stepped on...

  7. So, this is what I have to look forward to from grandchildren!?! lol!! Yikes!

  8. I've had those surprises before. I just try not to think about how they got there! At least he passed on in a nice home occupied by caring people!


  9. Petrified, maybe?? Check out the ribs on that thing!

  10. hehehe, thanks for the giggle. I bet it was one of the grandkids brought it in!!

  11. What a hoot! Thanks again for bringing a smile to my day.

  12. You made me smile this morning!

  13. This is too funny! You made my day.:-)

  14. Great minds think alike! I have that site bookmarked already - hehehe!

  15. I hope he wasn't a prince in disguise!

  16. What a thing to find. LOL

    Thanks for visiting on my BAtW day! :)

  17. Oh sure! Blame the poor, defenseless grandchildren! You're scared to face up to what it really was, huh? A monster snuck into your house on Halloween night last year, got wedged under the couch, and died a slow and dismal death, not used to the dry air in your un-swampy living room. Too weak to cry out for help, he slowly shrivelled and dried, until you found his shrunken, dessicated skeleton on your cleaning blitz.....hmmmm....maybe more than once a year??Just sayin'!

  18. I know all about finding such creatures with three boys. Once when we went to see my parents in St. George on of the boys found a lizard and thought he would bring it home with us. Without asking me of course. He merely put it in a paper cup. Imagine my suprise when it ran across my foot, just as we got to our destination. Fortunately I was not driving. About scared me to death. I can laugh about it now but was not a very happy camper at the time.

  19. Oh my goodness...that would sure have given me a scare. So funny!

  20. Oh my goodness...that would sure have given me a scare. So funny!

  21. Yikes! I would have run screaming from the room if I found that under my chair!
