Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Happy Dance!

First of all I'm doing a happy dance today sister is coming! Today she will be here. She's coming because she is my best friend, she loves my view (see picture to the right!), we're going to see both of our brothers tomorrow, and because she finally has a few days off which makes the 400 mile trip, one way, possible. We have a lot of fun together in a way that only sisters understand. We know the good, the bad, and the ugly about each other and don't mind pointing it out. :) We will eat and talk and laugh and maybe even cry. But it will all be good.
A second happy dance is in order for these wonderful letters I won from Liz at A Giveaway A Day. She let me custom order them so I chose the word Faith in black but sort of primitive looking. Aren't they perfect? When my husband gets home and can climb the ladder for me they will go above the doorway into the sunroom. They're a little crooked in the picture but they will be properly lined up when they're hung.
I'm not sure what my happy dance looks like, and I won't be making a video of it, but it could possibly resemble something like the chicken dance. Now wouldn't you love to see that!


  1. Nothing quite as wunnerful as time with a sister. Enjoy!

  2. Have a wonderful time with your sister! I am very sad you won't be showing us your happy dance - I bet it looks great!! :-)

  3. yayyy for family time.
    that's awesome.

    and congrats on winning.

  4. Your view is beautiful, I love the Faith letters, have a great time with your sister but I wanna see this happy dance! I think mine kind of looks like a football players when they get a touchdown.

  5. Have a wonderful time with your siblings! I love your letters.

  6. Have sisters and brothers!
    Love the word FAITH. Has such meaning.
    And I "SO" want to see a video of the "Happy Dance"!

  7. Seems like I was hearing a lot of "clucking" out of the eastern sky when I was out in the yard this afternoon. Must of have been you doing your chicken dances

    Enjoy your time with your sister and don't let your brothers get the best of you two girls.

    Where would be be without "faith" and the word faith will go great in the sunroom.

  8. Have lots and lots of fun with your sister! Love the FAITH letters~they'll look great above your doorway.


  9. What a special time to be with your sis. I would love to see your happy dance. Congrats on winning those letters! I love them.

  10. Oh- I love your view too!! Can I have a few days off to visit!?


    Have fun with your sister! So special!!

  11. That sounds great! You and your sister have a lovely time!

  12. Have fun with your sister.

    You won ANOTHER giveaway?? You're quite the lucky one!

  13. I love your letters Marlene! I'd be doing the Happy Dance too!!

  14. Hope you're having a great time with your sister!

  15. I've always wanted a sister, but I'm lucky enough to have produced a whole house of sisters. It's so amazing to watch those friendships grow. You girls have fun!!

  16. Hope you have a great time with your family!
