Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Horror Story

I’m a creature of habit. I’ve confessed that before but I’ve come to find a certain comfort in my habitualness. Today was the seventh week of a Bible study I led at church (Stepping Up by Beth Moore, a study of the Psalms of Ascent). We begin at 12:30 but I try to get to the church about 12:00 to get everything set up. For seven weeks I’ve left home about 10:00 to run my errands and today was no different. I got my allergy shots, one in each arm (yesterday I had a flu shot and pneumonia shot, one in each arm). Yuck! I went to the post office where I stood in line for about 15 minutes. Let me just interject here to say, girls your government is hard at work saving us money. The temperature in the post office was approximately 55. No kidding. Everyone in line was shivering. I picked up some lunch and ate in the car.

At 11:10 I entered Walgreens. I had called in three prescriptions early this morning and since I do Express Pay I knew I could pick them up and be out in a hurry. But first I wanted to do a little shopping. I’m a coupon shopper so I carefully went up and down the aisles searching out my bargains. I was about half way through my list and close to the back of the store where the pharmacy is so I stopped to get that part done. Clerk #1 was working the drive thru window. Clerk #2 was in the back counting pills. Pharmacist #1 came over to wait on me. She whispered to me that one of my prescriptions wasn’t ready – they were out and wouldn’t have it until later in the day. I guess she was whispering because it was a (whisper) feminine product. I was ok with that…I’m agreeable…no problem. Wait! Clerk #2 heard her (good ears, huh?) and said my feminine product had been delivered and was in the “back” but she did…not…have…time…to get it. Pharmacist #1 snapped at the clerk that she would just get it herself. I’m sure she was thinking she was a pretty high priced supply clerk – I was thinking that! So I wait while she cuts the box, types a label, gathers everything up and returns to me. Computer #1 was down, computer #2 was down, ah ha! Computer #3 is working so she entered my items (total $45) and handed me the ticket to sign. I “Express Pay” with my debit card and as I started to sign I automatically noted the total…..$395.49. Excuse me, I think there’s a problem. Pharmacist looks like a deer caught in the headlights. By this time all computers are down because someone, somewhere, is uploading a software program. On the Walgreens computers. In the middle of the day. She calls the manager.

The manager arrives. He’s about 12 years old. No kidding. It’s 11:55. No kidding. He has to go to his office to “find the transaction” so he can credit it. His office is at the front of the store by the photo lab. Ok I say but I’m really in a hurry now. I’ve been waiting 25 minutes so far. He returns with whatever paperwork he needs. A credit can only be given at computer #3. Which is now down. I have to go. If you could just trust me to… he says. I say, “Honey, I don’t even trust my husband with $400! As you can well imagine by this time there is an audience who thinks this is hilarious.

Now one thing I haven’t mentioned is that I’m wearing my Stephens Ministry sweatshirt. This means I…cannot…be…ugly. I really want to be ugly. Finally, at 12:05 I give up and say, “Aaron,” because we’re on a first name basis now, “I’m gonna’ have to go. But at 3:00 I’m gonna’ be back at the drive thru window to get my credit and my prescriptions.

I know you think this story is over. Nope. At 3:00 I pull up to the drive thru. She says my stuff is locked in the safe in the office at the front of the store by the photo lab. And she can’t go get it. I have to go in. It’s been 3 days since I took anything for my arthritis so to say I don’t really want to walk any more than I have to is understating it. But I drive to the front, go in to the photo lab. Where I am told that my stuff has been taken to the pharmacy. At the back of the store. Yep. The back. Finally, transactions done I ask for a copy of the credit ticket. Because she didn’t offer me one. But she only has one copy she says. She can make me a copy but the copy machine is…….you guessed it, at the front of the store, by the photo lab.
I couldn’t make this up.


  1. Oh MY!! I'm laughing my (yesterday's post) socks off!! Sister Sherry

  2. I think the enemy is attacking you here. Good thing you had that shirt on to remind you to be slow to anger.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh, Marlene! Such restraint of emotions you have. I would have been BAWLING...and possibly screaming, or I would have just walked out and prayed to God that when I finally did go back, they had it all together.

    Thanks for sharing. I hope your tomorrow is much better. So.....how did your bible study go?

  5. I think a letter/email to Walgreen's is in order. I have shaken the Cutsomer Service tree at major stores and actually gotten response. Besides an apology they need to give you some form of recompense. Remind them that you are a loyal customer. Remind them that they are not the only game in town and other pharmacies offer nice gift certificates for transferring a prescription. Most of all remind them that YOU the CUSTOMER ended up PAYING (in time, gas and annoyance) for WALGREEN's error.

    And say it with a sweet smile.
    Peace to you, Marlene.

  6. Goodness, I'm worn out just reading about that ordeal.

    Next time, don't put your ministry shirt on until after you've run your errands.

    tee hee

  7. Okay... I feel much better about my day... Thanks!

  8. ....And you offered all that aggravation up for your sins, right?!

  9. Oh dear Marlene, I do so admire your restraint. Sweatshirt or no I might have spoken in a VERY LOUD VOICE to be sure all the other customers knew what was happening. Is Walgreens any part of Walmart, who we know as Asda in England?
    love, Angie,xx

  10. I have those days, too.
    Somedays it just seems "if it can go wrong, it will".
    And it's always when it's a "have to" case and you just can't walk away and come back another day.

  11. Well, you've started my day off with a great laugh! Too funny - although I almost, "almost" feel guilty for having a chuckle at your expense and the comedy of errors because of the stress and trials you experienced.

    I started off reading this post thinking how similiar our lives were going - I'm leading Beth Moore's "Stepping Up"...I got my flu shot yesterday...but from there on in, my day was NOTHING like yours!

    I love the fact God knew what you had to wear yesterday morning in order to help you keep your cool and be a witness for Him - He had you dressed for success - glad you didn't feel the need to cover your ministry t-shirt with a sweater and let your frustrations out. I'm sure your patient reactions were a testimony.

    Thanks for my morning smile,

  12. Oh my, some times our patience and Christianity are really tested...it appears this was one of your days. Marlene, it sounds like you handled it quite well.

    You were able to "vent" thru your posting - and we readers are getting a good laugh - but yet understanding 100% your suffering.


  13. My aching knees are commiserating with you!! UGH! How frustrating. Except I have to chuckle at 55 being freezing - that's considered balmy for mid November where I come from! hehehe

  14. Well I'll be darned! Those same people run my CVS store! Who would have thought?

    I'll have to make a mental note not to wear any identifying attire. LOL Too funny!

  15. A splendid report about a dreadful day.

    I'm a StMin, too!

    n, np

  16. After reading your post, and given my tendency toward what I call "snarkiness", I think I should get a shirt too from some ministry so I think twice about my response. You handled everything so much better than I probably would have! lol!

  17. What horrible customer service. I would certainly send this post to Walgreens Customer Service.

  18. .....and THAT'S why you were wearing your Stephens Ministry sweatshirt....to hold you back.

    I took the Other Mother to the doctor yesterday and sat in the examining room with her. The doctor was VERY SLOW...VERY SLOW. I thought I was in a Fellini movie because he sat down to write in the chart and talk to her and he was falling asleep!!!!! At least I thought he was falling asleep. I watched him more carefully and his eyes were rolling back in his head and his eyelids were fluttering. I excused myself and asked his receptionist if there was something I should know as the doctor was losing consciousness!!!! She told me he was diabetic and she'd get him a soda quick. The DOCTOR was going into diabetic shock. Really, you can't make this stuff up.

    - SUzanne

  19. I'm not laughing! I am getting irritated on your behalf. I think I'd be finding me a new Pharmacy.
    Mama Bear

  20. Bless your heart, Marlene (and I mean that sincerely) ... Your story is hilarious and one I can certainly relate to. In fact, we're moving our prescriptions from Walgreen's to Kroger's because we've experienced "horror stories" such as yours many times.

    You deserve a medal for keeping your cool and sense of humor!



  21. Followed you here from your comment at Suzanne's. It just sounded like something I shouldn't miss. Oh my! That is about the worst day that I have ever heard or read about. Glad that shirt kept you gentle; I'd have been a raving lunatic.

  22. Well Marlene,you had quite a day!
    Thanks for stopping by.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  23. Marlene, you are a saint. By 3:05pm I would have been telling someone where to stick that credit copy and it wouldn't be in a nice spot! Your stories are such a hoot. Thanks for my chuckle today.

  24. Oh, Marlene - Of course you couldn't make up a story like this one. We moved our prescriptions from Fred Meyer (Kroger's) to Walgreen because when they came to town one of our pastor's wives worked there and we like the incentives they gave for transferring. Plus, they had a computer system in place that our insurance 'preferred' to work with and we didn't have to send proof of anything to anyone or confirm that we got what they said we did like we'd one in the past. But I have to tell you I've had a couple of experience not quite as bad as yours - but almost - and I'm thinking of transferring back. Especially when my doctor said I could no longer take the generic for something and they didn't 'catch' her words on the new prescription: BRAND NAME ONLY. NO GENERIC! I got home to find they had filled it with the generic as they had been doing. Had to go back and was told, 'Well, do you really want the brand name? The generic is cheaper!' Duh - my doctor had a reason I shouldn't take the generic. Hope you got to sit down and put your feet up when you got home.

  25. Oh my gosh!!! What a Fiasco and you have the patience of a saint!

  26. You really wanted to be ugly but you had your christian tshirt on. LOL

  27. Bless your heart~but I'm sure that sweat shirt saved you from having to change pharmacies! Sure hope your arthritis is easing up a little. BTW, I love Beth Moore!


  28. Hi..I'm bj and just came over from The Farmer's Wife to read about you and your affair with Walgreen.
    I laughed in places (due to your cute personality) and soooo related to all you talked about.
    I picked up 2 boxes of Cho. Covered Cherries at the front of the store, got to the pharmacy to pick up my meds, she rang up the total..then I noticed the candy was dark chocolate. Knowing my grandkids liked the milk cho., I said, oh, let me take these back up front and get the lighter cho. Oh, well, she says, I will have to get the manager over for THAT! What? I say...and that same 12 yr. old manager came over,...took me 20 minutes to exchange 2 boxes of candy, worth $5.00 that had never been taken from the store.

  29. Big sigh... You handled your day very well, and you write about it with a good sense of humor, though quite annoyed you must have been... I can relate to stories like that... Makes for a very frustrating day, and a bad mood to carry on the day with...
    I'd send this post to Walgreens....
    Hope you are having a good day today! 8-)

  30. I am laying in bed with my laptop and my hubby laughing my head off at this post. Sounds like one of my days!
