Monday, November 3, 2008

Sadly Seeking

I knew it would happen eventually and I've been watching for it but I'm still unhappy to report that one of my posts got a nasty spam comment. I am sadly seeking information - how do you remove just one comment from a post without removing all comments? For now I have elected to hide all comments on that particular post but I don't want to do that. I just want to remove the ugly one. Anyone know how to do that?

Meanwhile I will pray for the person who has to earn their living in such a job and ask that you pray for him/her as well. I will be asking for a new job, one that will not only earn him/her a living wage but will also feed the soul as well.

It's Monday, the beginning of a brand new week. It's fall, it's cool, and ya'll...the leaves here where I live are so beautiful it takes my breath away! We're going to take a little drive this morning and I know it will be beautiful. I can hardly wait!


  1. I am not sure how to remove that comment. I have my comments moderated so I get an email to approve them before they are made public. It is sad there are people who have such empty lives that they do that.

    Have a great week and I hope some one else knows how to remove it.

    hugs, Linda

  2. Marlene, There is a little trash can beside their comment. Click ont the trash can.

  3. Got it! Thanks so much. blessings, marlene

  4. Marlene: Glad you got that sorted! I agree with Linda, it is really sad that some people have nothing better to do than go and try to wreck someone else's life! Much love, Raquel XO

  5. wow. sorry people need to take the time to be mean:) If they just took the energy and put it into nice things. I also leaned something new about deleting a comment.
    Hope you have a great week:)

  6. Marlene, your drive in the country sounds wonderful. I hope you will share some pictures with us.



  7. I am sorry you recieved such a nasty comment. I too, recieved one not too long ago and just like you was shocked. It is so sad to see that some people just want to spred hatred when others like you share good things and hope. Don't let it bother you and keep up the good work.

  8. I see several beat me to it. Glad you got it taken care of. Blessings.

  9. I've had a few comments I've had to delete. They weren't nasty or anything, but they looked like spam and I was afraid if someone clicked on their site then they would get a lot of junk on their computer.

    Hope you enjoyed your drive. We are having beautiful weather here in Texas.

  10. I don't understand why some people need to be that mean...what do they gain from it? costs nothing to be nice , I glad you sorted that out.
    Hugs julia

  11. Hi Marlene,
    thanks for your comment on my post about the vanity!
    I thought about the fact that I wash my hands a lot too when doing my makeup, hair, etc. in the morning, so the vanity idea wouldn't be practical I guess. But I love those old movies that the ladies sit at their vanities getting ready to go out for evening, it always looks so elegant!

  12. That is awful. Did you get it figured out? I have deleted some comments before. It is so sad that someone has to try to ruin our little blogging world. I hope it never happens again to you.

  13. oh, yes, I've had a spam comment or two as well. So glad that we can delete them and go on our merry ways.

    The energy some people spend just to try to ruin someone else's day. Amazing, isn't it?

    Glad you got it taken care of.

  14. I've only had one bad comment that I've had to delete. I don't understand why people don't have better things to do.

    The leaves have been beautiful, but my husband said we got too little rain later this summer for them to be as stunning as they could be. I'd love to see pictures of your fall colors. My sister lives in Hot Springs, too (small world).

  15. Marlene, if you have comments going directly to your e-mail box you can check the spam box for that e-mail and they can't come back. At least not from that e-mail address.
