Saturday, November 22, 2008

There's God!

We've spent a couple of days at our son's home taking care of his daughters while his sweet wife was out of town. He could have done it himself because he's a good daddy but this is football season and he's a coach. Small children don't do well on the football field with huge boys running and tackling and small girls wanting to run in the middle of them.

As I watched him enter the house yesterday, nearly six feet of him, I remembered the time when he was half that height. When he was five we lived in Small Town Arkansas and attended a church that had wonderful cathedral-like steps leading up to the beautiful doors of the church. Our pastor was an older gentleman with beautiful, thick, white hair and who always wore black robes when in the sanctuary. He was a stately looking southern gentleman.

One day my husband and I were driving down the street in front of the church and saw the pastor standing at the top of the steps in his black robe talking with another church member. They had just had a funeral and though the family and friends were gone the pastor was still there. Our son spotted him there and yelled excitedly, "Momma, Momma, look! There's God standing on the steps!"

Made perfect sense to me.


  1. Hi Marlene -
    That is the funniest story! It's amazing what kids think, isn't it? We never know what's going through their minds. My daddy was a preacher and I thought he was speaking Latin every Sunday morning at the end of the opening prayer when he said (very fast, or so it seemed to me!) "Thank you, you may be seated." It was some time before I understood what he was saying. Maybe there's a lesson there that he should have enunciated more clearly or slowed down but I was so proud of my daddy for knowing another language! I just hope your minister's life exemplified God!

    P.S. - I just got home and found a little package that had arrived in my mailbox today. I'll be in touch and tell you all about it! But then, I think you already know.

  2. Cute story. Thanks for sharing!

  3. So funny!
    My littlest boy used to call our preacher ...our creature. We had a temp. one (gosh I can't remember the word...) and our little one told him that our OLD CREATURE was really nice too :)
    So if you are stitchin by the will be up for my challenge...come see!

  4. How sweet! My daughter's used to think their Great Grandfather was God... While he is a wonderful man, I had to explain this to him!

  5. Marlene, I love this story. Mom always said we need to keep a journal of what the kids say and I believe this.

  6. My son used to thn that our pastor (young guy) was Jesus. I had a hard time not laughing as he explained it to me.
    Love your blog, I don't quilt as much as I'd like, to much medical going on.

  7. Very cute! When my younger daughter was little she'd get very excited anytime we passed a cemetery and point out to anyone who'd listen---"There's heaven!"

  8. Lovely little story that brought a smile to my face this morning. Thanks so much for sharing! XXOO

  9. What a sweet story, Marlene ... and such a nice way to begin my Sunday morning.

  10. Makes sense to me too! My neighbor puts a creche display in her home every year. Last year she put it in a different location and her grandson came in, marched around the house and demanded, "Grandma, where's the God Stuff?"

    HA HA....the God Stuff indeed. He was quite worried that Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without the God Stuff. He was right!!!!

    - Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

  11. That's too cute. I love these little stories from your life.

  12. That is soooo cute! I'm sure your preacher enjoyed that comparison too. *grin*

  13. What a sweet, sweet memory. Thanks so much for sharing this.

  14. Out of the mouth of babes...cute story. Once my little daughter asked me if we could move to the apt. upstairs so we could be closer to God. I wish that it was that easy.

    Have a wonderful and (as you say) blessed Thanksgiving

  15. Oh, that's priceless! I can still remember the story of my small cousin attending a catholic mass for the first time. When the priest walked out my cousin, Joe, asked in a very, very loud little kid voice "Is that God?". It was all the congregation could do to hold it together and not laugh so hard to disrupt the service.

  16. The images we birth about our God in our innocence! Some accurate. Some not so, but in this case, I like the fact that your son equated God with your pastor. Oh that God would be beheld in all our lives. Happy Thanksgiving, Marlene. I'm sure you'll have some great stories to tell postscript. I am thankful for your presence in my life and for allowing us all a taste of your world.

    You're a treasure.

