Saturday, November 1, 2008


I had a busy week with lots going on at church and things to do at home and didn't get to read, or comment on, many of your blogs. I was almost feeling panicky (is that a word?). You know the feeling, like when you really, really need a fix of chocolate and haven't had any in looooong time and you have this nice Hersheys Bar in your hands? Your mouth is watering and you can smell the chocolate and you're trying to decide if you want to break it into little pieces and have one at a time or take a big bite out of it? Anyway, that's how I was feeling Thursday. I finished my chores, it was quiet in my house, and I sat down at my desk to read. No internet. I sat there staring at my computer with a blank look on my face, waiting. Waiting. I got up, put a load of clothes in the washer and came back. Nothing. I went back to the kitchen and had lunch; I returned to my desk. Nothing. Someone stole my chocolate bar - that's the way I felt. Hours later I called my daughter and she told me the sad story; someone laying a sewer pipe in a town 40 miles away cut a fiber optic cable and took out Internet for folks from Oklahoma, through Arkansas, and all the way to Louisiana. It would be as long as 36 hours to get it back on. I'm sure my eyes rolled back in my head.

Friday morning I got up, powered up the computer, and nothing. Meanwhile, we were going on a little trip up to see our son and his family, do a little trick or treating with the grandchildren, and then to a high school football game where our son coaches. We didn't get home until about 4:00 this afternoon. Let's see: noon Thursday to 4:00 Saturday would mean about 52 hours. Without Internet. I am traumatized. I'm not sure how long recovery will take but I am sure it will mean lots of chocolate.


  1. I know how you feel without internet. That has happened to me as well. I can't hardly go without getting on the computer.

    I hope you recover from the trauma -- LOL

  2. I hope you get your service back soon. In the meantime, breathe, and work on some of your unfinished projects! We'll all be here when you get back online. lol

  3. Silly me, I thought maybe you posted from another computer. I didn't read the last part carefully to see that you had your service back. Anyway, glad you're back online.

  4. I'm sure there's some kind of twelve step program you could get into......
    That would never happen to me [Cough, cough!] I can quit any time I want to!

  5. Thanks for the giggle! I know what you mean!

  6. ACCKKK! No internet? No blogging? My gosh, how did you manage? I have to check mine several times a day or I feel "anxious" - (chuckle). Glad you're back online.

  7. Oh my goodness! I can imagine your pain!

  8. I know the feeling well! Everytime i stay with parents, (frequently this year)i have to do without! Only get on line when i pop over to Sis's and i can't have long enough to check blogs!!!

  9. Oh my! The timing was bad! Hop on over to my blog for some good pick me up news :o)

  10. Hi Marlene :)

    I know exactly how you feel! When Ike came through and we didn't have cable for an eternity I felt lost. It's sick isn't it? LOL


  11. OH yes - that is traumatizing! You were missed!! So glad you are back too!

  12. Glad you're back and blogging! Losing your intrernet like losing something small but significant ~ like a thumb!

  13. Isn't it amazing that something we barely had 20 years ago we now think we can't live without? When we've been out of power, it about drives me crazy. We get most all of our information online; news, weather, everything. I feel so out of touch without it.

  14. Twice in the past couple of months our internet was out for a period of time and I was feeling that same thing you describe. I hate it that I'm THAT hooked on the internet. I can go fine without internet surfing, but it's the email and blog capabilities that I NEED!

  15. Oh my! Hope the chocolate soothes your Marlene. Computers are wonderful until there's a problem and then panic sets in, LOL

  16. haha, I know how you must have felt Marlene!!! I can't stand it if my internet goes down for an instant! It's a very important part of my life, and most because of the blogging and the wonderful friends I have made through that medium!

  17. I know! Isn't it amazing how addictive this blogging has become. I miss my friends when I don't visit them for a few days. The best thing is, I don't even have to get dressed or leave the house to visit. I liked your analogy to chocalate.
    Mama Bear

  18. I know exactly how you feel. Been there, done that early last month!!! I found it very hard to distract myself with other things... Withdrawls...

  19. We were out here too...only it was my hubby that was going stir-crazy! Me? I have way to much to do to worry if I can't get online (plus I snuck on while at work!)


  20. Glad to read that there are so many of us who are internet junkies. After reading about your distressing withdrawal symptoms, I was afraid it was a familial affliction. Hooray for satellite internet here in rural Oklahoma.

  21. Glad to read that there are so many of us who are internet junkies. After reading about your distressing withdrawal symptoms, I was afraid it was a familial affliction. Hooray for satellite internet here in rural Oklahoma.

  22. Sorry for the double entry, Marnie. It was one of my palsied moves.

  23. Chocolate always helps!

  24. I had some of that while visiting DD this past week. I got a little blog reading in, but no time to comment or anything else. I was having withdrawals too. Sad, isn't it? And I have that with chocolate too. Oh my! Glad you're back and "connected"!
