Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Giveaway For You To Check Out

RoseMary at Life in a Cordwood Cabin is having a giveaway. Ya'll, I just love her and you will too. Go see her apron and cookie cutters and recipe book.


  1. Thankyou I will pop over there now Jan xx

  2. Hi Marlene,
    Isn't that the cutest apron and great giveaway. I just got back from Rose Mary's blog.
    Thanks for sharing,

  3. Thank you for posting about the giveaway!

  4. Thanks, Marlene! I'm so thrilled to see how many have come over for the giveaway!

  5. Thanks Marnie. Too bad for you that I'm going to win. Remember our red tin tea sets, and our red plastic Easter purses, and our red Tricycles? No wonder we like red as old ladies.

  6. Thanks for the give-away tip.
    Cute stuff.

    I so relate to your last post. I am so busy all the time. It seems like I am as busy as when I was high school and at the college and grading papers every night. How can that be???? Is there an hour thief that takes time away from retired folks?? I can't figure it out!

    When you have a minute to catch your breath come on over to my blog and pick up an award I have for you. I know...I know just one more thing to do....but it is a Kreativ Blogger award and I just had to pass it on to you.... I had no choice.... creative blog friend come on over and get your award.

  7. thank-you for the heads up on this giveaway!

  8. ahhh gingham. nothing screams homey quite so well. i've decorated in yellow gingham :-)
