Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Little of This and That

First and most important, Eli is home! Many thanks for those of you who prayed for him and for his family. They are most grateful. And they got to go home with a Project Linus quilt so if you're one of those who work on that project they are doubly thankful. If you'd like to see another picture (or a thousand eventually) of Eli you can check out his mother's blog - Colorado Belle.

We also have another new blogger out there who is definitely going to be worth adding to your reader. Remember the post I had the other day about the view from the bathroom window? That came from Kim, one of my Sunday School teachers and a good friend. Kim and her husband have four children of their own and they also foster other children so you can bet her stories will be laced with laughter, and probably with a tad bit of chaos. Her blog is Momma To Many. She also quilts ya'll though I have no idea when she can find the time. She'd love to have you visit!

And last, but not least, stomach viruses are gifts from Satan. I woke up yesterday morning at 5 a.m. and for most of the day kept the trash can beside the bed, in my hand, or in front of me in the bathroom. :( My sister and I have a running joke - I pray that God will let me die before her and she prays that God will let her die before me because we don't either one want to face living without the other. I love my sister - can you tell? Anyway, yesterday somewhere in the midst of the horribleness I sent her a text message and said, "God has picked me to die first!" Since I'm here typing this post you can tell He didn't but I sure wanted Him to! It's nearly 4 a.m. the next day and I guess I slept so much yesterday I don't' need any more because I'm wide awake.


  1. Sad to hear you were in imminent danger of popping off yesterday! That's not nice. I'm fortunate (touch wood) in not being a safe haven for too many bugs. Things that last a lifetime yes - at least they are 'normal' for me and livable with -, bugs no! You are apparently supposed to be grateful these things don't last long - I call that scant comfort! What say you?

  2. I hope you are feeling MUCH better by now. I'm so happy baby Eli is home. What a cutie he is, and I will definitely be checking out Mama to Many. Thanks Marlene!
    be blessed,

  3. Wonderful news about Eli. Hope he stays well. Such a darling boy.
    So you text? Way to go. I am not there yet, possibly because I have to drive 4 miles to get a signal.
    Glad you and your sister are still in the race and no one has won.
    If you get a chance, read the books written by the Delany sisters ("Having Our Say" was the first). They were in their hundreds and a hoot.

  4. Glad that you survived the day. That is so yucky!

    Good to read that Eli is home.

  5. Consider how bad you felt yesterday and today will be a greater joy. Thankfully these things don't last long and you will be hail and hearty again. So glad to hear about Baby Eli and that you can show so many people how God does answer our prayers.

  6. I'm glad Eli is home. I'll continue to pray for him.

  7. I agree with you on the stomach virus.
    Sisters are special friends.
    Praise that Eli is home.
    I'll check out the new blog.
    Feel well,
    Mama Bear

  8. Marlene I hope you are all better by now. I have a sister in TN, I love her so much but she is in bad health and could not come if I needed her. A good thing I have Bob. And good kids. Tom especially would come quick.

  9. I feel so bad for women who don't have a sister!

  10. Oh Marlene, you make me laugh! I'll go visit Kim. :-)

  11. I am so happy that Eli is doing well, such a sweet family.

    I am glad you are better...I always say If I could choose I would take a whipping over what you had.....don't like, don't want it......

  12. I am just now catching up on your blog and am happy to hear Eli is doing well. My sweet granddaughter that was born in November was also in the hospital this month with RSV. So hard to see these little ones sick.

  13. I am so glad that Eli is home. Thank goodness. However, I am sorry you were so ill. John and I have had the same thing. Actually we both got it the last night of our cruise. We took turns running to that tiny little bathroom while the ship rocked back and forth in the so. Cal storm at sea. It was not fun. I had to be taken all the ship in a wheelchair looking like death warmed over.We stayed in bed for several days since we got home but we are back to normal now. I hope you will be back to normal soon too. Hugs, Lura

  14. Glad to hear that Eli is home and doing well!

    I had the stomach crud... so fun!! Glad you survived.

  15. Sorry to hear bout that virus.. yuk!! I too am close to both my sisters and wouldn't want to be without them. There is a closeness that can't be described.. Hope you are feeling much better. Have a good Sunday.

  16. I am so proud Eli is better. Sorry to hear of your virus. Hope by now you are much improved.
