Monday, November 29, 2010

One Thousand Blessings - Day 17

561.  Time with my sister
562.  Local quilt shops
563.  Wearing boots with jeans
564.  Bible verses that appear just when you're looking for them
565.  New blog friends
566.  Quilt kits
567.  Junk/antique shops
568.  Thanksgiving dinners
569.  Family
570.  Natural springs that make beautiful lakes
571.  Safe travel for people I love
572.  Good books that teach me more about God
573.  Quiet prayer time
574.  Salvation Army bell ringers
575.  Hallmark movies
576.  Walking trails
577.  Ear muffs
578.  Friends who miss me when I'm away
579.  The wonderful people who pick up my trash every week
580.  Neighborhood watch groups
581.  Country roads with trees on both sides
582.  Christian book stores
583.  Cute coffee mugs
584.  Fresh country eggs
585.  Toast made with real butter
586.  Dark chocolate
587.  Milk chocolate
588.  White chocolate - anyone see a trend here?
589.  Dogs with big brown eyes who lay on my bed
590.  Wool socks


  1. Great list. And such a good idea. Sometimes we take the little things for granted and need to be reminded how lucky we are!

  2. I love this. I haven't started it on my blog but I have in my journal.

  3. so much to be thankful for.
    My hubby and I watched a Hallmark movie last night with Sam Elliot. He is one of my favorite actors.
    Yay! for antique stores especially when I can find a treasure.

  4. I could use a bit more of 561 myself and 589 is a weakness.

  5. Great ones! Especially boots with jeans, wearing wool socks, while walking on the trails!!!

    Blessings to you this dreary Monday.

  6. Good ones oh and I scored on a box of chocolate Ritz...tiny box! I'll have to hide it from the others. LOL

  7. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving. I like your Mug Rugs. Too cute!

  8. Another great list, Marlene. I got a little tickled at your "boots with jeans"... it's funny how we think of things like that to be thankful for.
