Friday, January 7, 2011

A Little Late or Really, Really Early?

Whether I'm late for this year or early for next year....not important!  It's a finish, one of the 32 UFOs I turned in to my quilt guild UFO chairman a couple of months ago.  I think it's #5 of the 32.  And, wonder of wonders, I'm working on #6!  That's another Christmas UFO and when I started going through my Christmas fabrics and kits I was, well shall we say just a tad embarrassed at how many of those I had.  If you could see me through your screen my face would be red.  Thank goodness you can't!  I have no more room on my walls or tables for Christmas things so it's time I passed some on to my children.  Next year.  Or the next.  :)  I know this looks a little crooked on the wall but it's not.  Much.  I did all kinds of machine quilting on it.  Some of it good, some of it not so good. But I did it and that's the important part.  More experience under my belt.  From this point forward I have promised myself I will not start anything new until I have finished something old.  I'll be doing a 1:1 ratio for those of you who understand math and if you don't that just means you didn't have me for a teacher.  And it also means I get to do one new thing for each old thing I finish.  So when I'm done with #6 I'm going to work on ....  I have no idea because I have a dozen ideas rolling around in my head but I can hardly wait.  :)


  1. Good luck with that 1:1 ratio. I wish I could accomplish that. I am so easily distracted.

  2. Pretty finish! I too am trying to work on a 1:1. However, I gave myself an out and limited it to tops, not bags or small projects.

  3. Very Nice! I say it's an EARLY finish for this year! Good luck with your UFOs.

  4. Love it Marlene and how nice you will have something new to take out next Christmas!!

  5. This is so cute :) Yep, I agree that it should be considered an early finish for next year.

    I like your idea of a 1:1 ratio. Maybe that's what I'll do while working on my UFO's for the challenge I'm participating in.

  6. Early is always good. I do like the project!

  7. Good to see you are getting those UFO's done. The chairman says "good job".

  8. Great finish! And just in time for next Christmas...

  9. I'm at the point, re 1:1 ratio that I don't buy anything for our home unless something leaves. LOL

    I love your Christmas quilt. I love everything Christmas!

  10. I really like the idea of finishing one UFO and then starting a new one. I may follow your lead on this.

    Hugs - Marie

  11. "I'll be doing a 1:1 ratio for those of you who understand math and if you don't that just means you didn't have me for a teacher." I LOVE this!! And it's very reasonable and disciplined.

    I also love that your quilters guild has a UFO chairman. Nothing like a little loving accountability from fellow addicts!

  12. Congratulations on a pretty Christmas finish! Believe it or not, I don't do Christmas quilts. I can't say why I don't, but they just don't happen at my house. Guess there are too many non-Christmas-y items to make first. And I've NEVER bought or made anything from a kit. Didn't God make a nice variety of us?

  13. I think it is wonderful that you are tackling the pile and making such wonderful progress. I also like your one done before something new comes in. Well done.

  14. We have some master quilters in our club and occasionally one will give a table runner or wall hanging as a gift...I was lucky enough to win one in a raffle and take home another from a secret Santa event...I treasure them so I'm sure yours will be treasured by whomever is the lucky person.
    You've inspired me to finish the two I have in hoops right now.
    I know the excitement of starting a new project so good for you doing your UFOs that way.
    Mama Bear

  15. Hi Marlene...I wish I was one of your children and you were giving that to me for Christmas next year.!!! Can you adopt me? Just kidding. You did a great job! I love it!

  16. Ok, Marlene, you must have overheard that I bought fabric for a new quilt today before I finished the 4 quilts I have in various stages of construction. Why do I do this??? Is it the thrill of creating, the smell of new fabric, the ???? Oh I can't even think of another excuse.
    I guess this means I need to finish at least one of those UFO's upstairs...after I cut out the pieces for the first two blocks


  17. I love your idea! And your project!

  18. I'm glad you added the red borders around the flying geese. And all I can say about the UFOs: you go, girl!

  19. It is simply beautiful. Of course everything you do is beautiful. It is very much like one I made for Erin several years ago. I will have to get a picture and show you next time I am in Utah. You will be surprised how much they are alike.
    I am proud of you getting old projects done. I need to follow your example. Have a great week. Hugs, Lura
