Sunday, March 20, 2011

UFO #8

In November (I think) I made a list of UFOs for my guild.  It was a challenge that was designed to get some quilts ready for our next show which will be in September.  I put 30 on my list.  In my defense I listed some that weren't really UFOs because they were kits not actually started.  I consider them UFOs because the fabrics and pattern are all gathered and ready and isn't that the first step in making any quilt?  I asked for a definition in an earlier post and most of you told me it wasn't a UFO until it had actually been started.  That means I get to should take some of those 30 off my list, which I plan to do.  Meanwhile I remain faithful (ha!) to the task and have now finished #8 "Snowmen in a Row".  Yes, I have done a few new things in the middle of these but those are my rewards for finishing the UFOs.  I present #8:
  I wish I could tell you the pattern and fabric names but I can't.  I've had this (bought the kit) for years, don't remember where I bought it and the pattern looks as if it's a copy of a store pattern.  But it would easily be made from scraps.  I love that the snowmen/women have on hats and scarves and vests and that there are baby snow people.  I stippled the background (free motion) and am pleased with how I did!  I tried to follow the pattern of the fabric on the green and had major problems with my machine.  The bobbin thread kept feeling like it was catching and tugging.  Finally, when I was finished with the whole thing, I opened up the machine and cleaned it.  Oh my.  I can't remember how long it's been but it was too long.  I should have done it much sooner.  So ya'll I'm reminding you that it's spring and time for a spring cleaning of your machines.  They'll thank you for it.  Mine did.  Mine sent me a written note on thick creamy paper written with a fountain pen.  Well, maybe not, but if it could it would have.


  1. Very cute runner - a finished UFO and a finished X-mas gift all in one. I always do general cleaning of my machines after every quilt. Some materials 'shed' more than others. And cotton thread does produce lint - and then there's the cat! A good practic to get into.

  2. I can't quilt or sew but can write you a note WITH a fountain pen on nice paper!!!!

  3. How cute is that! Just darlin'!

    In this day of e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, etc., there's still nothing quite like a handwritten thank you note.

    Wishing you a happy week.

  4. Ya' gotta love a snowman quilt! So cute. IO probably would have given the kit away long ago if I hadn't made it. I admire that you stuck to your guns, kept the kit, and finally made it.

  5. Your dedication to finishing UFOs is inspiring! I may have to redouble my resolve to get more of these off my shelves and into completion! And, thank you for the reminder about cleaning the machine - very timely!

  6. I love your snowpeople quilt! Very nice and you cleaned up some loose ends in the process!

  7. I like the snowmen! cute. I have several kits I have not started and haven't actually counted them in the UFO pile yet because I don't actually know if I will use the fabric that is included or end up using the fabric for something else and never use the pattern that came with it.

  8. I take my car to the garage for a tune- up four times a year. The sewing machine goes in the shop for a tune-up once a year. Amazing how much better they work after that. Oh, the computer goes once a year for a de-bugging.
    I love your snowmen.

  9. Those snowmen are so cute! And I guess I need to see if my sewing machine will write me a note too!

  10. The snowmen are adorable and my sewing machine will appreciate the reminder. Just running right will be enough gratitude. I'd faint if I got a note.

  11. Great job. Those are so cute and all ready for next winter. My daughter brought me her UFO, a patchwork hanten, a loose jacket she began in the summer for a friend. I didn't finish it during the week but it was all basted and ready to finish with assorted problems solved.
    Some things never change. Moms solve problems and get things moving on track.

  12. Oh. bet your glad to have kept it and made it! Well done!!! Oh and your stippling is wonderful!!!

  13. That is adorable!!!!

    I take mine in for their summer vacations!!!!

  14. Snow, Oh, cute! You are inspiring me to:
    1) get another "UFO" finished and...
    2) clean my sewing machine!

    thanks for the inspiration!


  15. Congratulations on getting #8 done. It's very sweet!
    And, congrats on cleaning out your machine. Now take it in and have it serviced to get the rest of the gunk out! Maybe it'll send you flowers too!

  16. Cute snowmen, cute roosters, cute bunnies. Is there a theme here?

  17. If you get into the habit of cleaning out your machine every time to wind and put in a fresh bobbin, your machine will take you to the ball in a carriage! Brush out the lint, use a small (like 4" X 4") piece of an old white t-shirt to wipe out the bobbin case base, give it a blast of canned air (don't blow into it), and put a drop of oil on the hook race. Put it all back together and hear that baby hum... EVERY time you reload a bobbin.

  18. Adorable snowmen and I'm even saying that as sick of winter as I am. :) For the record, I agree with you that a UFO is anything you have on your to-do list that you have all the materials for.

  19. I love the snowmen! I just found your blog and love it!

  20. Ok what is with these snowman...ducks, chicks, birds, bunnies...yes ...snowman
    but pssst they are adorable...what can I say...seems snowmen will be with us for awhile....wink..

  21. Cute! Wonderful finish! You're doing great on your list!
    I just had my machine in last month. I take it every February for a good cleaning and tune up. It was very happy and is now humming a sweet tune again. ;)
    xx, shell

  22. I always enjoy seeing your handiwork, Marlene. I especially love the burp cloths. My daughter (now 8) still carries one around that someone painted for her as a baby. It's quite tattered at this point, but there's no getting rid of it.

    You could make some $ off of these, sister, but I know that's not your goal.

    Precious gifts to share.


  23. congrats on a new finish. It is a very cute finish indeed.

  24. Cute snowmen quilt, but so glad we don't have that snow and cold weather around now. I should put together a list of my UFO's too. Seems like everything I am working on now is a major undertaking and I am not seeing anything finished!

  25. Very cute snowman.
    Thanks for the reminder to clean my machine, I can remember the last time.

  26. you just reminded me....I really must clean my machine! Thankyou!!

  27. Thanks for the advice. I will take my machines in for their yearly checkup when I get back home. For now I am looking forward to spending a week with all my kids and grandkiddos. That will be a joy. I keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Lura

  28. Oh, Marlene I've just discovered a wonderful little product that will solve your problem other than a good cleaning of course. They are little silicone discs placed UNDER your bobbin and they allow your bobbin to turn more easily without grabbing when you are free motion quilting!! I found them from a blog, I tried making a linky but you know how that goes with me!

  29. Love your little snowman runner. Congrats on beautiful finish.
