Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'm a Six

I am a 6.  A pretty consistent 6 really.  Well, except when I'm a  5.5.  I used to be a 10.  I know some people who are 12s and once I even saw a 14.
This is a whole cloth pillow in the making (it's not really blue - that's a shadow).  Part of my problem is arthritis in my hands which results in very little strength.  And part of the problem is that I prefer not using a hoop of any kind because of the arthritis (see previous sentence).  Hoops make my  hands hurt worse.  When you use a hoop you can rock the needle and get smaller stitches.  If you don't use a hoop you pretty much have to do a running stitch.  I like doing the running stitch, really like it a lot actually.  It's relaxing and I don't have to think about it.  And I guess I don't really mind being a 6 too very much.  After all it's not about the numbers, right?  It's about the process.  If I say that often enough maybe I won't think about the fact that I'm a 6 these days.  I can't hand quilt large quilts any more either because of the weight of the quilt.  I'm more than okay with that because I'm enjoying the machine quilting but on the other hand, there are some quilt tops that really cry out for hand quilting.  Sometimes the aging process makes me shake my head in frustration and sometimes it makes me laugh out loud at the things I have to do to compensate for what I can't do any more.  Being a 6 makes me do both.  I bet when I get to Heaven I'll be a 20!!!!

Anybody else a 6?


  1. I'm a six - sometimes a 4 (primative stitch) - and I'm OK with it too.

  2. Im strictly prim so Im probably a 3 or 4....but ask me if I care.....lololololol

  3. I think you're doing a beautiful job!

    Did you trace the design on the fabric?

    Several times I've seen some hand quilting that was done in black and best I remember, about 1/4" stitch. I think it had a name, just don't remember what it was. I loved it, though. Anyway, it's probably what I would have to do if I did hand quilting.

    Take care . . .

  4. I just now saw the words deb and Vroomans' Quilts and it jogged my memory, and "primitive" was what I was trying to think of.

    Thanks ladies : )

  5. If I read you right, I think I'm probably a 2. My hand quilting is very amateur and I can't do the rocking at all. I just quilt in the ditch. I was over 50 before I learned to use a thimble so when we had a quilt bee, I made coffee and threaded needles for the others. They insisted I take some stitches and I did but they were much longer than theirs and not hard to pick out.
    Mama Bear

  6. I'd be happy to be a 6! But I haven't tried yet, so i might be a 2 or a 3. Your stitching looks great to me.

  7. I love this post -
    I gave up hand stitching - hurts too bad for me to waste any part of my day on it. I can still do embroidery and knitting. We now have to priortize what we do according to how much pain we will tolerate. LoL

    Occassionally I will take Aleve to help me along, even if I am not supposed to.

    Lovely whole cloth - maybe I can send my pillow to you to complete. LoL Judy C in NC

  8. I was an all the time 6....but have improved over the years to mostly 7-8. I have heard of the 14's, but the mere thought makes my head ache! Isn't that only 2 threads between stitches!!!!!lol

  9. I don't know what I am,,I only know that I have graduated out of the "toenail snag" area....thank goodness...

  10. A six is great in my book!! As long as we can still do it, we are doing GREAT!!!

  11. Life is hard, by the yard. But, by the inch, life's a cinch ... no matter how many stitches it takes to get there.

  12. I'd say I am a 5or so, and happy with that! You are right it is not the number it is the fun. and yours looks beautiful!

  13. I don't use a hoop either...and I like my stitches just fine! It's all about the process and finding to relax and enjoy.

  14. Absolutely! a 10 is overrated! Bless you Marlene.

  15. I am right there with you girl! I never did like a hoop. I am sure not how many stitches it get but at least I can say they are even.

  16. I think there's a lot of us "6's" in blog land... mostly for the same reasons...but you're right, sometimes it's funny and sometimes not...I never thought about being a 20 in heaven, thanks I'll pass that encouraging word along to my Mom..

  17. Oh I feel your pain!!! I can't do half what I used to. Your quilting is beautiful. Looks perfect to me. I started hand quilting a quilt the other day but I am not good at all at it. I am a 1 if that!!! lol

  18. Marlene
    You are already a 20 in my book!!
    I'll never enter a quilt to be judged for the very reason you're talking about...I'm lucky to be a 5 these days with my arthritic hands, wrist and wherever else the pain decides to reside for that day. I'm also a 24 yr. owner of Fibromyalgia so the fact that I can pick up a needle and thread it is a big Hairy deal!! I just know that God will provide a way for us to quilt perfect stitches in eternity since He promised the desires of our heart...right?

  19. I am (only slightly) embarrassed to say that it took me awhile to figure out what you were talking about. I have never been part of a guild, and am a self taught quilter. I have never measured how small my stitches are, and am probably not doing it "right" according to the Quilter's Rule Book. But I enjoy both hand and machine quilting, more hand these days.

    P.S. Your work looks fine to me :o)

  20. I haven't hand quilted enough lately to know what I am, except slow! I love hand stitching, but the older I get, the more difficult it becomes to accomplish hand quilting. I think I was a 10 once upon a time. I probably am not even a 5 now! The important part to me is that I still can, and do enjoy what I can do. To me, a 6 is something to shoot towards! LOL!

  21. I think sometime in my life I was 6, maybe when I was
    I think you are more than a 6...
    And as far as stitching...well that to me is at least an 8. Cause I am pretty boring..I only do straight stitching with my hands lol

  22. The last time I checked, I was a 10. Goodness, that felt good! But now, with the aid of machinery, I'm consistently a 2.5. Out with the old; in with the new. Not OLDER at all. BETTER!

  23. just reading you past post...yes, I too am a six...kinda like to be a 10 at least BUT I am really just a 6!!!!
    In fact, I have been admiring others quilting where they use a pearl cotton and a "big stitch" and I think I will try some of that...
