Wednesday, April 4, 2012

D Is For...

D is for Diplomatic.  My life motto is "Nice Matters" so whenever I can I'm going to be positive, say the thing that flatters or uplifts you and I'll bend over backwards to look for the good and point it out.  I heard a motivational speaker one time who said something nice can be said about everyone if you look hard enough and I believe that.  Sometimes you have to look really hard.  :)

Is that even the definition of diplomat?  Sometimes I'm ditzy too.  :)


  1. I love your life motto. I wish everyone could be like that. Wouldn't the world be a much nicer place?

  2. I think you can use that one again when it comes to "P" for positive. I challenge my Scout leaders to find ways to say the same thing in a positive manner..The results are much better.

  3. I love that "nice matters"!!!

  4. You could almost change it to "Nice Manners" and get the same results!! Few people have manners anymore.
    Nice post!
    Gmama Jane

  5. Wonderful motto and wonderful idea. At this time of the school year, everyone tends to become a little negative. I'll have to remember your motto when I am tired and weary.

  6. Love this. I try to live every day in the positive and focus on the good and beauty in everyone. Amazingly, I'm surrounded by good and positive people. :)

  7. This is so great -- it sums up how I try to act toward others, and why I sometimes puzzle other people. LOL Thanks for an inspiring post!

  8. In our South it has long been a tradition that is is acceptable to say something not so nice if you add, Bless their heart. "He does like to drink, bless his heart." takes the sting outta the truth.

    Dad always taught me, If you can't say something nice, keep your mouth shut...sometimes I have trouble with that, not the nice part just the keeping my mouth shut part.

  9. I have often said that everyone who has the privilege of going to college should have to minor in diplomacy. To me it is the art of communicating with empathy--to think about the recipient's point of view, and deliver your message in the way it can best (and most respectfully) be received. I wish I remembered this each and every time! Amen, Marlene!

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