Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Is For....

I was visiting Gail (At The Farm) today because I love reading everything she writes - she's an amazingly gifted writer who posts about everything real and honest in her life on the farm - and she had a new theme going.  She was inspired by a challenge issued by Alex Cavanaugh at Journaling Woman called the 2012 A to Z Challenge.  Gail didn't sign up and neither am I but I think I'll make a stab at describing myself on my posts this month....from A to Z.  I'm not sure about some of those letters.  I'm not sure I know enough words that begin with X or Z but I'll give it a shot.  So here's the first one:

A is for Agreeable.  Yep, that's me.  I hate controversy.  With a Passion.  So I pretty much agree with everyone unless I just can't and then I generally keep my mouth shut.  My Dad was the polar opposite and it used to make him so mad when I wouldn't discuss religion or politics with him.  He could have argued with a stump!  He was serious about those two subjects...and fishing.  I wish he were still here and I'd surely sit down and talk politics with him, despite my need to be agreeable!


  1. What a great picture of him! I'm pretty agreeable too. Partly a pleaser, and partly not convinced that I have a better informed opinion in a whole lot of cases.

  2. Affable. Actually appealing. (Applause.)

  3. you are invited to follow my blog

  4. I will try to do this too. Will have to think about those two letters too.

  5. I am trying to think of what I am????? Depends on the mood...(smiling)

  6. I don't like to argue either,especially about politics and religion!
    A... That's hard.

  7. Oh you sound so much like me!!! Love that picture of your dad. I did a post about my Mom needing prayers. I asked Mom if I could and she said yes, the more people praying the better. I told her that you were praying for her already. Thanks for being there for me!!!

  8. Hmmm, that sounds like an interesting challenge. I think I am agreeable too but my husband might not agree that is always the case. I'll have to get out the dictionary.

  9. I hate confrontation too Marlene. I'll walk a mile around it if I can. xxoo

  10. Me too, Marlene! I think my hubby and Mom may disagree but for the most part it describes me too.

  11. Oh, I'm another of those who hates confrontation. Mind you, we probably put more stress on ourselves by doing this. Another A word I'd use to describe you, Marlene, would be amiable. Xx

  12. I can relate your label of agreeable. I too am a person who avoids confrontation. I had someone (who didn't know me really well) once tell me I was passive....ouch! I would love to use the word "animated" but alas that's not me...but "amiable" that I can agree with.

  13. I am like you, or at least I used to be. When I didn't agree with people, I would always just keep quiet, rather than ruffle any feathers. I thought being quiet was better, but not long ago, someone told me that in their way of thinking, being quiet meant that I was agreeing with that person. This person makes no bones about how their feelings. I guess it's just a matter of perspective, but I'm with you!
