Monday, April 16, 2012

J Is For...

J is for Just.  I'm a Libra.  If you're a Libra you know what that means - the scales must always balance and everyone must be treated the same.  All things must be equal and justice should be automatic.  I can't watch movies about injustice - can't, won't.  It hurts my heart.  I waited months and months to read The Help because I didn't think I could do it - my stomach hurts and my chest hurts when people aren't treated with respect.  That makes me soft hearted I suppose but that's okay.

Because I hate injustice so much I sometimes hide my head in the sand...I avoid watching the news or reading the newspaper because 1) they only seem to report the bad stuff and 2) the media slants things in such an awful way sometimes that it's impossible for justice to prevail.  When I went to college the first time (that's another story!) I went with every intention of becoming a reporter.  I'm so glad God sent me in a different direction because I would have been awful at it.


  1. I can see where that would be a challenge. I love the justice of God that is based on perfect and complete understanding of every fact, intention, motive and underlying truth. Man's justice will always fall so far short of that.

  2. I know JUST what you mean! It makes me crazy. I just want to watch the news or read the paper with the plain facts - no bias. Good luck! It's hard not to add your two cents - but ethically - a good reporter reports the facts - nothing more. Again - good luck finding that reporter! Oh well! Those who are "unjust" will have to answer sooner or later....

  3. I'm a Libra too. I DON'T watch the news, or read the newspaper. I don't like being scared and depressed. That's not what God wants us to be. I figure I really don't need to know what is going on, because God will take good care of me. He's like that.

    I don't like confrontations and being around people who are fighting. I just want the world to be a happy place.

  4. From one Libra, to another, AMEN!
