Friday, April 6, 2012

Today Is Friday But Sunday Is Coming!

 These pictures are some I took on a trip to Israel last year.

The garden where He prayed and the Disciples slept.

 I wonder if the poppies were blooming that sad Friday.

The hills of Jerusalem - not quite as populated in that day but still a metropolis for the time.

 I looked out over that beloved land and wept.

My husband prayed at The Wailing Wall.

Today is Friday, but Sunday is coming!


  1. And on Sunday we can proclaim with all of Christianity: He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!

  2. Amazing photos. Thanks for sharing!

  3. That is beautiful.
    I love the pictures. What a holy experience to be there.

  4. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful experience with us. I wish I could have made the same trip.

  5. So glad you got to experience being over there! How wonderful that must have been and very emotional, I'm sure!

    I don't know what I'd do w/out HIM in my life. thanks for sharing!


  6. Wonderful memories! This week has been full of them for me too, as I read the accounts of Jesus final days on earth. We are both blended to have walked in his footsteps, aren't we. Xx

  7. I especially like the last photo. Great title too.

  8. Enjoyed your pictures...have a wonderful Easter!

  9. Thanks for sharing these pictures from that wonderful trip... and the reminder of where this week is headded.

  10. Ah such a trip i would LOVE to take! i so appreciate the pictures...and the last sentence says it all. Sunday IS coming!

  11. Thank you for posting these moving photos. It would be a dream come true for me, if I could visit there.
    I am so glad that "then came the morning!" He is risen!
    Have a blessed Easter!

  12. I so remember your share last year of this trip, it was quite moving. I too am so happy the story didn't end on Good Friday ~ He is risen, indeed! Happy Easter!

  13. What a wonderful experience Marlene. Thank you so much for sharing these awesome photos with us. It has been a dream of mine to go there.

  14. So beautiful! I bet that experience makes Easter take on a whole new level of meaning.

  15. ...and Happy Easter to you, Marlene!

  16. Thank you so much for sharing your pictures once again. Your husband praying is my favorite. I love to see strong men come under the conviction of the Holy Spirit. It gives me goose bumps. My favorite scene a few years ago was getting up late one night when I knew my husband was troubled and I found him reading his Bible in his chair. He could not have done anything to have made me love him more than seeing him alone with His God. I felt safe.

  17. what a wonderful trip to actually see where Jesus went...yes, Sunday is coming!!!

  18. Thank the Lord that Sunday is coming!!! Love seeing pictures of that Holy place.
