Saturday, September 22, 2012

Guess Who Came To Visit?

Mr. Bear, that's who!

He walked right across the carpet we put in front of our camper, beside our steps, passed by the picnic table, and headed on across the campground.  Thank goodness he didn't knock on our door and stop to visit - we slept through the whole thing.  :)  And thank goodness he traveled through at night...if I'd been outside I think I might have screamed and run.  I know they say not to do that but I do think I could outrun a bear, couldn't you?


  1. Um, no. You couldn't outrun a bear. But you could probably outrun me, so maye I should go along next time!

  2. That's hilarious! It was pretty inconsiderate of him to get his muddy feet on your carpet, but at least he had enough manners not to wake you up!

  3. Uh, no, I don't think you could outrun a bear. How about going back inside the camper? I would sit outside and wait for him to come back with a broom in your hand and DEMAND he sweep his footprints OFF your carpet. You realize that I am assuming the bear must have been MALE, because a female bear would have walked around the carpet as not to mess it up!!! ;)

  4. NO, not me, I would have to lay down and play dead, that is if I have not already faited.

  5. YIKES!! I really don't know what I would do...freeze or run! We hike all the time and I have a bear bell hooked onto my back pack...can't you see me ringing that as he mauls me to death! I try not to think about THAT one!!
    Stay safe!

  6. Yeah, I would break the rules and run screaming my lungs out. It was rather rude of him/her to leave those muddy prints on your rug.

  7. I don't think I can run that fast even if I was really scared.

    So cool that he came that close and did bother you.

  8. Oh, my. I hope you have a strong door!

  9. GULP! ok sorry NOT gonna pull my camper next to you if these are the types of friends you have over! LOL

  10. That`s a cute experience. Shame on him messing up your carpet! We were tent camping in Colorado and a bear walked through our camp as we slept. It was a little unnerving waking up to those footprints and bear sign (poo). We did have our food locked in the trucks.

  11. Yikes , a little too close for comfort and NO I do not think I could out run a bear and I am hoping I never have to ;-)

  12. Good grief! I definitely could not outrun a bear so I'd be a late night snack or an early breakfast. Guess I know now why my idea of a vacation is room service in a NYC hotel.

  13. I don't think anyone can outrun a bear! Glad everything is OK.

  14. How scarry.. The thought alone that it could have is enough !! You must now stitch a sign that says No Bears Knoking!!Im glad you are all ok.

  15. I can relate. The other day as I was driving to Keepsake Quilting in Center Harbor, NH, a black bear ran right out in front of my car!!!! Boy did my adrenaline level go up. He stopped on the other side of the road as if to say, "Whew, I made it." I'm sure glad he did---wouldn't have enjoyed hitting him and I certainly didn't want to get any closer than that to him!

  16. I wouldn't want to find out who would win in a footrace. Glad you're safe.

  17. OMG Marlene...I hope you didn't stay another night. I'm not a wilderness kind a gal, so that would never happen to me while vacationing. Be safe!! hugs Pauline

  18. Scary but kind of thrilling too.

  19. Scary!
    Once we rented a cabin in the mountains and woke to signs of a Bear on our deck...glad he was there at night as you say...
    Mama Bear

  20. Oh my gosh! Too funny. He was wiping his feet off in case you invited him in for a midnight snack. :)

  21. Glad he kept going and didn't stay to chat!

  22. How neat to see the paw prints and I'm glad you were inside, safe and sound!
