Wednesday, April 24, 2013

It's Still A Crazy Spring

Saturday was such a nice, warm day here.   We have a garage that's a separate building (this house was built in 1975 when that was the norm) and it is, of course, not used as a garage but for storage.  My husband has been a tad bit unhappy for a long time with all "my stuff" being in there and in his way.  Right.  It couldn't possibly be anything like this:
Or this:
Or all kinds of this:
Or a few of these:

Nope, none of those are in the way.

However, my off season clothes, canning jars and pressure cookers, Christmas decorations, etc. were taking up way too much of his space.  :)  So I just went out and bought myself one of these:

Mine isn't exactly like this one, but it's very similar.  It has two windows so I can put some plants in there in the winter and it has a loft on three sides so I have tons and tons of room!  It's 12' x 16' and I added shelves all along the back wall, a potting shelf in front of one window, a shelf with a formica top in front of the other window, a 6' table on one side and a shelf on the other side.  All my Christmas decorations are now in red plastic tubs, my fall decorations are in green ones and my spring decorations are in blue ones - all in the loft.  Canning jars and supplies as well as small appliances I don't use often are on two shelves.  Off season clothes are all in clear tubs, labeled and on shelves.  Old pictures, photo albums and old yearbooks are in tubs ready to be sorted and organized and doled out to my unsuspecting children this summer.  :)  I even took my boots and winter shoes out there - all labeled and in shoe boxes, of course!

Of course since I took all my winter clothes and shoes out on Saturday it was 40 degrees, rainy and windy today!  That's spring in Arkansas.

(all pictures are from Google Images)


  1. well, aren't you the clever one.

  2. What a major job, but how wonderful to have such a great space and have it so well organized.

  3. Love your organization and kudos in getting your own space.

  4. Good for you! You'll both be happy for sure.
    I wish we could get a little spring around these parts too.
    I think Mother Nature needs a reboot!

  5. Hi Marlene, Sounds wonderful. I think it is the answer to the problem!!!!! And hubby is happy, too!


  6. Now you just need one for a Quilt Shack, complete with hanging heater and window air conditioner!

  7. Congratulations! Wow, I don't even have one room in my house that big! I can imagine what a husband might do with all the extra space when he finds out it isn't as much as he thought.

  8. Oh YOU'RE the one that caused that last winter blast! ;-) That looks amazing. Doesn't some organizing do the heart good? And yours is lovely to boot. Good for you!

  9. Congrats on the storage . Watch out that his stray items don't start appearing in their....

  10. I WANT THAT! Only I want it for my sewing house. Then maybe I could get everything together in one place. So cool that you got your own storage shed.

  11. well that is a really great idea and it all yours!

  12. Now this looks mighty cute. Enjoy!

  13. Aren't you making us all feel guilt for not being as organized as you?!! Oh my, My closet alone would fill up that storage building. I do love it though. Being so organized will free up space in your brain to be more creative...or so the experts say. Sew...Go Be Creative!
    Love ya
    Gmama Jane

  14. Men are so possessive of their garages! We have junk (nuts and bolts and parts of machinery whose purpose has long ago been forgotten,) cans of leftover paint, leftover bricks, pieces of wood that "might come in handy some day," tools for every imaginable job that he wouldn't have time to do anyway, (but a boy scout, even an aging one, must always be prepared!)and a million other precious collectibles (snort!)It all makes a delightful habitat for the neighborhood arachnids, but meanwhile the cars sit out in the blistering sun! You have my sympathy! Very pro-active move to get your own playhouse!

  15. Lovely! So organized and the space is ALL YOURS! Having your stuff organized in a dedicated space is so energizing. Congrats!

  16. WOW! Your very own storage shed. What a great idea. Now you can put what you want wherever you want it and it will stay there. Happy Day!

  17. How I envy you your own personal storage shed!!! I've run out of places to put stuff at my house. :)
