Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Kindness of Strangers and a Few Other Things

A couple of weeks ago I was hit with the most severe case of sciatica that ever existed in the history of the world.  Or maybe it was just my world....but oh my, the pain.  I've had sciatica before and it was bad but this was beyond bad.  I've been in the bed most of the time for two weeks now, unable to walk upright, or to stand for more than a minute or two or to sit with any comfort at all.  I've made several visits to the chiropractor and one to the masseuse; I've been to my primary care doctor and gotten pain meds, muscle relaxers and steroids.  I detest medication and am terrified of getting addicted because addiction seems to run in my family so I put off taking anything until it was way past the point of no return.  Early last week I hobbled into the chiropractor's leaning heavily on my cane and with tears running down my face.  I had managed to shower and wash my hair but no styling and no makeup so I can only imagine what I looked like.  A sweet lady who was in the waiting room said, "oh my honey, you're in a lot of pain....the doctor will help you - he always helps me."  And then she went straight to the receptionist and told her to take me in first, that she could wait.  I cannot tell you how that small bit of kindness touched me.  She would not have been there if she hadn't needed to see him but she put me in front of herself - I wonder if I would have been thoughtful enough to do the same.  I hope so and I know that I will be much more aware of others in similar situations now.

My husband has been a real trooper, doing the laundry, cooking, helping me change clothes since I couldn't even lift my left leg enough to get pajama pants on or off.  One neighbor brought a wonderful taco soup and another (a quilter of course) brought me a block I could hand stitch.  Today one of my daughters is bringing lunch and of course, my children have checked on me most every day.  I must be getting better because I am now laughing at myself as I toddle through the house leaning on my cane and looking straight at the floor because to stand upright is too painful.  I think of the fairy tales I read as a child, I don't remember which one, but there was a crooked little man?  :)

After I take my meds there is usually a window of time where I can sit up and stitch a little...handwork is soothing to my soul so I'm thrilled to be able to do it.  I've finished a couple of tea towels:

And the top for a pincushion is ready...except I see in this picture that his eye needs to be a bit darker:

And today I was able to sit up long enough to prep this wool pillow top:

I've read a couple of books and am wondering if anyone has some good ones to recommend - perhaps a good romance, light enough that I don't have to think because at this point my brain is on strike.  I love the Robyn Carr books if that gives you an idea of what I'm looking for.

I'm also stuck on Level 70 of Candy Crush and have played that game for hours now since I can do it lying down.  Any tricks to getting past this level?

And I've been so thankful for my blog friends who have had some wonderful posts I could enjoy - especially the Kona Blog Hop that's going on now.  I'm looking forward to next weeks' might want to join me in visiting these for a little inspiration!

January 20

January 21


  1. Sending you so many hugs and positive thoughts! The kindness of that woman was certainly special. Hoping that your health team and your courage takes you past this. May you heal quickly and be able to continue making those wonderful projects.

  2. Oh I feel for you - had the worse sciatica when I was pregnant (long ago) and still remember that pain. It takes time and hope you find relief soon. Many Blessings

  3. Hoping your sciatica is getting better. There is nothing like that pain. I've been reading a book by Elizabeth Jane Howard called The Light Years. Reminds me a bit of Downton Abbey what with the large house and all the servants. It's a series of five books and I'm off to the book store today to get the next two. Your little lamb pillow top looks so sweet. Hope you're able to finish it soon. How kind of the woman in your doctor's office, we should all be so thoughtful.

  4. If you need a really good laugh read a Fannie Flagg book. Those will put me to tears laughing.

  5. That is a bummer. A book I enjoyed is "The Light Between Oceans" by M.L.Stedman.

  6. I suffer from back and nerve so hear you and feel you. In addition addiction runs in my family so I have the same fear and struggle taking pain meds. However I want to tell you what I have learned the hard way. If you want until the pains is so bad that you can't take it any more, you have wait to long. As well as extending you suffering you are extending your recovery. The only way I get better is if I do as the doctors tell me and quit being an armchair doctor.

    So sorry that you are suffering right now and agree that hand work is indeed a God send. Stay strong and it will get better.

  7. So sorry you're down right now and hope it passes soon. For a quilter, not being able to sew makes a bad situation even worse. I love the Katharine Hall Page series. They're lovely, easy to read light mysteries and the characters hold your interest. Send your hubby or a friend to the library and start from the beginning of the series. Some of the stories feature quilts! Hope you're up and about soon.

  8. So sorry to hear about your pain. Sending healing thoughts your way. The nursery rhyme you mention goes like this: There was a crooked man, he walked a crooked mile, he found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile. He bought a crooked cat, who caught a crooked mouse and they all lived together in a little crooked house. Hope that brings you a smile. Feel better.

  9. Sending well wishes! I'm at level 78 and did a search on line to help get past 70. Boy is that game addicting!

  10. Oh, I am so sorry to hear you are having so much pain! I have had just a small run-in with sciatica and that was bad enough, I can't imagine having it so bad. I hope your symptoms ease up and fade away real soon!

  11. Oh Marlene. Praying for a quick recovery for you! Hugs my friend!

  12. Marlene your post made me giggle about Candy Crush, but then again I also feel your pain in being laid up and fearing the pain meds. Praying for your recovery because there is nothing worse than just feeling icky all the time. Your embroidery is lovely as well as your woolies you are working on.

  13. Hi!!!! I hope you keep feeling better and better!!!!! I love what you redwork and the little lamb is adorable!!!!! I have also been blessed several times by the kindness of really does mean so much......I have also been blessed to offer some kindness....It really shows you there is good in the world!!!! hugs

  14. Oh Marlene, I am so sorry to hear about your pain. I am the same afraid of taking too much medicine that I don't take enough, and we suffer for it. Please take care of yourself! I made a huge pot of chicken dumpling soup for supper. I wish we lived closer so I could bring you a kettle of soup....that would make you better! Hugs, my friend!

  15. Next time you get a chance, pass that lady's kindness to a stranger and you will then be blessed again. Any of Jennifer Chiaverini's books would make a great read especially the Elm Creek series. I just finished reading The Perfume Collector by Kathleen Tessaro and would highly recommend it.
    Prayers for better and pain free days for you.

  16. Hang tough! I have to deal with my sciatic nerve too and it can be just debilitating at times..... I feel your pain! I'm glad you have some great helpers to take care of things while you heal and it was very thoughtful of that woman to let you go ahead of her. I'm sure it's a kindness that you will forward in one way or another. Do take care and prayers for speedy healing!

  17. I've had back pain like that many years ago and ended up in the ER. I am so in hopes you get to feeling better. My daughter Mary Ellen has sciatica so badly from lifting her son James who is now a 50lb 6 yr. old who can not walk. I wish I could help her but the dr. says she will eventually need surgery sooner rather than later. She has bone spurs on her discs all up and down her spine and she's only 35 yrs. old. Cerebral Palsy is such a devastating diagnosis for the entire family but especially the primary care giver. I hope you get to feeling better soon dear friend.

  18. Oh how dreadful! I am so sorry. I do hope that you can get some relief soon as there is nothing like that constant pain to wipe you out.

  19. Oh my, that sounds awful! I am such a WIMP when it comes to pain. I would totally be taking whatever they would give me to ease the pain and deal with the dependency later! LOL Sure hope you get to feeling WAY better real soon!

  20. I'm glad you're getting better each day. The blessings of family, friends, and even strangers can lift your spirits and health in a very special way.

  21. I get just what you have with your sciatica and all right now. It is terrible. The only thing that helps is my chiropractor....she has helped me so much. It takes some time but she always pulls me through. I hope you are better soon. I hate to hear you are in pain. You do not deserve it! Blessings, my dear!


  22. Marlene, I'm so sorry you are having sciatica problems. Sending warm thoughts and prayers that you are better soon. I'm glad you are able to do a bit of stitching and such.

  23. Oh I'm so sorry Marlene and I truly hope you feel much better soon.

  24. What a sweet lady ... I'm so sorry you've been struggling. That's no fun at all. For your reading pleasure:

    There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile,
    He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile;
    He bought a crooked cat which caught a crooked mouse,
    And they all lived together in a little crooked house.

    Source: The Dorling Kindersley Book of Nursery Rhymes (2000)

    I love your kitchen towels and oh! I adore the wooly lamb pillow -- how *sweet*! Hugs! :)

  25. Bummer! That doesn't sound fun at all. Your work looks great and I hope you feel better soon!

  26. So sorry about your sciatica. You are in my prayers. Wish I could have been praying about it sooner. Also, for future reference, as Leesa mentioned above, and as the docs remind me... it is easier to prevent pain than to stop it once it has started. But I hope the 'future reference' is never needed. :-)
    You are doing some great handwork. Love that tea kettle. I'm determined that my next oven/cookstove must have a 'hang-able' handle for pretty dishtowels. My current stove has a solid handle. Who would do that? Must have been designed by a man. lol
    Get well soon!

  27. Praying for quick healing for you Marlene...thanks for sharing your beautiful projects, can't wait to see that sheep those posies!

  28. What a wonderful story!! I too hope I can be as kind.

  29. Oh my gosh Marlene, You have my utmost sympathy. I pray you get over this pain soon. you didn't say a thing about it when we emailed earlier. What a nice person that lady was. That's showing Christ like behavior. I'm like you, would I have thought to put the needs of another before my own ?

  30. I am so sorry you are in pain. Once in awhile I have a back problem but it doesn't last more than a day or two I can't even imagine two weeks of it. I am glad that you are able to at least work on some of your projects. A good sewing series of books I like is the Southern Sewing Circle Mystery Series by Elizabeth Lyn Casey. There is some romance in them and the ladies in the sewing circle are fun characters. I can't help you with the candy crush level as I have not gotten to it yet. I am on level 44 right now.

  31. I am soooooo sorry that you are still so miserable and have suffered sooooo much. I was hoping that the medical treatments you've had would really help. It is no fun to be down and in pain. I really do understand what you are going through. I am praying that you will soon find relief. It has been 11 days since my surgery. I am getting better each day. I think you and I had much different plans for starting 2014 but surely it will get much better from here on. I think it is lovely that you are doing hand work in spite of your pain. You are such a good example to me and all those who know you. I wish I lived closer and could help you. Get better soon my sweet friend. Hugs, Lura

  32. Now that is just a bummer….you down does not make me happy…but your tea kettle does..that is gorgeous…
    You know I know you will be yourself very soon…you have wayyyy to much stitching to do .wink..

  33. You poor, poor dear. This sounds even worse than you shared in our swapped emails. I'm so sorry! But how nice of that lady to let you go before you! No wonder you're thinking of "others" as your 2014 word! It's great that you have family to help, especially children nearby. That has to be a blessing. Continue to improve, but at a faster pace, okay?! I'm still saying prayers for you.

  34. You poor sweetie I can sympathize with you because I know your pain having the same problem for many year.
    There doesn't seem like much helps till inflammation goes away.
    Some authors I like are Nora Roberts, Barbara Taylor Bradford, they are light reading. I will be praying for quick recovery. Blessings Sandra

  35. So lovely! :)
    Greetings from Finland!
    Hugs, Ulla
