Tuesday, November 4, 2014

How Many Days?

How many days until Christmas?  Today, Tuesday, November 4, the calendar tells me it's 50 days....only 50 days!  And one week from today we will begin the Twas The Night Blog Hop!  All of our bloggers will be highlighting gifts you can make in a night, or a morning if you're an early bird like me.  If you don't celebrate Christmas I'm sure there will be other holidays you'll need a gift for - birthdays, anniversaries, etc.  So be sure you join us to get some great ideas for those last minute things.  Or maybe you want to plan ahead, like me.  I'm making lots of little things, putting them in a basket and I'll be so ahead of the game...next time I've forgotten someone's birthday I'll just pull out a gift from my basket.  :)
This is the perfect time for stitching here on the lake - the early morning mist on these cold fall mornings tells me that it will be wonderful to spend a few days inside in the sewing room.

Isn't that beautiful?  This was about 7:00 in the morning and here's one a couple of hours later.

Brrr.....doesn't that view of a cold day just scream, "Go to the sewing room....go to the sewing room..."   And that's just what I did.  :)  If you're looking for an idea for a quick project how about this one.

I searched the internet for a picture of a pumpkin....used some Heat N Bond (I miss my Steam A Seam!) to fuse the wool pumpkin down, did some hand embroidery with Valdani wool threads and then did just a little machine quilting.  I wrote the word "Fall" out by hand with a pencil before I embroidered it.  This would work for all kinds of simple motifs....a rooster or bunny for someone who collects those, a coffee cup for that coffee lover at the next desk, a Christmas ornament or some other holidayish thing.  Oops, holidayish isn't really a word but I bet you know what I mean.  :)  You can make one of these in just a few hours - and if you do, I'd love to see it!


  1. How wonderful to live on a lake. So tranquil!

  2. Great pictures and love your little pumpkin hanging.

  3. I read on a quilt shop blog just the other day that Steam -a Seam is available again. I never cared for the product but maybe the new one is improved enough that I would.

  4. What a relaxing view... and yes the cold weather does send me to my sewing room too! Love your pumpkin hanging - very cute! Steam-a-Seam is back in our stores. I hoarded a few yards so I still have a bit. ~Jeanne

  5. lovely shots, warm your heart if nothing else...x

  6. I think a view like that would send me to a chair with a little hand stitching in front of a fire!!! ;-)

  7. What a magnificent view. Very clever idea for the pumpkin hanging. You're right it can be modified for pretty much any occasion. Thanks

  8. You live in a paradise.Spectacular view!

  9. You have a great view. Hopefully, you can enjoy it as well inside sewing! Looking forward to some interesting gift ideas.

  10. There's nothing like early morning by the water!! One of my favorite things. Love your little pumpkin. Very festive-ish.

  11. actually 7 more weekends...from what Doris reported...oh my ....pumpkins are really nice

  12. What a great idea to have a basket full of little goodies just waiting to send out year round! Love the pumpkin!
