Thursday, February 26, 2015

Just Cross Stitch

Have you seen this new pattern in the latest Just Cross Stitch Magazine?

I love herbs...always have.  There are a few that grow well in my yard, but not a lot because we get so little sunshine.  But rosemary loves it here and lavender will always live and have a few blooms.  Parsley and thyme and oregano are pretty happy here too and lemon balm does okay.  I couldn't wait to start this pattern so this is what's been stitched the last two nights.

It's going to be so pretty!  Not as pretty as an herb garden I had a few years ago when I had a sunny spot, but pretty just the same.

(This herb garden is not mine, though I've had similar ones, but this one is my dream!)


  1. I would LOVE to grow my own herbs, but we have the opposite problem. Too much sun and humidity burns out a lot of herbs. What the sun and damp don't get, the insects take care of.

    I finally gave up and just buy fresh herbs at the market.

    Your herb cross stitch is going to be lovely!

  2. Marlene, i love
    This pattern is very pretty.

  3. I love herbs too. Those look like great cross stitch pieces.

  4. Beautiful pattern Marlene! I`ve been wanting to do handwork again.
    I`m doing herbs in pots now. My outdoors rosemary has survived 20 plus years in this harsh environment. Part of it froze this winter but it appears to be recovering. It`s sort of like an old friend.

  5. It is such a good feeling when you find a pattern or two or more that you truly want to stitch from JCS. Good for you!

  6. how lovely! I have a minimal yard but herbs are the one thing I can grow and my front walk is lined with lavender. Cross stitch magazine??? guess I better go to the bookstore, lol

  7. ohhhh this is so me too....I just love what you have done so far....I can smell the herbs

  8. That looks so pretty. The design is fabulous.

  9. we grow our herbs in pots on our deck. Just step out the kitchen for a few snips while cooking. Yummy! I'd be tempted by this pattern if I wasn't involved in a year-long project. With two others started. okay. maybe more than two. I'll just have to enjoy yours!

  10. My garden is certainly not happy with tall buildings blocking all the sun. Maybe it is time to create an herb garden like your latest one.

  11. That's a very pretty design. I also love pretty herb gardens!

  12. Such a cute pattern Marlene. Love the mug. What a pretty collection of herbs that is sure to be lovely where ever you put it. Hugs, ~Cori

  13. Marlene, these patterns are beautiful! I would love to see them stitched by you =)

  14. I used to do a lot of cross stitch, but alas, I have no patience for it now. You do great work!

  15. I love to grow herbs, but I hate to cook! Love your pretty cross stitch patterns. Cross stitch is making quite the comeback.

  16. Beautiful pattern and stitching. I would love an herb garden, too. I have a sunny corner in my yard near my steps that I am thinking of setting aside for just this purpose. Thanks for sharing ... :) Pat

  17. This is beautiful, you are so quick at your stitching! wow!

  18. beautiful desing and stitching

  19. Ciao Marlene, piacere di conoscerti, grazie per la tua visita, il tuo blog è molto bello!!
    ti seguo molto volentieri. a presto Gabry

  20. very cute designs. I haven't done cross stitch in years.

  21. These are going to be fantastic!! The progress you are making is great!

  22. I'll be heading out to look for that issue at lunchtime! Thank you for sharing it.

  23. How ingenious the way you hold your pattern while stitching. Will have to try that out on my next samller project. Thanks for the inspiration.
