Sunday, March 13, 2016

And Then Another Thing Happened....

Do you ever feel like the hands on the clock are spinning out of control?  You know, like on those cartoons when the hands go around and around and around?  I do.  I can't seem to keep up with the days!

We've been away for a while on another mission trip.  Those of you who have read my blog for years know this is a frequent occurrence.  We were only gone a month this time (sometimes it's as long as four months) and it rained like crazy while we were in south Louisiana.
And when we got home it started raining here and rained for 5 or 6 days!  And poor Louisiana, well it just got worse there.  They've had lots of flooding and people lost their homes and had to be evacuated.  We drove to a town a couple of hours away from us on Wednesday to see my brother, who is in the hospital there, and it looked like this above, only deeper water.  Scary times.

We see spring everywhere here, from the neighbor's tulip tree
to the Carolina Jasmine which is threatening to pull it's trellis to the ground!
I love this vine but it runs everywhere and we've already had to pull it out of some nearby azaleas.

I even have this one little hyacinth I planted 10 years ago that comes up every year
and this wonderful stuff that I don't know the name of but which is the most persistent plant I've ever had!

We've kind of gotten spring fever and wanted to buy some potting soil - have you noticed the prices this year?

Inside my violets are all blooming -
And I've been doing some stitching!  I've actually finished the cross stitching on several things but only these two are really finished and ready for display.
 You can't tell in this picture but the bunny noses are done with a cashmere thread - just adorable!  And I love the way the variegated rick rack looked with this fabric.
Is there anything more spring time that bright colors?

Meanwhile, I have a long list of things to-do - it never seems to end.  Visit folks in the hospital, walk 2 miles a day, wash my kitchen cabinets and oil them, go to a couple of yoga classes, get a pedicure, send some get-well cards, clean up my sewing room, go through my winter clothes and get them ready for moving to another closet or to the storage building, plant my spring herbs, join the Silver Sneakers class at the Y, dehydrate the last of my frozen soup vegetables....the list goes on.  How about your spring to-do list never ending like mine?