Sunday, March 13, 2016

And Then Another Thing Happened....

Do you ever feel like the hands on the clock are spinning out of control?  You know, like on those cartoons when the hands go around and around and around?  I do.  I can't seem to keep up with the days!

We've been away for a while on another mission trip.  Those of you who have read my blog for years know this is a frequent occurrence.  We were only gone a month this time (sometimes it's as long as four months) and it rained like crazy while we were in south Louisiana.
And when we got home it started raining here and rained for 5 or 6 days!  And poor Louisiana, well it just got worse there.  They've had lots of flooding and people lost their homes and had to be evacuated.  We drove to a town a couple of hours away from us on Wednesday to see my brother, who is in the hospital there, and it looked like this above, only deeper water.  Scary times.

We see spring everywhere here, from the neighbor's tulip tree
to the Carolina Jasmine which is threatening to pull it's trellis to the ground!
I love this vine but it runs everywhere and we've already had to pull it out of some nearby azaleas.

I even have this one little hyacinth I planted 10 years ago that comes up every year
and this wonderful stuff that I don't know the name of but which is the most persistent plant I've ever had!

We've kind of gotten spring fever and wanted to buy some potting soil - have you noticed the prices this year?

Inside my violets are all blooming -
And I've been doing some stitching!  I've actually finished the cross stitching on several things but only these two are really finished and ready for display.
 You can't tell in this picture but the bunny noses are done with a cashmere thread - just adorable!  And I love the way the variegated rick rack looked with this fabric.
Is there anything more spring time that bright colors?

Meanwhile, I have a long list of things to-do - it never seems to end.  Visit folks in the hospital, walk 2 miles a day, wash my kitchen cabinets and oil them, go to a couple of yoga classes, get a pedicure, send some get-well cards, clean up my sewing room, go through my winter clothes and get them ready for moving to another closet or to the storage building, plant my spring herbs, join the Silver Sneakers class at the Y, dehydrate the last of my frozen soup vegetables....the list goes on.  How about your spring to-do list never ending like mine?


  1. Love the little bunnies! I have watched the storms in the south and wondered if you were there - glad you are home even if still in the rain. The flowers are lovely, we are still in 'winter sleep' here. SOON

  2. Love the little peeps and the variegated rickrak! I hope you are safe from the flooding. I can't imagine living through something like that.

  3. Thank you for the nice fotos. I like your Stitching, those little bunny´s.
    Greetings, Martina

  4. Marlene, you are so busy, just like a bee :) I think that is why time flies for you - you do so many good things, filled with concern! I love your new bright creations, and what a brilliant idea to use wool threads to stitch rabbits' noses!


  5. Oh yes my list is very long .
    But if you want a job done ask a busy person thats how the saying goes ha.
    Lovely stitching so cute love Easter.
    Also love the flowers .

  6. anch'io ho una lista lunga, ma vedrai che faremo tutto. Bellissimi i ricami per la primavera

  7. I can sure identify with that. It is still Monday here and I feel like a whole week has just run by.
    We have been having cold rain for the past week. Plenty of puddles but no flooding so I guess I shouldn't complain. I love the bunnies and that rickrack is the perfect fit.
    We have lots of those yellow flowered vines in our neck of the woods. Maybe the flowers are a bit smaller but about at the same stage. Magnolias are in bloom and some small grape hyacinth is also in bloom on the sunny side of the street (not mine as yet)
    You must have a lot of catching up to do after a month away.

  8. Your three bunny pillow is a favorite - just adorable! I hope your rains are letting up. We pray for all of those affected by the floods. Spring is coming - no flowers yet, but we have trees budding and lots of greenery has broken through the ground. My todo list is long but today I'm going to a little quilt retreat - the list will wait! Take care and stay dry ~Jeanne

  9. your spring stitchings are a delight Marlene...very sweet....what is not sweet is all the rain that is coming down resulting in hope it stays clear from you.. I love all your spring flowers...we have buds but that is all..we are at least 2 months behind you...but soon enough our garden too will be filled with its customary white blossoms..

  10. It is raining here today. Gloomy. Your pretty pictures are wonderful. Your bunny stitching is so sweet.

  11. The bunnies are so cute. love the pictures!

  12. What adorable bunny finishes you have! Very cool about the trio with the rick rack and fabric! Oh my, your list is long. I don't think mine is as long as yours though. Enjoy the week!

  13. It's been so long I was starting to get concerned. The bunnie pillow is sweet and colorful, my favorite too. Wish my flowers wee coming up like you. My daffodils are just thinking about blooming. While I love spring, I dread all the work, it takes so long to get it all none now, if it all gets done.
    GLad you got back home safe and sound.

  14. The plant you didn't know the name for is called an Autumn Sedum :o) It is definitely one that can live through anything!

  15. Your unknown plant is probably Autumn Joy Sedum. I have the pink bloomed variety planted in my yard.

  16. Pillow and blanket are wonderful!
    Have you prepared for the Easter holidays!

  17. You have such a good heart. I need to find a volunteer project. I give money sometimes and food to the food pantry but I don't give of my time. I love the bunnies, they are adorable. And the carrot is so sweet. Man you are one busy lady... Hugs, LJ

  18. Oh, Marlene, that bunny pillow is one of the cutest finishes ever!! Such a great idea to use the variegated ric rak with that pretty fabric-I love it!!

    Wishing you a Happy Spring and most blessed Easter Sunday...

  19. I was wondering how you were doing down there in the very soggy south. Glad you're okay. Your little bunny pillow is delightful. I don't think I've ever seen varagated Rick rack. Super cute!

  20. We have always called that plant a house leak.

    Your pictures are wonderful.

  21. It is so nice to see your pretty plants Marlene. All of that goodness, so glad you were there to help. Seems someBUNNY has been busy doing some Easter projects too! I love this time of year as it seems the world awakens with such a display of color and life. You get to see it before us, and it helps to know it is coming. We had some snow falling this thank you for your post. It was a nice visit.

  22. Сочувствую... Мы ждем весну, но у нас сейчас холодно -10 мороза. Красивые цветы и растения, особенно люблю жасмин, чудесные цветы!!! Красивая сумочка и подушечка, милые и весенние работы!!! :-)))
    Благословений тебе!

  23. Your stitched pieces are so the bunnies! And those flowers are gorgeous! The rain and flooding aren't fun at all. Glad you're okay and safe from all of it.

  24. Your blog does sound a bit like my life. The walking is different, for me it is 1/2 hour a day. Even that is hard to do with my back. All the Spring things are beautiful.

  25. It sounds as though you have had a wild time.

    I love the bunny pillow. So darling and I love the spring colors.

    You are such a blessing to so many for the service you render.

  26. Hi Marlene! Sure hate seen that damaging rain. It holds memories of Katrina. and those are not pleasant. It's good to hear that you met your mission work commitment again this year. You and your hubs are so generous! And nice seeing your stitching finishes too. I understand about your busy days. It's the same here. But I'm determined to cut back on things, so I can enjoy life at a more leisurely pace. My 63rd birthday is Friday, and I WILL savor and enjoy it.

  27. You are the busiest! And that's quite an ambitious list! Stay safe, stay sweet!

  28. love your little stitchings. floods are scary and it seems to be wetter everywhere. we are still in winter mode here with snow onthe way tonight. first day of Spring? whats that? LOL

  29. Hello...I m sorry about lot rain and dammagese but I understand because we have a lot of it here in my region!!I love very much your rabbits in cross stitch!!Today is spring and also for me a long list to do!Have happy days love!!

  30. We got tons of rain as well, we are just 13 minutes from the Louisiana border.
    Love your projects

  31. Marlene I love your Spring stitching, they are ever so cute! Your plants look lovely, there is nothing nicer than seeing the garden come to life again.

  32. che belli i tuoi lavori a punto croce....bravissima

  33. Never ending, indeed!!

    Hope you had a happy Easter! I had never heard of tulip trees until a few years ago. I sure wish they grew here! Enjoy your spring, Marlene--it reminds me that ours will be here before long now.

  34. I see Vinca and what I call House Leak.

  35. Marlene, you are one Busy Bee! I have to admit, I've never canned potatoes or Pinto Beans? Please tell me what to do? How much do I cook them...completely done? Salted /unsalted? Lbs. of pressure for how long?
    My mother used to can veg. soup and it was a life saver when I was teaching. Especially the fall Roger and I BOTH had MONO! My Mary Ellen was only in 6th grade and her cooking abilities were quite limited to breakfast foods, opening up a can and Mac. n Cheese. I would come home at 4, stumble to the bed or the recliner and sleep till dinner. Mary Ellen opened up the either Veg. Soup, or Chicken Stew. We would have starved if not for those canned soups. Please give me the tips I need to copy what you have canned!!!!

    We just got back from a week long trip back to Marshall Univ. for the Alumni Week-end which is an excuse to visit old friends. On the way up we visited 12 antique/junk stores in this one little KY town which was so quaint. We then got a sandwich ordered to go and found the local lake where we had a most pleasant picnic. Roger had to pull out his handy little portable fishing rod. On our trip home we traveled about 145 miles out of the way to visit Paducah KY & The National Quilt MUseum! Oh, Marlene, I don't know if you've been there before but it was an exercise in walking around with my jaw dropped to my chest! The exhibition highlighted Art Quilts, which I'm not a big fan of personally, but seeing these pieces of art up close was incredible. One of the sections featured quilters who were challenged to use materials not usually found in quilt construction. One quilt featured Sweet n Low packets stitched together with netting overlayed (sugar was still IN the packets!) One used ONLY DUCT TAPE and one was made from materials used in auto parts such as buffing cloths, nuts & bolts attached....It was a visual treat to say the least! The exhibitions are rotated every 6 months so I definitely want to go back!!!
