Monday, July 28, 2008

Notebook Cover

Lori at Mountain Woman At Heart asked if I would do a tutorial for this notebook cover. However, the pattern is copyrighted so I can't do that. I e-mailed the designer, Gretchen Thompson, who said it could be purchased at if you're interested. When I bought it in Houston in 2006 it was $8.98 and I assume that's still the price, but I'm not sure. It was well worth the price because I've made more than a dozen, closer to 2 dozen! They make great presents - all my daughters, granddaughters and friends now have them. :)


  1. Thanks for the info. I'm going to pass it along to Aunt Julie! You are quite a creative soul, aren't you?

  2. The notebook holder looks cute...I have never seen one.thanks for sharing.

  3. Hi Marlene,

    What neat gift idea!!!

  4. Can't help you with the cooking idea, nor am I handy with crafts. But this I can do...

    I can thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to comment on my son's reflection.

    You are precious and dear...a true friend and grandmother at heart!


  5. Thank you for coming by my place and leaving a comment. Comments make me happy!

    You've got a lovely blog here and are clearly one talented and very nice lady. I'm glad to "meet" you.

    As for a recipe, I have one you might like for the crock pot.

    Place a roast of your choice (beef or pork) in the crock pot and cover it with a can of cream/mushroom soup, a can of Rotel tomatoes, and 1 cup of dry pinto beans. Do not add water, do not stir.

    I think I cook it about 8 hours on medium.

    I know, it sounds nuts with no liquid, but it's delicious! We put it in tortillas to make burritos.

  6. Thanks for the link to this pattern. I just ordered it. These could make such a nice Christmas gift for my sisters and siter-in-laws. We don't actually exchange gifts but I usually try to make them something. Last year it was corn bags, this year, maybe notebooks!

  7. what a neat idea...I'll have to go check out the link........thanks for sharing!
