Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Other Blog

For those of you who are keeping up with my other blog,, there's a new post up.


  1. Thanks for telling us.... I will read it... I love reading about your mission and faithful journey.

    I am sorry that Mother Nature pulled a trick on you. She is doing that all over the country it seems. My Utah family left for church this morn in a snow storm too.... However we are basking in the sun here in CA. I suppose we are spoiled.

    If my crazy computer will let me I will hop over to your other blog and say hi. My computer no longer lets me pick which blogs I want to read.... it desides.... I can click on a blog all day long and my computer will only open it for me to read if it feels like it. If I were a swearing person I would certainly have some choice words for it.... but since I don't swear I have to do with giving it dirty looks... which has no affect on it at all. Oh well...

    I hope that you have a great week ahead....and as you say...blessings. Love, Lura

  2. Thanks for reminding me over here. I have gotten behind over there, but I will definitely be catching up soon.

    Look at all those books you've read this year! That is amazing. I was just at the library and didn't check anything out. I've got a couple of big ones to finish before I start anything new.

  3. I've been out of pocket lately, but I'm reading my favorite blogs -- didn't know you had another one. On my way right now.
