Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, September 25, 2009

I Have Never!

Ya'll we've been to Colorado several times and seen lots of elk. This is our favorite time to come because the dynamics of the males and females during this season is so fascinating. I believe this is the largest herd we've ever seen and for some reason this year they are very close to the road. They act as if the hundreds of people standing there with cameras in hand don't even exist.

Jerry said he counted 41 cows in this group. We couldn't get them all in one picture so I'm posting three.

Now usually there is only one male with any group of females, whether that group has one cow or 41 cows. They are very territorial. But this year there are often a half dozen males with any group. Oh, the women all belong to only one man but the other males watch him like a hawk and if they think he isn't looking they try to sneak in. The males lose several hundred pounds during this couple of months! They don't let down their guard long enough to even eat.

These two young males aren't really fighting. They are like two teenage boys wrestling on the living room floor trying to see which one is strongest.

They sort of lock horns and push, each one trying not to lose his footing.

They might stay like this for several minutes, then back away for a little while. Once they've gotten their breath back they go at it again!

I cannot describe the peace in this place. The mountains, the streams, the trees....

How could anyone look at this and not say How Great Is Our God!


1 Needled Mom said...

It is such a pretty place. Were you in Estes Park? It looks very familiar to me.

2 Val said...

This is absolutely beautiful. I have never saw anything so pretty. Have fun. Keep us posted. I love seeing your pictures.

3 Marie Rayner said...

Fascinating Marlene! It boggles the mind that there are people in this world that can see such beautify and still deny the existance of God doesn't it?

4 Michelle said...

Thank you for sharing your vacation with us. I love the pictures.
Be blessed,

5 Marge said...

Hasn't our God given us a beautiful place to live? Loved the photos again today. Thanks for posting them. Blessings, my friend

6 Marge said...

PS: What books did you bring along?

7 RaNae @EweCreekCottage said...

Thank You for your prayers there is an update on my blog today with praise and an explanation.
Your colorodo pics are amazing I'll be back to visit later
Thanks again and please don't stop

8 Ruth said...

It is wonderful and I agree! What a special trip!

Anonymous said...

I agree!
Mama Bear

10 Alice Grace said...

Oh my, those pictures are awesome! That is one part of the country I have not been to, and you make me want to go there! Thanks for sharing!