Tuesday, October 6, 2009

An Early Morning Sight

Last week we left Amarillo, Texas early in the morning for the last leg of our trip home. The sun was just coming up on the horizon and I was dreading the thought of facing it for several hours. I made my little nest in the truck....socks on (he likes air, I like heat), blanket in place, embroidery waiting for enough light to see by, and I was all settled. I looked up and this is what I saw.

What a lovely reminder for all travelers passing by that He is there. Beside the highway, in the truck with us, even lurking in the rest areas...He is there.


  1. I know exactly where that cross is. It's in Groom Texas. As my mother in law does the dishes it is located straight out her kitchen window! I've seen it many, many times.

    I hope you stopped, because it has life size bronze statues of the station of the cross.

    It's just awesome.

  2. Wow. Now that was beautiful. You sound just like me. Randy freezes me out so I always have a blanket and a jacket....well....that is until I get a hot flash!!!!! Then I freeze him out!!!

  3. Hi, Marlene. I've been away for a few days, enjoying God's handiwork at the coast. It's always a treat to catch up with your posts. Beautiful pics and beautiful text from a beautiful heart. Hoping little Eli and parents are doing ok.

  4. We take a lot of road trips, and sometimes along the highway we will see a big cross. Sounds like this might not be one of "those", but my husband is in the wireless phone business, and often those crosses are one of the sites, designed to the specifications of whomever they lease the land from. Your phone bill dollars at work! ;-)

  5. That is so neat. Louie and I and some friends were in Amarillo about 3 or 4 years ago, and unfortunately, we did not see this. Wish we had!
    Have a blessed day!

  6. A beautiful start to the day.
    I wish I could do needlework while riding. I get motion sickness very easily so all my time is spent staring out the window.
    Mama Bear

  7. That's absolutely beautiful, Marlene! What a lovely morning surprise.

  8. A wonder to behold........


  9. That first photo is just beautiful.

  10. Beautiful! Such a wonderful reminder of the truth that He will never leave us or forsake us! ~Adrienne~
