Not the Heavenly one but back to my old high school! This picture is from about 1915 and it looked a lot like that when I graduated in 1964. Forty five years ago. 45. I can't get my brain around 45. In 1964 we were finally allowed to wear pants to school, but only if it was a pant suit. No jeans, oh my heavens no. In 1964 McDonald's hamburgers were 15 cents and cokes were a dime and french fries were twelve cents. There was a gas war and gasoline was 18 cents a gallon. In 1964 I skipped school one day and drove (with a friend) to a town about 40 miles away to see my then boyfriend and now husband. When my mother found out she was horrified, not so much by the idea that I skipped school as the thought of me driving on the highway on BALD TIRES. But I got grounded for both. :) My skirts were below my knees until I left home when I promptly rolled them up so they hit just at the top of my knees. Shameless hussy. In 1964 I weighed 50 pounds less than I do now and I was an inch taller! In 1964 I had no stretch marks, no body parts that sagged, and my favorite outfit was a pair of wheat colored jeans (size 6), a blue button-down collar shirt, and Keds tennis shoes. I earned the money to buy that outfit for myself working at the dime store and I wore it every other day. Today I return to that place and, sort of, to that time for a high school reunion. Then I was shy, quiet, and felt very awkward. Today, not so much. Today I wonder why I was so shy, and why I was so quiet and why I felt so awkward. Teenage angst I suppose. Among other things. Then I knew who Jesus was. Today I know Jesus. It makes all the difference in the world.
I just happened to be on Blogspot searching for "other" interesting blogs when I got a message you had posted a new one. So...you attended school in Pine Bluff. Wow, your school was advanced in 1964. Girls could not wear pantsuits in my high school until I was in the 11th grade, 1970. No jeans. Nuh uh. No way. Mini skirts were okay though. How's that for rational? I love it when I read someone's blog and it creates in my mind a mental picture of something I recognize. Have a good homecoming. -Megan-
P.S. How's your baby nephew in Colorado? I mentally laid him in the lap of Jesus as I prayed for his healing. I just feel like he will be fine.
Secure in Christ is the best place to be!
That looks a lot like MY old high school in Oxford Junction Iowa. I'll have to see if I can find a picture.
Enjoy God's Blessings,
You are very brave to post and think about all that ... I can't remember any discussion or rules about wearing pants to high school - but we never did! I graduated in 1960. The big thing was guy's sideburns and wearing engineer
boots. I don't remember that girls were ever considered to be a problem.
I couldn't wear pants to school until around 1970 - your school was pretty progressive!!
I hope your trip is every thing you hope it will be!
Very interesting post, and brought back so many memories of my youth.......ohhhhh sooooo loooonnnggg ago!
Ark. must have been more progressive then Parma, Ohio...I graduated in 1965 and we were not allowed to wear pants. I did wear them walking to school in the cold under my skirts and took them off when I got to school! Oh memories!
What a neat post. I went to a very similar looking high school, they tore it down about 15 years ago. So much sweeter to know Jesus as apposed to just knowing who he was.
Oh how cute! But what I loved most was what you said at the end. You knew who Jesus was but now you know HIM. I just thank the Lord for me knowing HIM too. Where would I be without my Lord??
My brother graduated in '64. I remember him coming in one day and asking Dad for all the gas cans as there was a gas war going on.
He took the family station wagon and filled all cans that we had up.
I too worked at a dime store.
T G & Y. Some weeks I hardly came home with a pay check as I was buying for my up coming marriage.
Oh and to be a size 6 again!?!
thanks for the memories.
This was a wonderful post. I left grammar school (in England) in 1968 and we would have been hung, drawn and quartered for wearing trousers, even walking to school in winter.
love Angie, xx
This will be fun to hear about! YEA!
Oh, yes I remember those days. I graduated in 1965. If the principal thought our skirts werer too short he would make us get down on our knees on the floor. If the skirt didn't touch the floor we were sent home. Boys had to wear belts. Some of the boys today that walk around with their pants hanging down to their crotch should take a lesson. And do you remember those awful gym suits???
My sister graduated in 1964. Pants were still not allowed 3 years later.
Thanks for sharing the memories with us. Hope you enjoy your visit.
Mama Bear
Sounds like fun...can't wait to hear about it.
Oh how well I remember those days - but we were not allowed to wear even pants suits. I graduated in 1968. I remember at work when they finally said we could wear pant suits and the top had to come below our rear end. That was also the days of polyster.
OMGosh - I'm right there with ya! I just had my 40th HS reunion last year.
Yes, I love this post. I remember wheat jeans so well. Graduated in 1963, so I lived it all, just like you.
Yes, 1964 was my year also. My high school looked very much like yours. Girls were allowed to wear pants on Fridays only. They had to be western wear pants with a cowgirl shirt. You could wear boots, but I wore mocassins. Yes, I was also much more quiet and shy than I am today, and thinner, too!
Ah this post has brought back nice memories...even though I graduated two years before you did things were pretty much the same....except wearing pants to school. We could only wear capries...no jeans...to school one day a year during the last week of school. I graduated from college in 1967 and we could not ever wear pants to class even during the worst snowy blizzard. Wow have things changed....however, I wonder if that part is for the better. I was appauled by the clothes most of my students wore.
Like you I am much more confident as an adult than I was as a teenager. I wish that I could have know back then how nice my life would turn out. It would have saved me a lot of concern.
Have a nice reunion. I am sure that you will. Then come back and tell us all about it.
We had a blessed week last week. Come over and share our joy with me. Hugs, Lura
What a great story on life..... I want my daughter to read this....
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