Friday, October 9, 2009


We're babysitting with two of our grandchildren, just for a couple of nights. Unfortunately, S (the sister) is sick. I took her to the doctor where they took blood, swabbed her throat and nose, and said she tested negative for Strep and H1n1. When we were at the doctor's office she had only a low grade fever, but a nasty cough. Diagnosis: viral infection. Treatment: none really. It will run it's course. Except that afternoon her fever spiked to 103.2. A little tylenol, and a little ibuprofen 2 hours later and about 9:30 last night it broke. Since we were a bit concerned her mother left her meeting and came home. She wanted to take S home for the night to see how she did through the night and how she was this morning. B (the brother) didn't want to go home. He wanted to stay here. Ah I thought...he loves us! He e-mailed his mother that he wanted to stay here because a) he didn't want to pack his stuff again and b) grandma has strootls. Need an interpretation? He loves Toaster Strudels. :) I'm not above bribery.


  1. There's one things to say about grandkids, loyalty, to Grams. For sure. Don't you just love it.

  2. Sorry to hear about S, but gotta love the grandson!!! Hope she is better today.

  3. So glad S is better it was not H1N1, but I hope you don't get sick either or B. Aren't they sweet in the way they think? So logical

  4. Those dreaded viral is the time of year. Am nursing a head cold myself right now which I acquired in Oklahoma at son's house.
    Hope S feels good real soon and love on B while he is there!

  5. Isn't it great when grandkids want to stay at your house and not go home...I just love it when that happens. I also love it when I get a call and a little voice says "Grammy can we come for a sleepover?" Ahh, grandparenting is the best!!!
    Sorry that your little S is sick. I hope that she gets better soon.

    I've posted a "true confession".
    Drop by and see what John did.

    Have a great weekend. Love, Lura

  6. You sneaky Grandma! I can see you now...holding up the Toaster Strudels box and waving it back and forth! Anyways, hope S feels better by now and Grandson is enjoying his stay.


  7. I love toaster studels.....can I come stay overnight???? Please?????

  8. Grandma bribes are the best! He won't look back and remember the strudels~he'll remember a couple of super grandparents!

  9. It's not really bribery is it? I think its just lovin' all at one time when ever you have the chance:)

  10. Bribery is a virtue in a grandparent. Absolutely!

    We always talk about "coming down" off of Grandma's rules, which are:

    1. Whatever I want
    2. When I want it
    3. The way I want it
    4. As much as I want

    We are always more than happy to run the detox program, because it is worth it!

  11. This is exactly what happened with Brother the other day. Fever but tested negative for everything. He is better now. It just had to run its course. Hope S is better soon. That is so cute about strootls. I love it!!!

  12. I wonder what toaster strudels translate to in UK? Pop Tarts possibly. I hope S is on the mend now.

    Love, Angie, xx

  13. Hope the granddaughter is feeling better. If bribery works, so be it!

  14. It is so nice to meet you and thank you so much for your encouraging words!! I hope S is feeling better. B what a doll:)

  15. My mother was the best when it came to sick grandchildren. If they woke up sick, unable to go to school, they wanted to go stay at my mother's house for a full dose of pampering. They also loved to be with her when they were well. The guilt Granny made you IS perfect. That quilt to so ready for cuddling, no matter who is under it. My MIL has given us several, all hand quilted. I cherish them -- and use them. -Megan-

  16. Olá amiga!
    Seu cantinho é tudo de bom...
    Lindo, criativo e alegre...
    Parabéns pelo seu trabalho!
    Espero você em:
    Uma ótima semana!
    Beijinhos carinhosos.
    Itabira - Brasil

  17. Hi Marlene,
    p90x is a workout video that you do at home and you do it for 3mths or over and over again:) Should be lots of fun!! Thanks for your encouragement.

  18. Sorry the grandkids are not feeling well, but sounds like they are in good hands1

  19. If only we had more grandmas like you!! I just LOVE your granny quilt!! I'm a granny fan too!
